Why incorporate in Kansas?
Business Information & Rankings
- Kansas ranked 1st on the Most Business-Friendly State Index (Forbes Magazine, 2004)
- Kansas ranked 6th on the Most Livable State Index (Morgan Quitno’s State Rankings, 2004)
- Kansas ranked 8th on the Small Business Survival Index 2005 (Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council)
Cost of living
For Lawrence, KS (2005): | Index Score |
Composite: | 97.6 |
Housing: | 98.5 |
Utilities: | 98.1 |
Misc. Goods & Services: | 98.9 |
Crime Rate
Kansas has the 33rd lowest crime ranking in the U.S. (U.S. Dept. of Justice, FBI, Uniform Crime Reports, 2004)
Fees & Taxes
Business Inventory Tax
Business inventory is exempt.
Corporate Income Tax
Tax rate: 4% with a 3.35% surtax is imposed on taxable income in excess of $50,000.
Personal Income Tax
Kansas’s personal income tax system consists of three separate brackets with a top rate of 6.45% starting at an income level of $30,000.
Personal Property Tax
Taxable. All individuals, companies and corporations who own or have subject to their control any tangible personal property must file a personal property assessment form. Intangible tax is assessed on money or deposits, stocks, and bonds. Real property is assessed and collected at the county level.
State Sales and Use Tax
Base Rate: 5.3%
Machinery Rate: none
There is an exemption for machinery and equipment used directly and primarily in manufacturing, assembling, processing, finishing, storing, warehousing, or distributing articles of tangible personal property in the state intended for resale by a manufacturing or processing plant or facility or a storage, warehousing, or distribution facility.
Unemployment Insurance
Kansas’ new employers’ rate is the average industry rate for 3 years.