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Michigan Business Name Search

Date: 03/31/2023 | Category: | Author: developers

A Guide to Michigan Business Name Search

When you are thinking of starting a new business, one of the first and most important requirements is choosing the right business name. This name will be the primary identifier for your company in the industry, at markets, with vendors, and with consumers. Choosing a name involves a process that involves a crucial component known as the Michigan business name search. This is also known as an entity search which may sound confusing to a first-time entrepreneur. Hence, we have created this guide to help you understand the importance and process of the business name search, the naming rules, and the various options available to check Michigan business name availability.

Michigan Business Entity Search

Legally creating a business entity includes selecting an appropriate company name and conducting a Michigan business name search. It is essential to choose a name that befits your company or business activity. It is important to focus on a unique and memorable name that will help your company stand apart from your rivals. Since the company name needs to be distinct, here are some tips to help make choosing the right name easier:

  • Choose a name that is easy to remember
  • You can use business name generators online
  • Try to choose a name that is not limiting in terms of business expansion
  • You can be creative with a company name
  • A name that conveys meaning or purpose is recommended
  • Use a variety of online resources for brainstorming company names
  • Follow the Michigan business name rules and guidelines

What is a Michigan business name search?

If you’ve decided to establish your startup in the state of Michigan, then conducting a Michigan business name search using the Corporations Online Filing System (COFS) can be quite helpful. Each state in the USA has a process for making information concerning business entities searchable. The governing authority for such a search varies from one state to another. For example, in some states, the entity search is facilitated by the office of the Secretary of State. If you want to conduct a Michigan business entity search then this will be facilitated by the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA).

Let’s look at an example to understand the concept and process of a Michigan business name search.

Example: You want to establish a new company in Michigan. The said business is a travel agency or tour operator in Ann Arbor, Michigan. You want to name it “Ann Arbor Travel”. Once you have chosen this name then the next step is to visit the website of the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) – Search for a business entity. When you check for Michigan business name availability then it will bring up a profit corporation with the same name and active status. This means you will not be able to use this name. Now if you change the name to “Ann Arbor Travel and Tours” and conduct the Michigan business name search again then it will show the availability of the said name.

Naming your Michigan LLC

Once you have a business plan in place, it is important to focus on naming your business. A company name is considered to be the primary business identification for that business. Therefore, you must take plenty of precautions when choosing a name. You can use the help of business name generators or similar tools and conduct an online Michigan LLC name search to determine the appropriate name. A business name carries a lot of weight and it is important to remember that it takes anywhere from 5 to 8 impressions for your future customers to remember the name. Let’s look at the two important points to consider when it comes to naming your limited liability company.

General LLC naming rules

One of the most important details to consider when naming your company is the Michigan business name rules and regulations. The naming and reservation of an LLC are governed by Act 23 of 1993 Michigan Limited Liability Company Act, MI Comp L § 450.4205 (2020). The general rules for an LLC name are:

  • It should have words like Limited Liability Company or abbreviations like LLC or L.L.C.
  • Names should be distinguishable and not contain words or abbreviations like Incorporated, or Inc.
  • The LLC should not refer to specific services like medical practices, attorneys, or even banks without obtaining the necessary licenses or permissions
  • You need to also check the restricted word list for specific industries or professions

If you follow the state naming guidelines then it will not only enable you to conduct a Michigan LLC name search properly but will also ensure your chosen name is not rejected.

Search LLC business name availability on the state’s Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs website

Once you have successfully conceived a name for your limited-liability company based on Michigan business name rules, the next step is to conduct an availability search. The Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) offers an online option to conduct a Michigan LLC name search. The following examples are of the different ways to search:

  • Search by Entity Name – This is the most common form of a Michigan business name availability search. This search is especially meant for new domestic and foreign entities. You can search for a name that begins with, exact match, keyword, and Soundex. Let’s look at an example to understand this process.

    Example: If your chosen name is “MOMLIFE APPAREL” and you conduct a search in the database for Michigan business name availability using just MOMLIFE APPAREL or MOMLIFE APPAREL LLC then it brings up a company that is active and based in Troy, MI. Now, if you tweak the name a little and make it MOMLIFE APPARELS then the Michigan LLC name search reveals that the name is available for reservation.

  • Search by an Individual Name – The second option is to search using an individual name. An individual name here can be the name of a resident agent, member, officer, or owner among others. This option can also be used for a Michigan LLC name search. As an example, if you type the word ‘Mark’ and search, then it will bring up 10,000 records in the database.

The remaining search options are to Search by Identification Number and Search by Filing Number. These are normally applicable for existing businesses that want to check their active status or for those looking for specific entities.

Do you want to form an LLC in Michigan?

Naming your Michigan Corporation

When we refer to a new company formation, branding and marketing, sales, banking, and customers there is one characteristic that connects them all and that is a company name. Your business name will help you in setting the overall brand image and tone where the customer expectation is concerned. These days there are plenty of online tools or business name generators available that can help you in generating a short, yet powerful name that is relevant to the ideology or goals of the company. This will help you quickly come up with a name so that you can conduct a Michigan Corporation name search. Let’s look at several of the details to consider when naming your new corporation.

General Corporation naming rules

One of the focal points of naming a corporation is following the state guidelines or Michigan business name rules and regulations. The naming of a profit corporation is governed by 2020 Michigan Compiled Laws, Chapter 450 – Corporations, Act 284 of 1972 Business Corporation Act (450.1101 – 450.2099), MI Comp L § 450.1211 (2020). The general naming rules for a profit corporation in Michigan are:

  • It should have words like “Corporation,” “Incorporated,” or abbreviations like Corp. or INC.
  • The name should be unique and should not imply that the said corporation has been organized for any purpose other than what is outlined in the articles of incorporation.
  • According to Michigan business name rules, certain words cannot be used like “security,” “industrial bank,” “trust company”, or “surety.”
  • You need to also check the restricted word list for specific industries or professions.

If you make sure that your chosen business name is compliant with the Michigan naming guidelines then it will help you to conduct the Michigan Corporation name search more fruitfully. Secondly, the chance of the chosen company name getting rejected will be minimized.

Search Michigan Corporation name availability in the state’s Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs website

Once you have identified a name for your corporation in compliance with the Michigan business name rules then the next step is to conduct a Michigan Corporation name search. This name availability search is facilitated online by the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA). There are different ways to conduct the name search and they are:

  • Search by Entity Name – This is the foremost option for Michigan Corporation name search. This search can be used by both domestic and foreign entities. You can think of any name and then apply search criteria like exact match, begins with, soundex, and keyword. Let’s look at an example to understand this process.

    Example: The name chosen for your corporation is “WALKER MANUFACTURING”. Now if you conduct a Michigan Corporation name search in the database using just WALKER MANUFACTURING or WALKER MANUFACTURING INC. then it brings up a company that is active and based in Wyoming, MI. Now, if you tweak the name a little and make it WALKERS MANUFACTURING or WALK MANUFACTURING then it shows the said Michigan business name availability. Now you can file the Application for Reservation of Name.

  • Search by an Individual Name – Another Michigan Corporation name search option is where the name of an individual can be the name of a resident agent, director, and president among others. This option can also be used for identifying Michigan business name availability. As an example, if you type the word ‘Godfrey’ or ‘Irwin’ then the search reveals 636 and 934 names respectively in the database.

There are two more search options, which are Search by Identification Number and Search by Filing Number. These search options are used by existing businesses and registered agents to check a variety of information like the active status or the filing of annual reports.

Are you thinking of registering a Corporation in Michigan?

Need any Assistance in Michigan Business Name Search?

A business name is the face of a company. Therefore, it is important to conduct a Michigan business name search while maintaining compliance with all state naming guidelines. The Michigan business name availability will help you to proceed with name reservation and also facilitate other processes like the filing of formation or incorporation documents, banking, issuance of licenses, and filing of taxes among others. The entire process of entity search may seem complex, if so then IncParadise can provide meaningful assistance.

We are one of the leading business formation service providers in Michigan. We can help you to conduct a Michigan business name search and provide the details of such a search. If you are planning to or forming a corporation or an LLC in Michigan, then we can help you with business related processes like the new entity registration. We also offer a host of additional services that will help you comply with annual requirements.

Do you want to start a new business in Michigan?

Michigan LLC and INC Annual Filing Requirements

Date: 04/11/2023 | Category: | Author: developers

Michigan LLC and INC Annual Filing Requirements

To start a new business in Michigan you must first choose the right entity structure. Whether you form a limited-liability company or a professional corporation, you will be required to file an annual statement. If you are wondering how to file an annual statement in Michigan, then this article will help you. It will provide an insight into the many facets of an annual statement including the importance of this report, the Michigan LLC annual requirements, the filing process, the due date, and the fees among others.

Michigan LLC Annual Filing Requirements

The chosen structure is a determining factor when it comes to the business formation process as well as state annual requirements. Michigan, like any other state in the USA, has certain annual requirements that every business must be compliant with. One of the key requirements is the Michigan LLC annual statement. The annual statement is another name for the annual report. This document contains comprehensive information concerning the financial standing of a company. Generally, an annual report includes the overall financial performance of the said LLC along with the various activities undertaken in the prior fiscal year. The Michigan LLC annual requirements will be different for domestic and foreign LLCs.

Michigan LLC Annual Statement

Most forms of businesses including LLCs have to be compliant with state laws including filing an annual report in Michigan. The annual report is known by many names such as, “statements of information” and “yearly statements”. The information required can vary from one state to another. The Michigan LLC annual requirements are governed by the 2020 Michigan Compiled Laws, and the filing of the annual statement will be in accordance with MI Comp L § 450.4909 (2020).

What does it include and how to file?

An LLC annual statement is a document that provides the state with updated information on the said entities operating in the state. If you are wondering how to file an annual statement in Michigan, it can simply be submitted online or by mail. According to the Michigan LLC annual requirements, you may be required to provide the following company information:

  • Business name
  • Entity ID (LARA)
  • Principal Office street address
  • Registered agent information
  • Purpose and Activities

When you file an annual statement, it is important to ensure that the information provided as a part of the Michigan LLC annual requirements, is current and accurate.

What is the due date for filing?

As a limited liability company, filing an annual report in Michigan is an important step toward maintaining an active status in the state. The annual statement must be filed by the 15th of February each year. If the registration of your LLC has taken place after September 30 in a given year, then you can skip the Michigan LLC annual requirements in the first year. The filing fee for the Michigan annual statement is $25.

For Example: If you registered or formed your limited liability company on April 22, 2022, then the Michigan LLC annual statement will have to be filed by February 15, 2023. Similarly, if your LLC was registered on October 22, 2022, then you don’t have to file the annual statement in 2023. You can file it by February 15, 2024.

Do you want to file an Annual Statement for your LLC?

Penalties if fail to file

The Michigan LLC annual statement must be filed by the 15th of February each year. It is an important annual state requirement. Failure to file by the due date will lead to penalties. There is an initial penalty of $50. If you fail to meet the Michigan LLC annual requirements for 2 consecutive years, then an administrator’s notice will be issued and the company will be regarded as “not in good standing” with the state.

By hiring IncParadise to be your Michigan Registered Agent you will then be able to benefit from using our entity management software. This software will send email notifications a month before the due date for filing an annual report in Michigan. Hence, you will be able to order it in advance and prevent any penalties.

Michigan INC Annual Filing Requirements

An annual report, also known as the Michigan annual statement, is a key business document. The annual statement is one of the integral Michigan Corporation annual requirements. This report is required to be filed by various types of businesses including domestic and foreign corporations. The report has to be filed with the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) – Bureau of Corporations, Securities & Commercial Licensing – Corporations Division. The requirement and the contents of an annual report will vary depending on the type of entity and the jurisdiction or state of formation. If you are wondering how to file an annual statement in Michigan, then you need to know that there is a process to file.

Michigan Annual Report for a Corporation

If you have already or recently registered a corporation in the state then you will need to maintain all Michigan Corporation annual requirements including filing your annual statement. Domestic corporations and foreign corporations will have to file their annual reports pursuant to 2020 Michigan Compiled Laws, Chapter 450 – Corporations – MI Comp L § 450.1911 (2020).

What does it include and how to file?

Filing an annual report in Michigan is important but the contents of the annual statement may vary from one state to another. It is not a financial statement but it may contain financial information concerning the said company. As a part of the Michigan Corporation annual requirements, the following information is required in the report:

  • Business name
  • ID number as assigned by LARA
  • Name and address of the registered agent
  • Statement of business purpose or general nature
  • Names and addresses of officers and directors
  • Signature and title of the person filing the report

It is important to ensure that the information provided in the report is current and accurate. Filing an annual report in Michigan for a corporation can be done online as well as through the mail or in person.

What is the due date for filing?

Once you’ve incorporated in the state, your company will need to be compliant with all Michigan Corporation annual requirements. Filing the annual statement will ensure your compliance and help your corporation to maintain an active status with the state. Filing an annual report in Michigan for a corporation requires you to be mindful of the due date, which is the 15th of May each year. The filing fee for the Corporation annual report is $25.

For Example: If you incorporated your company on June 10, 2022, then according to Michigan Corporation annual requirements, you will need to file the report by May 15, 2023.

Filing an Annual Report for your Corporation is easy!

Penalties if fail to file

Filing an annual report in Michigan by the due date is of vital importance. Failure to file the statement may lead to fees and penalties. According to Michigan Corporation annual requirements are governed by MI Comp L § 450.1921 (2020). Neglecting, failing, or refusing to file the annual statement will lead to a penalty fee of $10.00 for each month that the corporation is delinquent, and will not exceed $50.00. If a corporation is unable to file the annual statement for a period of 2 years then it will be dissolved 60 days from the date of the expiration of the 2-year period pursuant to MI Comp L § 450.1922 (2020).

Other Filings Requirements

The annual report or annual statement is one of the most important corporation or Michigan LLC annual requirements, but it is not the only annual requirement. Each state requires new and existing companies to remain in good standing with the state. This is only made possible by fulfilling all annual state requirements. In Michigan, other filings or requirements include state and business taxes. The business taxes are normally due on April 30th or by the end of the fourth month after the end of a tax year. Apart from this, you may also need to renew your state business licenses and county licenses annually.

Need any Assistance with Filing Michigan LLC or INC Annual Reports?

Annual compliances are different in each state of the USA. Therefore, the Michigan Corporation annual requirements might not be similar to Florida to Kansas. An annual compliance consists of business or state taxes, and filing an annual report in Michigan. If you choose us as your registered agent in Michigan then we can assist you with any information you may require related to the annual report. We can also help you avoid penalties by filing it by the due date.

IncParadise is an expert in new business formation services and understands that each business has different requirements. We are also well-versed with state laws regarding Michigan annual compliances. IncParadise can help you with your Michigan LLC or INC annual filing requirements. We also offer many additional services for Michigan businesses like EIN, certificate of good standing, and foreign qualification among others.

Need assistance with filing the Michigan Annual Report?

How much does it cost to form a Michigan LLC or Corporation

Date: 03/31/2023 | Category: | Author: developers

How much does it cost to form a Michigan LLC or Corporation?

You can form a wide variety of businesses in the state of Michigan from single-owner LLCs to large corporations. The state has a stable economy with its real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) crossing the $450 billion mark. The state is home to high-growth industries like Advanced Manufacturing, Engineering, Design and Development, Technology, Tourism, and semiconductors among others. If you want to start a new business or move an existing business to this state then it is important to identify the overall cost to form a Michigan LLC or corporation. This guide has been created to provide you with an insight into various aspects of LLC formation and incorporation in the state.

Choose a Michigan LLC or Corporation

To identify the forming cost for a Michigan Corporation or LLC, you will need to choose a structure for your business. In the state of Michigan, a professional corporation and a limited liability company are two of the most popular entity structures among entrepreneurs. Each entity structure has its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, you will need to choose according to your business objectives. There are several other details to consider while choosing a structure like the annual cost to form a Michigan Corporation or LLC, as these include business or state taxes as well.

Which business entity should I choose for Michigan business?

Michigan is considered to be one of the top states for forming a new business. One of the primary reasons is its business climate, which is extremely conducive for startups. The state has a diverse industry and abundant workforce along with a robust infrastructure. These features along with the cost to form a Michigan LLC or corporation will be decisive factors in choosing a business structure. Let’s look at some of the key characteristics of LLC vs Corporation in Michigan, which will help you determine the right structure for your business.

  • Ownership – A Limited Liability Company has members and can be a single-owner or multi-member entity. A corporation has shareholders who are considered to be the owners of the company.
  • Private or Public – An LLC is considered to be a privately held entity, while a corporation is a publicly-traded entity.
  • Limited Liability Protection – One of the principal reasons for choosing a business structure is liability protection. Liability protection helps business owners avoid any personal liability for company debts.
  • State or Business Tax – Taxes are considered to be a component of the annual maintenance cost of Michigan Corporation or LLC and the type and amount of taxes vary depending on the business structure.
  • Complexity – Entity structures are never the same and some entities have a complex incorporation or registration process. Some entities require more documentation like operating agreements.

Pros and Cons of forming an LLC or Corporation in Michigan

The overall cost to form a Michigan LLC or a corporation is dependent on several factors, some of which are considered advantages of the structure. You can choose from a wide variety of entity structures, although LLCs and corporations are the most favored types. Hence, it is important to recognize the assets, liabilities, and benefits of an LLC vs Corporation in Michigan, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of different structures.

Pros of an LLC or Corporation

  • You can start an LLC with a single member
  • The overall Michigan LLC cost per year is lower than some of the other business structure types
  • A limited liability company enjoys flow-through or pass-through income taxation
  • An LLC or corporation can choose to be taxed as an S Corporation
  • A business corporation can issue stock
  • Venture capital (VC) firms are more attracted to corporations than to other entity structures
  • A Corporation enjoys perpetual life

Cons of an LLC or Corporation

  • The cost to form a Michigan Corporation is higher than that of an LLC
  • Unlike an LLC or sole proprietorship, a corporation undergoes double taxation
  • Depending on the state of formation, LLC members are subjected to self-employment tax
  • There is a higher annual maintenance cost for a Michigan Corporation or LLC as compared to certain other entities

Michigan LLC Cost

A limited liability company is one of the most popular forms of business structures as it has several advantages over other structures. You can form a single-member LLC (SLLC) or a multi-member LLC and even apply for S Corporation status. The overall cost to form a Michigan LLC is low in comparison to other states. Let us take a look at the various costs you can incur.

Cost for forming a Michigan LLC

The Michigan LLC cost per year also involves expenses related to the new business registration, including the name reservation. These important expenses are:

  • If you are planning to form a Michigan LLC then the first step is to reserve a business name pursuant to the 2020 Michigan Compiled Laws. You will have to file the Application for Reservation of Name along with a fee of $25.
  • According to state laws, you will also need to hire and maintain a registered agent for the service of process. The cost or fee would vary depending on the service you have chosen.
  • The third and most important cost to form a Michigan LLC is the new business registration fee. You will have to file Articles of Organization along with a filing fee of $50. If you want to expedite the process then there will be an additional fee varying from $50 to $1000 depending on the service chosen.

Annual maintenance cost for a Michigan LLC

Once you have registered your limited-liability company in Michigan; it is important to ensure that you meet all state requirements including the annual maintenance of the business. This will involve Michigan LLC cost per year for keeping your business active as well as operational. The costs involved are as under:

  • Annual Report – One of the important annual requirements for an LLC is filing the annual report, which is known as the annual statement in Michigan. The fee for filing the annual statement is $25 and is considered an important cost to form a Michigan LLC. There is a specific date for submitting your annual statement and failure to submit can lead to penalties and even dissolution.
  • Taxes – A Michigan limited liability company is considered a “Pass-through Entity” therefore, the LLC will not be required to file any taxes. Instead, the members will have to file taxes for their share of the profits. There are other taxes that your company may also have to file, such as the Michigan Business Tax (MBT) This tax is also considered a part of the Michigan LLC cost per year.
  • Business Licenses – Another important annual maintenance cost is the Michigan LLC business licenses. If you don’t have the proper licenses or permits then you will not be allowed to operate your business. Business licenses in Michigan can vary depending on the industry or business activity and the county or city where the LLC is located. You may also need occupational licenses.

Forming an LLC in Michigan involves several processes including being compliant with the state’s annual requirements. The cost to form a Michigan LLC can vary from one LLC to another. We, at IncParadise, can assist you with the registration of your LLC in Michigan and provide valuable assistance and expertise based on your needs and requirements.

Form your new LLC in Michigan Today!

Michigan Corporation Cost

A corporation or professional corporation is one of the most popular legal business structures due to its flexibility and many advantages. The cost to form a Michigan Corporation may vary from one state to another and may also have multiple components. If you are planning to incorporate in Michigan then there are two expenses to be mindful of, they are the initial costs and the annual costs. These costs can be a one-time expense, as well as recurring. Let’s examine the various cost components for a better understanding.

Cost of forming Corporation in Michigan

The cost for forming a Michigan Corporation is dependent on several factors like the business name and the number of shares or stock. It is important to note that the incorporation process and cost for domestic and foreign entities would be different. The important fees related to forming a corporation in this state are:

  • One of the first vital fees for forming a Michigan Corporation is the name reservation. You will need to check the availability of the name, and then reserve it. You will need to file an Application for Reservation of Name with the Corporations Division along with a fee of $10.
  • According to the Michigan Compiled Laws, MI Comp L § 450.1241 (2020) you will need to hire and maintain a registered agent for service of process. The cost or fee would vary depending on the service you have chosen.
  • The most important cost to form Michigan Corporation is the incorporation fees. You will have to file Articles of Incorporation with the Michigan Division of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA). The incorporation fee will vary depending on the number of authorized shares issued e.g., if your company issues 60,001-1,000,000 shares then the fee would be $100. If you want to expedite the process then there will be an additional fee ranging from $50 to $1000 depending on the service chosen.

Annual maintenance cost for Michigan Corporation

Apart from the initial cost to form a Michigan Corporation, there are a variety of expenses associated with the annual maintenance of the corporation. The annual requirements are mostly recurring costs. The costs involved are as follows:

  • Annual Report – The most important annual maintenance cost of a Michigan Corporation is the filing of the company annual report. This is also known as the annual statement. The fee for filing an annual statement is $60. This report has to be submitted annually by May 15 of each year. If you fail to submit this report then it can lead to penalties.
  • Taxes – Once you form a business entity in Michigan, your company will be obligated to file annual taxes. This is considered to be a recurring cost in forming a Michigan Corporation. The most important tax for a corporation is the Michigan Corporate Income Tax (CIT), which has a flat rate of 6%. There are other state taxes that may also be applicable.
  • Business Licenses – Once you incorporate in Michigan, you will have to apply for and maintain business licenses and permits. These licenses help towards making a company operational. Michigan licensing depends on business activity or industry, occupation, and the city or county where a business is located. The costs of licensing vary according to these factors.

The cost to form a Michigan Corporation will also include other details like obtaining an Employer Identification Number (EIN) and amendments if necessary. We at IncParadise can not only provide proper guidance in fulfilling annual maintenance requirements, but also help you with the process of incorporation in Michigan.

Register a Corporation in Michigan with ease!

Need any Assistance in Forming Your Michigan LLC or Corporation

Whether you are thinking of forming an LLC or want to incorporate in Michigan, there are several procedures involved. There is a cost connected to each process including the annual maintenance. The cost to form a Michigan LLC or corporation will vary depending on the business entity and will be different for domestic and foreign entities. We, at IncParadise can provide valuable assistance by handling your new business formation or incorporation requirements while ensuring your company is compliant with all state laws.

IncParadise is one of the leading business incorporation and Michigan registered agent service providers. We have helped thousands of corporations and LLCs with their business registration requirements. We also provide a wide variety of additional services like getting a EIN (tax id), foreign qualification, and S corporation status among others.

Are you ready to form a new business in Michigan?

How to Register a Corporation in Michigan

Date: | Category: | Author: developers

How to Register a Corporation in Michigan?

Michigan situated in the Great Lakes region is becoming increasingly popular for its business climate. A survey has revealed that new and existing companies recommend the state as a good destination to start and operate successful businesses. If you are planning to incorporate in Michigan then this guide will be extremely helpful as it provides an insight into the various processes involved in new business formation. The guide will cover areas like benefits of incorporating in Michigan, naming of Michigan Corporation, various licenses and permits, annual requirements of the state, and opening a bank account among others.

Michigan Corporation

Entrepreneurs prefer to register a corporation in Michigan due to the flexibility of conducting business in the state. There are several factors including overall pro-business climate and infrastructure that play a key role in this endeavor apart from the various benefits of incorporating in Michigan. The state has a stable and growing economy and offers a wide range of small business incentives including tax credits. Some of the top corporations in the state include Stellantis North America (formerly Chrysler), General Motors Corporation, Airflow Sciences Corporation, Altair Engineering Inc., Lear Corporation, and Northwest Broadcasting, Inc., among others.

What is a Michigan Corporation?

A traditional C Corporation is also known as a business or profit corporation and it is one of the popular legal structures in the USA. If you are planning to form a corporation in Michigan then it is important to understand the entity structure. In terms of taxation, the owners or shareholders of a C Corporation are taxed separately from the company. If you are wondering how to form a corporation in Michigan then the process will depend on the type of corporation you want to form. The various types of corporation that can be formed in the state are:

  • Profit Corporations
  • Foreign Corporations
  • Nonprofit Corporations
  • Secretary of State Corporations
  • Professional Service Corporations
  • S Corporation
  • Ecclesiastical Corporations
  • Close Corporations
  • Certified B Corporations™ (B Corps™)

What are the benefits of incorporating in Michigan?

There are several benefits of incorporating in Michigan and these can vary from the advantages of the entity structure to various benefits offered by the state. Some of the most common benefits are:

  • Limited liability protection – This is one of the salient highlights or advantages of forming a C Corporation. It refers to the fact that once you incorporate in Michigan; the debts, liabilities, and obligations of the company will be separate from the owner and hence the owners cannot be held personally responsible towards the same.
  • Unlimited Shareholders – One of the top benefits of incorporating in Michigan is that your corporation can have unlimited shareholders. Shareholders play a key role like electing the Board of Directors of a said company. In a C Corporation, almost anyone can own shares and thus enjoy ownership and this includes non-U.S. citizens and even other business entities.
  • Preferred by VC Investors – If you plan to register a corporation in Michigan then the good news is that most VC investors prefer a corporation as compared to other business structures. This is because VC’s enjoy more flexibility investing and also because of the way it is taxed.

Starting a Michigan Corporation

Michigan is ranked as one of the top 10 pro-business states and is also becoming popular amongst entrepreneurs due to the access to the new as well as expanded corporate facilities. The state has a culture of innovation supported by strong industrial infrastructure and business incentive programs. The question is how to form a corporation in Michigan as there are several processes involved. So, let’s look at the various state requirements for new business along with important areas to consider.

1. Name Michigan Corporation

In order to form a corporation in Michigan, you will need to first identify and reserve a business name. In fact, naming a new corporation is considered as one of the most important processes. A business name helps in creating an identity for the said company amongst prospective customers as well as competitors. It is always recommended to choose a name that connects with the product or services offered although you can get innovative as well. There are certain naming guidelines of the state that you will need to follow and they are:

  • The chosen name should contain “corporation”, “incorporated”, “company”, and “limited” or the abbreviation like “corp.,” “inc.,” “co.,” or “ltd.,” pursuant to MI Comp L § 450.1211 (2020).
  • The business name should be distinguishable from the names of any other business entity that exists in the records of the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs including that of limited partnerships, LLC’s and other corporations.
  • The chosen name should not have any restricted words as mentioned by the state.

Once you have identified a business name; you need to conduct a name availability search or business entity search. If the chosen name is available then you have to file the Application for Reservation of Name with the Corporations Division along with a fee of $10. The name can be reserved for a period of six months. In order to understand how to form a corporation in Michigan, you need to first start by reserving a business name.

2. Appoint Michigan registered agent

There are many requirements that you will need to fulfill when you register a corporation in Michigan. One such requirement is that of hiring a registered agent in the state. According to the Michigan Compiled Laws, MI Comp L § 450.1241 (2020), you will be authorized to conduct business in the state if you continuously maintain a registered agent. IncParadise can be your Michigan registered agent as we have knowledge of the state laws and the processes involved for new business incorporation. We can assist you with all new business incorporation requirements and also help you with annual maintenance requirements in accordance with the state laws.

3. Hold an organizational meeting

When you incorporate in Michigan, one of the foremost requirements is that of an organizational meeting. This type of meeting is normally held for appointing officers, appointing directors, and issuance of shares in the said corporation. An organizational meeting is also held to fulfill other purposes like approving bylaws, setting up minute books, accepting the corporate seal, and even for setting up business bank accounts among others.

4. File Michigan articles of incorporation

If you are wondering how to form a corporation in Michigan then the most important step is to file incorporation documents with the state. You will be required to prepare and submit the Articles of Incorporation pursuant to MI Comp L § 450.1202 (2020). You can incorporate online or file the articles by mail with the Michigan Division of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA), Corporations Division. The fee for filing Articles of Incorporation will vary according to the number of authorized shares issued e.g., the fee would be $50 if you issue anywhere between 1 to 60,000 shares.

Alternatively, IncParadise can assist with the filing of your Articles of Incorporation with the state. We are one of the top incorporation specialists in Michigan and with our help, you will be able to ensure complete compliance with state regulations and this will help save valuable time.

Are you thinking of incorporating in Michigan?

5. Prepare bylaws for Michigan Corporation

When you register a corporation in Michigan, one of the key areas is the preparation of bylaws. The bylaws are necessary as they set forth the rules that will govern a for-profit corporation in the state. Corporate bylaws provide an outline on the various policies as well as procedures in relation with the company like appointing officers and directors, holding organizational meetings, handling any conflict of interest, and dissolving the company among others. The bylaws have to be adopted pursuant to MI Comp L § 450.1223 (2020) and § 450.1231 (2020). Unlike Articles of Incorporation, bylaws are not required to be submitted with the corporation division.

6. Get EIN for Michigan Corporation

Whether you register a Michigan Corporation online or offline, there are some annual requirements that every business needs to be compliant with. One such annual requirement is that of business taxes and in order to file taxes in the state, you will need to apply for and obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN). It is a unique 9 digit number that is assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to business corporations. It is also known as the Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) and is helpful for filing of business or corporate taxes in the state.

7. Open a bank account for Michigan Corporation

When you start out by forming a new business or a corporation, there are several areas that are critical to the overall success of the business like financial planning. One of the key areas of financial planning is setting up a business bank account. You can open a bank account before or after you incorporate in Michigan. There are many reasons and benefits of applying for a checking account like:

  • Keeps personal and business transactions separate
  • Ensures clean record-keeping and proper filing of taxes
  • It can help you to be legally compliant
  • Helps in providing financial security
  • Makes your business appear more professional to vendors and customers
  • You will be able to accept credit card payments

8. Comply with other tax and regulatory requirements

Once you form a corporation in Michigan, you will be required to file taxes each year. The type of taxes you may be required to file will vary according to the business structure and activity. As a corporation, the most important tax in the state is the Michigan Corporate Income Tax (CIT). Apart from this, your company depending on the business activity and employees may have to file sales & use tax, withholding tax, and other forms of miscellaneous taxes and fees. One of the benefits of incorporating in Michigan is that the state offers several tax incentive programs, which may provide quite some relief.

There is another important annual requirement that you will have to fulfill. The state requires every corporation to file an annual statement by May 15 each year. The filing fee for the same is $50.

Know more about starting a Michigan Corporation

If you want to register a corporation in Michigan then as a new business owner you will need information and resources that will aid in the process of setting up a new business. You can form different types of corporation and once you form a business there are other state annual requirements to comply with. Hence, we have created a special section of “Frequently Asked Questions” for addressing some of the queries that you may have as a new business owner.

How do I form a C Corporation in Michigan?

A C Corporation is known as a traditional corporation and you will be required to file Articles of Incorporation pursuant to MI Comp L § 450.1204 (2018). You can also register a Michigan Corporation online using the Corporations Online Filing System (COFS). There is an optional expedited service available where-in you will need to pay additional fee for expedited review and filing.

How do I form an S Corporation in Michigan?

An S corporation is a type of tax designation and is recognized as a legal entity. You will need to first incorporate in Michigan as a traditional corporation and then elect to be taxed as an S corporation. You will need to apply for and obtain an EIN before you can proceed further. The form required to elect S Corporation status is Form 2553, which is available with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The election of an S Corporation is governed by section 1362 of the Internal Revenue Code.

How do I form a Nonprofit Corporation in Michigan?

If you want to know how to form a corporation in Michigan, especially a non-profit then you will have to be compliant with the Michigan Nonprofit Corporation Act. You will be required to file Articles of Incorporation pursuant to MI Comp L § 450.2202 (2014). The filing fee for a non-profit is $20 and if you need to expedite the process then there will be an additional fee.

How much does it cost to start a corporation in Michigan?

If you want to form a corporation in Michigan then there will be starting costs associated with the formation. The cost may vary depending on the type of corporation and whether it is a domestic or foreign company. There are three cost categories for a corporation and they are:

  • Business Name – The cost associated with name reservation, name registration, or filing DBA
  • Cost of Incorporation – This includes filing fees for the Articles of Incorporation and cost of expediting if any
  • Business Licenses – This is considered as a variable cost as fee for licenses and permits depend on the business activity, location, and industry.

How do I look up a corporation in Michigan?

One of the important steps towards identifying and reserving a business name is searching for name availability. You can look up a corporation in Michigan, you will need to conduct a business entity search in the LARA Corporations online filing system. This is an exhaustive database containing the name of domestic and foreign entities registered with the state. You can conduct the search using an individual name, business name, and filing number.

How to register a foreign corporation in Michigan?

If you already own a company in any state other than Michigan and want to expand in this state then you need to apply for foreign qualification. This is a process by which you will be able to register a Michigan Corporation online. You will be required to file a Certificate of Authority pursuant to MI Comp L § 450.2002 (2019). You can submit the certificate online, through mail or in-person. You may also require a certificate of good standing depending on the laws of the home state.

Does a Corporation need a business license in Michigan?

Yes. If you are planning to register a corporation in Michigan and want to transact business in the state then you will require proper licenses and permits. The type of licenses and permits required will vary according to business activity and location. You may also require occupational licenses. You can subscribe to our Business License Research Report service, which provides detailed information on different aspects of licensing in the state.

How do I dissolve a corporation in Michigan?

There are several benefits of incorporating in Michigan but at any given point in time, if you want to dissolve your corporation then there is a specific process for the same. The dissolution process will be governed by 2019 Michigan Compiled Laws, Chapter 450 – Corporations, Act 284 of 1972 Business Corporation Act, 284-1972-8 Chapter 8 Dissolution. There are three ways of dissolution in the state and they are:

  • Dissolution by Incorporators or Directors
  • Dissolution by Action of Board and Shareholder
  • Action by Attorney General for Dissolution

You will be required to file a Certificate of Dissolution along with a fee of $10. It has to be filed with the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Corporations, Securities & Commercial Licensing Bureau, Corporations Division.

Ready to Start a Michigan Corporation?

You can form a wide variety of business structures in Michigan and one of the most popular is that of a traditional corporation also known as C Corporation. There are several benefits of incorporating in Michigan vis-à-vis other forms of business structures. If you are thinking of incorporating a domestic or foreign entity in the state then IncParadise can assist you with the registration process.

IncParadise is one of the top Michigan registered agents and we have helped with more than 10,000 new business formations. We also offer a wide variety of additional services in the state like foreign qualification, and EIN assistance among others.

Do you want to incorporate in Michigan?

How to form your LLC in Michigan

Date: | Category: | Author: developers

How to form your LLC in Michigan?

Michigan has the 4th lowest cost of living in the country. It is home to almost nine hundred thousand small businesses including limited liability companies. The state is also home to the highest concentration of computer software professionals and engineers. It is considered to have an overall good business climate. Many first-time business owners prefer to form their LLCs in Michigan. This article has been created specifically for new business owners and startups who want to know more about how to start an LLC in Michigan. This article will also provide an insight into the various features of an LLC including laws, regulations, requirements, fees, and resources like LLC names, operating agreements, annual statements, local licenses and permits, and LLC bank accounts among others.

LLC in Michigan

Michigan is one of the few states that is quickly becoming synonymous with innovation and attracting entrepreneurs to form a Michigan LLC. The state provides a variety of incentive programs and access to capital, making it much easier to set up a limited liability company. A new business requires different types of resources and there is no dearth of business resources including free consultations on starting a new business.

What is a Michigan LLC?

A Michigan limited liability company (LLC) is a specific type of business structure. It is also considered to be a favorite structure type among first-time business owners. If you want to file an LLC in Michigan then you can choose to form a single-member LLC like a sole proprietorship, or a multi-member LLC like a partnership. You can even opt for S Corporation tax classification in the future. The IRS defines an LLC as a “pass-through entity” for tax purposes. The business itself is not taxed but the taxes pass through to the members or owners. You can even form a foreign LLC in Michigan although the process will be different compared to a domestic LLC.

Benefits of forming an LLC in Michigan

If you want to form a limited liability company then a Michigan LLC registered agent will be able to help you with the entire new business formation process. They can also assist with the state’s annual maintenance requirements. Most first-time business owners choose to form an LLC due to the many advantages available to this type of structure such as:

  • Limited Personal Liability – One of the primary advantages that makes a limited liability company a favorable business structure is the limited personal liability. When you form a Michigan LLC, your business may incur debts. Unlike certain other entity structures, the owner or members of the LLC will be protected from such liabilities that occur due to company debts.
  • Favorable Tax Structure – When you file an LLC in Michigan, one of the greatest benefits will be the type of taxation it follows. A limited liability company is known as a “pass-through entity”, which means that the taxes will be passed on to the owners or members. Apart from this, an LLC can also choose to be taxed as an S Corporation.
  • The flexibility of Membership – One of the salient advantages of an LLC is membership flexibility. If you are planning to file a Michigan LLC application, then you can rest assured that the core members of your company can include partners, individuals, estates, trusts, or other business entities.

Forming an LLC in Michigan

Michigan is a popular state when it comes to starting a new business. You can file an LLC in Michigan with ease and enjoy several of the structure-related advantages, as well as the benefits offered by the state. To successfully form an LLC and make it operational, there are several key areas that you need to focus on. Let’s take a look at some of the important aspects of starting a new company in Michigan.

1. Choose a Michigan LLC name

If you are planning to form a Michigan LLC then you must first establish a business identity, meaning a business name. The brand name promotes customer retention by creating an influential first impression of the company. So, when you think of a business name, you need to also take into account the various state naming guidelines as governed by the 2020 Michigan Compiled Laws.

One of the most important Michigan LLC filing requirements for selecting a business name is making certain that the chosen name is distinguishable from any other corporations, limited partnerships, or other LLCs in the state. You can do this by conducting a name availability search in the state business name database. You will also need to ensure that the name contains words like “limited liability Company”, “limited company” or abbreviations like L.L.C or LLC.

2. Choose a Michigan LLC registered agent

Once you have performed a Michigan LLC search and reserved a business name, you will be ready to form your new company. The process for an LLC registration varies from one state to another and has several components like fees and compliance with business laws. One such compliance is to hire and maintain a registered agent in the state pursuant to MI Comp L § 450.4207 (2020). The primary role of a Michigan LLC registered agent is to provide the service of process. IncParadise can be your registered agent in any of the 50 states, as we are committed to providing a service of process, as well as other services including new LLC formations, annual statements, and assisting with other annual state maintenance requirements.

3. File LLC Articles of Organization

To form a Michigan LLC, you will be required to prepare and file your Articles of Organization pursuant to MI Comp L § 450.4203 (2020) along with a filing fee of $50. A Michigan LLC registered agent like IncParadise can assist you with the filing process. The Articles can be filed online using the COFS (Corporations Online Filing System). Alternatively, you can also mail them to the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Corporations, Securities & Commercial Licensing Bureau, Corporations Division. You will also have the option to expedite the processing, although there will be an additional fee depending on the type of expedited service you choose. Using an incorporation specialist or provider will help you to save time and avoid potential problems and delays.

Form your new business in Michigan Today!

4. Prepare a Michigan LLC operating agreement

To form a Michigan LLC and operate it successfully, you will need to understand what an operating agreement is. An operating agreement is a legal document that enables you to customize the terms of your Michigan LLC according to the specific requirements of its members. The document also provides an outline of financial and functional decision-making including, setting forth a path that the LLC can follow. The document helps bring more clarity to the overall management and operations of the company. However, the operating agreement is not one of the Michigan LLC filing requirements. Keep in mind, that according to MI Comp L § 450.4215 (2020), an LLC operating agreement with just 1 member is not unenforceable.

5. Obtain an EIN for your Michigan LLC

Once you have filed the Michigan LLC application, you will be required to maintain state annual requirements. One of the most important annual requirements is filing your state business taxes. To file these taxes, you will need to have a tax ID. A limited liability company will need to obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This number will vary depending on its membership structure such as a single-member or multiple-member company.

6. File annual statement

After you have completed your Michigan LLC filing online and have formed your company, you will be required to maintain state annual compliances. Of those compliances, one of the foremost important is filing your annual report, also known as the annual statement. Filing this statement or report will guarantee that the business will remain in good standing with the secretary of state. The Michigan LLC annual report has to be filed by the 15th of February each year with an exception for limited-liability companies formed after September 30th. This is one of the most important Michigan LLC filing requirements. It can be mailed, submitted in person, or filed online. It has to be filed with the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) – Bureau of Corporations, Securities & Commercial Licensing – Corporations Division.

Example: If you filed the Articles of Organization on August 10, 2022, then the LLC annual statement will be due before February 15, 2023. If your LLC Articles were filed on December 10, 2022, then the filing can be done before February 15, 2024, in which case you can technically skip one year. The fee for filing the annual statement is $25 and there can be penalties involved for late or no filing.

7. Check local licenses and permits

Filing to maintain your business license is another one of the most essential Michigan LLC filing requirements. Registering your business will not automatically make the company operational, you will still need to apply for the proper licenses and permits. The licenses needed may vary depending on the business activity and the location of the entity. Most states typically have three types of business licenses which include: state licenses, local licenses and permits, and federal licenses. You can apply for licenses and permits after you have filed a Michigan LLC application. The business licenses can be categorized as under:

  • Industry-based – Unlike some of the other states, Michigan does not offer a general business license. However, it does have an industry-based licensing system. For example, if you were to form a Michigan LLC in the health industry, then the licensing would be governed by the Michigan Public Health Code and issued by the Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA). Similarly, if you were to engage in insurance production, then the appropriate licenses will be issued by the Department of Insurance and Financial Services.
  • City/County Licenses – Local licenses are the second type of business license that the state has to offer. The location of the business will determine the types of licenses, fees, and renewals that the business will have to adhere to. The Michigan LLC filing requirements for licenses and permits in cities and counties governed by the local codes.

    Example: If you are planning to set up a new business in the City of Pontiac, MI then you will need to file the Application for Business License with the City Hall. The license fee would vary depending on the type of activity the business conducts. Some entities may require bonds similar to the way junk dealers require a bond of $1,000.

  • Occupational license – The Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) is responsible for issuing professional or occupational licenses. This type of license also depends on the business activity such as architecture, engineering, collection agencies, and personnel agencies among others.

Michigan business licensing requirements, regulations, and applications may seem like a complex process for first-time business owners. A top Michigan LLC registered agent like IncParadise can provide meaningful assistance through the “Business License Research Report” service. It’s a detailed report containing a list of filing instructions, supporting document requirements, and fees for all business licenses and permits in this state.

8. Open a Michigan LLC bank account

Keeping track of your personal and business finances is of the utmost importance. It is the major focal point of any new business. This is why applying for a business bank account can be beneficial to new business owners. You can open a business account before or after submitting a Michigan LLC application. A major advantage to opening a business checking account is that it automates bookkeeping while establishing a credit history for the LLC. Having all business income and expense transactions go through the dedicated business bank account will also make your state or LLC tax preparation easier.

9. Comply with taxes and other regulations

Once you file an LLC in Michigan, you will be required to comply with annual state maintenance requirements. Similar to the Michigan annual statement, filing your state or business taxes is equally important. The most common tax applicable to most entities is the Michigan Business Tax (MBT). Apart from this, there are several other kinds of taxes including sales & use tax, withholding tax, and other miscellaneous taxes and fees. The type of entity structure you choose will determine the kind of state taxes you will need to file. Therefore, LLC taxes may be different from corporation or partnership taxes.

Know more about starting an LLC in Michigan!

If you are thinking of submitting a Michigan LLC filing online then there are several details you must be vigilant about. These details will help you to thoroughly understand the new business registration process and provide insight into the LLC state formation requirements and regulations. For this reason, we have created a special section of Frequently Asked Questions for addressing some of these queries.

Is Michigan a good state to form an LLC?

The state of Michigan is gaining popularity for its pro-business climate. It has now become home to several Fortune 500 companies, large corporations, and even work-from home-startups. Some of the salient highlights of the state are:

  • There is no dearth of highly skilled talent in the state.
  • Michigan is a globally connected location and ranks third in terms of foreign direct investment (FDI).
  • It boasts of a culture of innovation and a low cost of living.
  • Michigan has a rapidly growing economy with a 1.8 percent increase over the last five years.
  • In terms of revenue and growth, it is home to several top industries such as advanced manufacturing and scientific and technical services.
  • The state offers several business incentive programs including Michigan Business Development Program (MBDP) and the Jobs Ready Michigan program.

How do I know if my Michigan LLC name is available?

Once you have identified or chosen a business name in compliance with the state naming guidelines, you need to conduct a Michigan LLC search. This is a name availability search in the corporation’s database. You can conduct a name search using the entity name, individual name, and even identification number.

How much does an LLC cost in Michigan?

If you want to start a limited liability company in Michigan then you will be required to submit Articles of Organization. The initial cost to file a Michigan LLC application is $50. If you want to expedite the process then the fee would vary according to the expedited service chosen. For example, the fee for a 24-hour service is $50, while the one-hour service is $1,000. Apart from the initial formation cost, there are fees for the name reservation, annual statement submission, application for business licenses and permits, and hiring a Michigan LLC registered agent among others.

Do I need a business license for my Michigan LLC?

Yes. A business license is required to make your LLC operational. You may suffer a penalty if you conduct business without proper licenses or permits.

Can I set up a single-member LLC in Michigan?

Yes. You can set up a single-member LLC in Michigan and most documentation will remain the same. You will need to reserve a business name, file the articles of organization, and apply for appropriate licenses.

What taxes does an LLC pay in Michigan?

When you form a Michigan LLC, you may be required to file a variety of annual taxes including federal and state taxes. Since a limited liability company is a flow-through entity, federal taxes apply to the owner or members. Apart from this, an LLC will also be required to file various state taxes like Michigan Business Tax (MBT) and Sales and Use Taxes.

Can I register a foreign LLC in Michigan?

Yes. You can register and operate a foreign LLC in Michigan. You will need to file a Certificate of Authority pursuant to MI Comp L § 450.5001 (2020). The application has to be filed with the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Corporations, Securities & Commercial Licensing Bureau, Corporations Division.

How do I dissolve my Michigan LLC?

Once you file an LLC in Michigan, you may have reasons for dissolving the company. According to state laws, MI Comp L § 450.4804 (2020), you will be required to file a Certificate of Dissolution along with a non-refundable fee of $10. You can file it online using the COFS (Corporations Online Filing System) as well as by mail.

Can I form Series LLC in Michigan?

A series LLC is considered to be a complex entity structure where an “umbrella” or “parent” LLC exists and one or more of the series LLCs are established under the parent. Currently, Michigan does not allow a series LLC option.

Ready to form a Michigan LLC?

One of the most popular structures in the USA is a Limited Liability Company. Choosing to form an LLC will offer you several benefits and advantages including tax benefits. You can form a single-member or multi-member LLC in any state by filing online or through the mail. If you want to form a Michigan LLC, then IncParadise can assist you with the process of registration for your new business in the state.

IncParadise is a highly reputable Michigan LLC registered agent and we have helped with the registration of more than 10,000 businesses. We also offer a wide variety of additional services like foreign qualification, EIN assistance, and certificate of good standing in Michigan among others.

Do you want to register your LLC in Michigan?

Start a Business in Michigan

Date: 04/11/2023 | Category: | Author: developers

Start a Business in Michigan

Michigan is a state situated in the Great Lakes region. This state has a strong economy and is currently witnessing one of the biggest manufacturing booms in the nation. Michigan has a robust economy supported by a strong infrastructure. This growing economy is attracting startups and first-time business owners to start a business in Michigan. Michigan is also home to several Fortune 500 companies and diverse industries from automobiles, to information technology, and iron ore mining. The state also offers several benefits and advantages, for you to utilize once you form a business in Michigan.

Entrepreneur’s guide to forming a business in Michigan

If you are a first-time entrepreneur or a small business owner then this guide will help you understand how to start a business in Michigan. From creating a business plan to naming your business, and identifying a structure, this guide should provide you with the tips you need to take the next step. Starting a company is never easy, especially if this is your first time. There are several details to consider when you start a business in Michigan, like the initial cost of forming a business. Some of these costs include a name reservation, registration of the company, and other miscellaneous costs.

If you are wondering what the different requirements to incorporate in Michigan are, then this guide will provide you with information on various state and government organizations and the resources they offer. These resources provide information on loans, small business grants, the process to register a business in Michigan, licensing, entrepreneurial training programs, and business taxes, among others. Hiring a registered agent in Michigan like IncParadise can assist you with the entire process of establishing your new business in the state.

Why do companies prefer to incorporate in Michigan?

Michigan is home to over nine hundred thousand small businesses as well as large corporations and multinational brands such as General Motors, Ford Motor, Penske Automotive Group, Whirlpool, and Kellogg’s among others. Incorporating in Michigan means you will also become an integral part of the state’s thriving economy as well as benefit from it once you register your business in Michigan. The state offers several advantages to all forms of businesses such as:

  • Pro-Business Climate – One of the primary reasons why entrepreneurs choose to form a business in Michigan is the great business environment. The state has just the right infrastructure to support a variety of industries and companies. Michigan is globally connected and provides access to a strong supply chain system that can help startups to grow and expand. There are 33 active deep-water ports, 18 commercial airports, and 26 freight railroads. Michigan is considered to be a leading destination for foreign direct investment (FDI). The Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) provides the information and support necessary to transform small businesses into profit-making enterprises.
  • Strong Workforce – If you start a business in Michigan then one of the primary requirements will be to acquire talent. Industry experts believe that Michigan is home to the workforce of the future. The state has a particularly high concentration of engineers, mostly due to the automotive industry. Some of the top universities in the state include the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Michigan State University, Michigan Technological University, Andrews University, and the University of Michigan – Dearborn among others.
  • Low Tax Burden – One of the reasons entrepreneurs prefer to incorporate in Michigan is because the state has a low tax burden. It is ranked 12th in the State Business Tax Climate Index by the Tax Foundation, thanks to the state’s good tax system structure. The corporate tax rate in Michigan is 6.0%, which is lower than in several other states like New Hampshire (7.6%), New York (6.5%), Pennsylvania (9.99%), and Washington, D.C. (8.25%). The state doesn’t levy any local sales taxes.

Steps to start a business in Michigan

Michigan is being favored by startups and small business owners due to an environment that is conducive to expanding business operations. There are a variety of industries with strong infrastructure, business incentive programs, innovation, and manufacturing; all of which are considered an integral part of the state’s industrial DNA. If you are wondering how to start a business in Michigan then let’s take a look at some of the fundamental details for establishing your business successfully in this state.

1. Prepare Michigan Business Plan

If you intend to start a business in Michigan then you will need a good business plan. A business plan is a strategic plan that will focus in detail on several of the elements that will have an impact on the short and long-term success and goals of the business. A business plan should be well thought out to prevent mistakes and even help with protecting your investment and that of the shareholders or other investors.

A good business plan should include all the details necessary to start a business in Michigan like financial projections, initial costs, competition, etc. A business plan typically varies depending on the business and industry type, but there are some common components such as:

  • Executive summary
  • Company description
  • Market analysis
  • Customer demographics and segmentation
  • Competitive analysis
  • Products and services
  • Branding and marketing
  • Cash flow projection
  • Logistics and operations

2. Attend Entrepreneurial Training or Development Programs in Michigan

Michigan offers several resources that can be useful during the startup phase or before you register your business in Michigan. One such resource is entrepreneurial training or development programs for small businesses. The primary objective of these training or development programs is to enhance your existing skill sets and arm you with the new skills, information, and tools that will assist you with business growth in the long run. These training programs will not only prepare you to successfully form a business in Michigan but also ensure that the overall operations run smoothly. The entrepreneurial training or development programs in Michigan focus on critical details like:

  • Technology business accelerators
  • Business development mentoring
  • Feasibility study
  • Business planning
  • Market analysis
  • Financial Assistance
  • Events connecting purchasers & suppliers
  • Capital Access programs

3. Choose a Business Structure for your Michigan Business

One of the first steps to take before you register a business in Michigan is to elect the proper business structure. Different states have different laws pertaining to the type of entities you can choose from, although some entity structures are common across states. Determining the structure has many benefits especially when it comes to taxes and limited liability protection. Some structures like LLCs or S Corporations enjoy pass-through taxation. If you are looking for a company where you have the sole power then sole proprietorships are a good option to look into. You can choose to form a domestic or a foreign business in Michigan. The entity structure options available in the state are:

A top Michigan registered agent like IncParadise can help you to form a new business in the state depending on the structure that you have chosen.

4. Naming Your Michigan Business

It is important to choose the right business name because it will play a major role in how you brand your company. The name of a company is considered to be its identity. You will need to choose a name before you register a business in Michigan. The business name can be based on several elements like an idea or a concept, products, the name of the owners, and services among others. This can be quite a challenging process. Here are some points to consider while naming your company.

  • The entity name will vary according to the type of structure e.g., the name of a limited liability company should contain words like “Limited Liability Company” or “limited company” or even abbreviations like “L.L.C.”, “LLC”, or “L.C.”.
  • The naming guidelines and process is governed by the 2020 Michigan Compiled Laws. To form a business in Michigan, you will need to adhere to these laws.
  • Once you have chosen a name, you will need to conduct a name availability search. This search will let you know if your company name is available or currently being used by another entity.

Most state laws allow you to reserve a business name for a specific amount of time. If you are planning to start a business in Michigan then you can reserve your chosen name for 6 months by submitting the Application for Reservation of Name with the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) – Bureau of Corporations, Securities & Commercial Licensing – Corporations Division.

5. Choose the Location for Your Michigan Business

If you are planning to start a business in Michigan then one of the key elements towards defining success is the location. When choosing your location, it is important to consider critical details such as:

  • Accessibility – The office or store should be easily accessible for customers or clients.
  • City centers – Some of the most common office spaces are located in city centers or commercialized areas, although the office rental prices may be higher.
  • Security – It is always recommended to choose a location that is not affected by crime or where the crime rate is very low.
  • Competition – The proximity to competing businesses may play a crucial role in determining your success or failure.
  • Skill base – If you want to form a startup or incorporate in Michigan then finding a workforce is important. Choose an area that has a good skill base.
  • Zoning/Permit – You will need to check the zoning laws in the cities or counties where you want to operate your business from. Some cities have minimal to zero zoning laws, while others have strict laws.

6. Register Your Michigan Business

If you are wondering how to start a business in Michigan then one of the first and most pivotal steps is registration or incorporation. Each state has its processes, forms, fees, and laws governing the new business formation process. If you want to register a business in Michigan then it is important to note that the process, forms, and fee may also vary according to the business structure. Here is an example for better a understanding:

Example: If you were to incorporate in Michigan or form a C Corporation then you will be required to file Articles of Incorporation pursuant to MI Comp L § 450.1202 – 1205 (2020). The Articles should include the name of the corporation as well as the purpose. The filing fee will vary depending on the number of Authorized Shares like the filing fee for 1-60,000 shares is $50 while that of 5,000,001-10,000,000 will be $500. Similarly, if you were to register a business in Michigan as an LLC then you will be required to file Articles of Organization pursuant to MI Comp L § 450.4203 (2020). The filing fee for an LLC is $50. The new business formation or incorporation documents have to be filed with the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Corporations, Securities & Commercial Licensing Bureau, Corporations Division.

Preparing the Articles of Incorporation or Organization is the most important part of the registration process. This process can be quite daunting. This is where a reputable Michigan registered agent service like IncParadise can assist you. We can help you register your new business in the state.

Planning to form a Company in Michigan?

7. Get Your EIN

When you start a business in Michigan, you must file the mandatory business taxes. Each state may have different types of taxes, but every company has to file some form of these taxes. To file the taxes properly, you will need to obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN). This is a unique Tax ID number that is issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). An EIN is also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number (FTIN) and is required by those businesses that have employees or operate as a corporation or a partnership.

8. Open a Business Bank Account for Your Michigan Business

Finances will be an integral part of the company’s day-to-day operations once you form a business in Michigan. Maintaining finance like payments sent or received can be exasperating unless you have a separate business banking account for the company. Here are several other benefits of having such an account:

  • It makes bookkeeping easier and helps during tax season
  • A business account provides legitimacy status to the IRS
  • This makes the process easier to apply for business loans
  • A checking account makes the company appear professional
  • Different banks provide several additional benefits like business credit cards and merchant services

9. Obtain Michigan Business License and Permits

Michigan is incredibly popular amongst entrepreneurs. It offers a business-friendly environment and boasts a low cost of living. If you want to register a business in Michigan and take advantage of this environment, then you will also need to apply for the necessary business licenses and permits. The importance of a Michigan business license lies in the fact that without it, you will not be allowed to operate your business in the state. However, not all businesses require a license.

The type of business licenses or permits required may vary according to the business activity as well as the location of your company. Let’s take a look at Michigan’s licensing requirements:

  • Licenses based on Industry – Unlike many other states, Michigan doesn’t have a provision for a general business license but it can vary according to the type of industry or business activity. Hence, a Michigan business license or permit will be issued by different state authorities depending on the industry. Let’s look at an example to understand this better.

    Example: If you register a business in Michigan as an Appraisal Management Company then you will need to apply for a license with the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. The filing fee will be $2,000 for the same and renewals will be triennial. Similarly, if you register a food establishment like a coffee shop or a sandwich shop then you will need to apply for the Food Service License Application with the Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development. The fee would vary according to the type of establishment.

  • City/County Business Licenses – The second type of Michigan business license that you may require will be based on the county or city you are operating from. The type of license, the licensing regulation, the fees, and the renewal will vary depending on the city or the county. The example below can help you understand this better.

    Example: If you are planning to start a business in Michigan as a Health Club in Lansing, MI then you will need to file the Health Club License Application pursuant to the City Codified Ordinances – Chapter 822.01 – 822.99. The license fee is $350 and must be submitted to the Lansing City Clerk’s Office.

You may also be required to apply for and obtain an occupational license depending on the business activity, such as those associated with engineering, architects, real estate brokers, and Appraisal Management Companies (AMCs) among others. The issuance and regulations concerning this type of Michigan business license are governed by the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA).

Since the business licensing regulations and requirements can be quite complex, IncParadise can provide meaningful assistance. We offer a specialized service known as the “Business License Research Report” service. This is a detailed report containing a list of filing instructions, supporting document requirements, and fees for all business licenses and permits in this state.

10. Register for Taxes

Once you start a business in Michigan, there are certain state requirements that your business or the owner has to be compliant with. Filing your annual business taxes is one of the most important state requirements. The type of tax to be filed by your company is dependent upon the entity structure. The taxes filed by a Michigan LLC might be different from that of a C Corporation.

The most common forms of taxes are the Michigan Business Tax (MBT) and the sales and use tax. You will need a Social Security number (SSN) or an Employer Identification Number (EIN) to file taxes.

11. Annual and Ongoing Requirements

According to the Michigan Compiled Laws, if you start a business in Michigan then you will need to fulfill certain annual requirements. One of Michigan’s biggest requirements is to file your annual report. Most entity structures are obligated to meet this requirement. This report is known as the Annual Statement in Michigan. Filing this statement will guarantee that your business enjoys an active status and remains in good standing with the state. The information required for the annual statement, the filing date, and the fee will vary from one state to another.

In the state of Michigan, the annual statement has to be filed each year by February 15 for LLCs. If you incorporate in Michigan then the filing due date will be May 15 each year. The filing fee for the annual statement is $50 and can be filed via mail, in-person, or even online. It has to be filed with the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) – Bureau of Corporations, Securities & Commercial Licensing – Corporations Division.

Some Important Quick Resources for Michigan Business

If you want to register a business in Michigan then there are several points to consider including the formation and operations. You will need information on how to start a business in Michigan, on various annual compliances, state ordinances and business laws, and business licensing among others. Hence, we have compiled a list of agencies where you will be able to find the information needed.

Michigan Secretary of State

One of the most pivotal repositories of business information is the office of the Michigan Department of State. Whether you want to incorporate in Michigan or form an LLC, you can find relevant information on starting a new business in the state. The office of the Michigan SOS provides a wide variety of resources and tools for small businesses including conducting a business name search and license or permit searches. They also provide extensive information on business taxes in Michigan as well as tax incentives programs.

  • Michigan Secretary of State
    430 W. Allegan St.
    Richard H. Austin Building – 4th Floor
    Lansing, MI 48918
    Phone: 888-767-6424
    Website –

Michigan State Treasury

The Michigan State Treasury handles all tax related submissions or filings. They are responsible for income taxes, property taxes, and employer withholdings among others. If you are planning to register a business in Michigan then you can find information involving business taxes, forms and instructions, and even new business registration.

Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs

The Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) was previously known as the Department of Commerce. They oversee professional licensing, employment, commerce, and construction. Some of the services and resources offered by LARA include the application and renewal of Michigan business licenses, occupational and commercial licenses, and general information on LLCs and corporations.

Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity

The Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO) is a state department that focuses on labor and economic opportunity. If you are planning to register a business in Michigan then you can find a wide variety of resources for small businesses including long-term workforce solutions, labor market information, financial incentives, start-up support, and virtual job fairs among others.

Small Business Administration (SBA) Michigan State District Office

The SBA Michigan district office provides a wide variety of business-related services like funding programs, federal contracting certifications, counseling, and disaster recovery. They have offices in Detroit and Grand Rapids. They also provide information on how to start a business in Michigan as well as loan and grant programs.

Michigan SBDC

The Michigan Small Business Development Center (SBDC) provides a variety of services to small businesses like business education, consulting, entrepreneurial training, and market research among others. Their objective is to help small businesses to achieve growth and expansion through innovation. They also provide actionable tools as well as opportunities, to help you to start your business in Michigan with ease

  • Michigan SBDC
    Seidman College of Business at Grand Valley State University
    50 Front Ave. SW
    Grand Rapids, MI 49504
    Phone: 833-522-0025
    Website –

Ready to start a business in Michigan?

Michigan has one of the most favorable business environments for supporting startups as well as medium and large enterprises. You can start a business in Michigan and achieve success and expansion although the new company registration process as well as maintaining compliance with state requirements can be a cumbersome affair. This is where a reputed Michigan registered agent like IncParadise can provide valuable assistance. We have a deep knowledge of state laws, business processes, and possess the experience as well as expertise regarding new business formation.

IncParadise is a top incorporation service provider in Michigan. We have already helped thousands of businesses in Michigan in forming their Limited Liability Companies or Corporations. We also provide additional services like EIN assistance and foreign qualification among others.

IncParadise can help you to start a small business in Michigan!