Why incorporate in Wisconsin?
Business Information & Rankings
- Wisconsin ranks 2nd -in percentage of total jobs that are in manufacturing. (Labor Statistics, 2004)
- Business taxes are lower in Wisconsin than those in 35 other states. (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, 2005)
- Wisconsin’s top five industries are dairy products, motor vehicles, paper, meat products, and small engines.
Cost of living
For Eau Claire, WI (2005) | Index Score |
Composite: | 97.2 |
Housing: | 93.5 |
Utilities: | 101.6 |
Misc. Goods & Services: | 98.4 |
Crime Rate
Wisconsin has the 11th lowest overall crime ranking in the U.S. (FBI, 2004)
Fees & Taxes
Business Inventory Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Wisconsin’s corporate tax structure consists of a flat rate of 7.9% on all corporate income. Additionally, there is no unitary tax on foreign-owned corporations.
Personal Income Tax
Wisconsin was the first state to require a personal income tax starting in 1911. The personal income tax consists of four brackets with a top rate of 6.75% starting at an income level of $132,580.
Personal Property Tax
Wisconsin is one of the 38 states that collect property taxes at both the state and local levels. Wisconsin does not assess a tax on intangible personal property.
State Sales and Use Tax
Base Rate: 5.00%
Machinery Rate: none
Wisconsin provides an exemption for machines and specific processing equipment, including safety attachments, and repair parts or replacements exclusively and directly used by a manufacturer.
Unemployment Insurance
Wisconsin’s new employers’ rate is 3.25% for 3 years.