Why incorporate in Oklahoma?
Business Information & Rankings
- Oklahoma ranked among the Top 10 Pro-Business States for 2005 (Pollina Corporate Real Estate Report)
- Oklahoma ranked 7th on the Top 10 States with the Lowest Cost of Doing Business. (North American Business Cost Review, 2004)
- According to Economy.com, Inc., Oklahoma ranked 6th among the 10 states with the overall lowest labor costs. (2005)
- Oklahoma ranks 4th in the nation in the production of all wheat, 4th in cattle and calf production, 5th in the production of pecans, 6th in peanuts and 8th in peaches. (TravelOK.com)
Cost of living
For Tulsa, OK (2005) | Index Score |
Composite: | 90.7 |
Housing: | 74.0 |
Utilities: | 89.0 |
Misc. Goods & Services: | 101.6 |
Crime Rate
Oklahoma has the 39th lowest overall crime ranking in the U.S. (FBI, 2004)
Fees & Taxes
Business Inventory Tax
Taxed. Assessed on average value.
Corporate Income Tax
Oklahoma’s corporate tax structure consists of a flat tax of 6% on all corporate income.
Personal Income Tax
Oklahoma’s personal income tax system consists of eight brackets and a top rate of 6.65% starting at an income level of $10,000.
Personal Property Tax
Real property and tangible personal property are taxed. Personal property is assessed at an amount between 10% and 15% of its fair cash value.
State Sales and Use Tax
Base Rate: 4.5%
Machinery Rate: none
There is an exemption for tangible personal property, machinery, or equipment for use in a manufacturing operation.
Unemployment Insurance
Oklahoma’s new employers’ rate is 1.2% for 2 years.