How to file a DBA in Pennsylvania
If you have a great business idea and want to launch a startup in Pennsylvania, then you will want to be diligent with your research. When starting a new business, there are several aspects that one needs to consider such as the structure of the company and the business name. You can use a traditional business name or opt for filing a DBA in Pennsylvania. We’ve created this guide to provide you with information concerning DBAs, conducting a fictitious name search in Pennsylvania as well as the filing, managing, renewals, and canceling of DBAs. The guide will also answer your queries related to the need for a fictitious name.
Doing Business As or DBA in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania is home to more than 1 million startups, as well as small and medium enterprises (SMEs). These include sole proprietorships, LLCs, corporations, e-commerce, and even home-based businesses. Whatever type of entity structure you choose; one of the necessary processes would be applying for a Pennsylvania DBA online. Every business needs a name to operate in the state. The DBA (“doing business as”) is known as a fictitious name in the state of Pennsylvania. You can get a DBA in Pennsylvania by filing the relevant applications, but it’s important to identify whether or not your business requires a DBA first.
What is DBA in Pennsylvania?
If you plan to register your company using a name that’s different from your legal name then it will be known as a DBA or a fictitious name. This type of business name is also commonly referred to as a “Trading As” (T/A) name or a “Trade Name”. Normally, when someone starts a new company or establishes a startup, their legal name (full name) is considered to be the name of the entity by default. In such a scenario, filing a DBA in Pennsylvania will provide you with an alternate name.
Example: If Janet Ward wants to start a Financial Consultant business then by default the name of the company will be her own name like “Janet Ward Financials”. If Janet wants to name her business as “Janet’s Financials” then she will need to submit a Pennsylvania DBA online application. When she registers the fictitious name application then her full name will not be legally attached to the business anymore.
There are several benefits when applying for a Pennsylvania DBA online, but it’s important to note that fictitious names have to be registered with the Pennsylvania Department of State’s Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations. A fictitious name or DBA will be governed by the 2020 Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes, Title 54 – NAMES, Chapter 3 – Fictitious Names.
When do you need a DBA in Pennsylvania?
The primary purpose of applying for a Pennsylvania DBA online is to notify the public of the state that you or your company are conducting business under a name that is different from your legal name. You can use any number of fictitious names as there are no prescribed limits in any state in the USA. If you’re wondering whether a trade name is necessary for your company then it’s important to understand that not every company requires a DBA. There are several reasons for adopting a DBA and conducting a fictitious name search in Pennsylvania. Some of the top reasons include:
- Type of Entity Structure – The need for a DBA depends on the type of company you’re planning to operate. If you start a sole proprietorship or partnership business then filing a DBA in Pennsylvania may be necessary. You may want to apply for a DBA if you want to operate under any name other than your legal name, or if you don’t want to use the full legal name of your business partner.
- Type of Business/Business Activity – Sometimes, a specific business type or activity may need to get a DBA in Pennsylvania. An example of the same would be franchise businesses.
- New line of business – If you’re already operating a business and want to diversify into new areas by starting sister organizations, then filing a DBA in Pennsylvania can be quite helpful. You’ll be able to market new products or services without having to register a totally new company.
Example: If you have an Air Conditioning installation and repair business named PA AC Systems LLC., and have planned to offer winter heating services. You could get a DBA in Pennsylvania as winter heating specialists for that part of your services.
Filing a DBA in Pennsylvania for LLCs and Corporations
A DBA (doing business as) is also known as a fictitious name in Pennsylvania and is governed by the Pennsylvania Business Laws. If you’re planning to form a business corporation or a limited-liability company in the state, then your first step is to choose a strong company name. You can start your business using your legal name or you can apply for a fictitious name. There’s a specific process for filing a DBA in Pennsylvania. The fees and process will be from the fees and process of applying for a traditional business name reservation.
Do a Pennsylvania Fictitious Name Search
If you’re planning to register a DBA name for your LLC or corporation, then the first step you will want to take is to choose a proper name and conduct a fictitious name search in Pennsylvania. If you’re a first-time business owner and want to know how the process of applying for a DBA works, then following these simple steps will help you.
- You can conduct a “Business Entity Search” using the online system of the Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations. This is a part of the state’s online filing system and database. This search will make applying for a Pennsylvania DBA online easier.
- You can also search for trademarks or federally registered names using the trademark database also known as a Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS).
Register Your Pennsylvania DBA
Conducting a fictitious name search in Pennsylvania will reveal the availability status of your chosen name. If the LLC DBA name is available, your next step is to register the fictitious name pursuant to 54 PA Cons Stat § 311 (2020). You will need to comply with certain state DBA naming laws. The following steps will help you when applying for a Pennsylvania DBA online:
- If you form a corporation or LLC then your chosen fictitious name may or may not need the use of corporate or LLC designators like corporation or limited.
- The use of the word “company” is permissible for corporations, sole proprietorships, and partnerships.
- The chosen fictitious name should be distinguishable from any other name existing in the records of the state department.
- The state has issued a list of restricted words and it is important to ensure that your trade name is compliant with these guidelines. When conducting a fictitious name search in Pennsylvania, you need to ensure the name doesn’t use words like “college”, “surveyor”, and “banker” among others.
- If the chosen trade name is available then you can continue applying for a Pennsylvania DBA online. You’ll need to submit the form for “Registration of Fictitious Name” along with a fee of $70. It must be submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of State, Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations at:
P.O. Box 8722
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8722
Telephone: (717) 787-1057
Filing a DBA in Pennsylvania is also possible using the state’s online filing system. Alternatively, we can help you register a DBA or an assumed name in the state of Pennsylvania for your business. When you submit a Pennsylvania DBA online application with us, you’ll benefit from our expertise and experience. We’ll also provide the necessary guidance to help you save time and ensure that your application is not rejected.
Register your Pennsylvania DBA with ease!
Pennsylvania Advertising Requirements
The next step after applying for a Pennsylvania DBA online or offline, is to officially publish a notice stating that you’ve filed or intend to apply for the registration of your chosen fictitious name. The information required in the advertisement is governed by 54 Pa.C.S. §311(g). The notice should be officially published in the county where the principal office of the entity is located. It’s also important to note that this advertisement is necessary for any name mentioned in (Box 4) of the registration form. The advertising is not required if the registration form does not list an individual.
Managing your Pennsylvania DBA
Filing a DBA in Pennsylvania is an important process but there are several other follow-up processes that every business owner should be mindful of. Each state has its own laws and regulations concerning fictitious names or DBAs. These laws are also applicable for the renewal, changing, or canceling of a fictitious name in the jurisdiction where you are planning to conduct your business. Let’s look at the various processes applicable after you get a DBA in Pennsylvania.
How to renew Pennsylvania DBA?
Once you’ve filed a Pennsylvania DBA online application, you won’t be required to renew it. There is no provision for DBA renewals in this state.
How to change a Pennsylvania DBA?
After filing a DBA in Pennsylvania, if you want to change the fictitious name or make certain amendments, there’s a separate process that you will need to follow. You’ll be required to file an update with the Pennsylvania Department of State using the form DSCB:54-312/313. This is also known as the “Fictitious Name – Amendment, Withdrawal, Cancellation” form. The amendment or change in DBA is governed by 54 PA Cons Stat § 312 (2020) you’ll be required to submit the form along with a $70 fee.
How to cancel Pennsylvania DBA?
Once you get a DBA in Pennsylvania, if you want to cancel or withdraw the assumed name, it’s possible through a process similar to filing a DBA name change. You’ll be required to submit the “Fictitious Name – Amendment, Withdrawal, Cancellation” form along with a fee of $70 to the Pennsylvania Department of State, Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations. Cancellation or withdrawal of a fictitious name in Pennsylvania is governed by 54 PA Cons Stat § 313 (2020).
Need Assistance with Filing a Pennsylvania DBA?
The process of applying for a Pennsylvania DBA online or offline requires you to provide information specific to the business. Whether you form an LLC, corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship, the information provided needs to be compliant with the state’s business name laws and federal trademark laws. The process of conducting a fictitious name search in Pennsylvania can be quite a confusing and daunting task. IncParadise can gladly assist you with this process. We have expertise and knowledge regarding the Pennsylvania DBA Regulations and can help you apply for a fictitious name.
We can also provide additional services that will ensure your other business requirements are fulfilled, such as getting a tax ID, S corporation status, and dissolutions among others.