Idaho Business License
Registering a new business in Idaho is one thing and making it operational is another. Some business entities are required to apply for a business license in Idaho in order to operate in the state. In some cases, a business entity requires just a permit to operate. The required license or permit in some cases may fall into a regulatory category and these are normally issued by different Idaho state agencies.
Idaho Business License Requirements
What are the requirements for obtaining a business license in Idaho? Which business entities require a license and which requires permits? How do you know what is required for your business entity? Who is the issuing authority for these licenses? These are some of the important questions that you might be confronted with and hence, we have created a guide that will help answer some of these questions.
The most important step towards acquiring a business license in the state of Idaho is identifying the type of business.
The Industry or Business Type
Which industry is your business entity a part of? In the state of Idaho, the requirement for a permit or business license is dependent on the type of industry. The industry or business type can be classified under:
- Manufacturing, processing, mining, and/or fabricating
- Agriculture/Animals/Water/Logging/Land Use
- Contractor improving real property
- Sales: Retail, wholesale, on-line sales
- Service businesses, including professional services and transportation
Let’s look at an example to understand this well.
If the business type is Services and can be classified as a restaurant establishment then you don’t require an Idaho company license. Instead you will require an “Eating & Drinking Establishment Permit”. The permit will be issued by the City Clerk’s Office of the specific county or city your restaurant is situated in.
If you are serving alcohol along with food and beverage business under services as type of business then you will require a business license to serve alcohol. The cost and type of business licenses will vary according to the city or county your establishment is operating from. Let’s look at the various licenses and permits for alcoholic beverages in Idaho Falls vs. City of Boise.
Idaho Falls
A business license in Idaho is mandatory for a restaurant or food establishment that is planning to serve alcohol in the premises. The license expires on December 31 and has to be renewed subsequently.
Alcohol in restaurant
- The license fee is $562.50
- The application has to be filed with the office of the City Clerk.
- The Alcohol business license will be issued by the Director of the Department of Law Enforcement of the State
On Premise Beer
- The license fee is $200
Alcohol catering
- If you are serving alcohol as a part of catering service then you won’t require a business license in Idaho.
- You will have to apply for an “Alcohol Beverage Catering Permit” though the catering permit is issued for a maximum period of three consecutive days and the fee is $20.00 per day.
City of Boise
A restaurant or food establishment serving alcohol must obtain a business license from the City of Boise. The license has to be renewed annually. It expires on December 31.
Alcohol in restaurant
- The license fee is $562.50
- The application has to be filed with the office of the City Clerk.
- The business license in Idaho will be issued by the Director of the Department of Law Enforcement of the State
On Premise Beer
- The license fee is $200
Alcohol catering
- If you are planning to sell alcoholic beverage at an offsite venue or during an event as a caterer then you won’t require a business license in Idaho.
- You will be required to apply for a permit. The permit application has to be filed with the Office of the City Clerk.
Essentially, the type of business license, the issuing authority, and licensing fee will depend on the city or county where your business is registered or based.