Maryland LLC and Corporation Registration and Formation
Maryland LLC and Corporation Registration and Formation
Maryland is home to 581,712 small businesses with the Government sector producing $52.1 billion in revenue. Industries like health care and social assistance, professional and technical services, and retail trade witnessed a rise in the number of businesses and employment. There are several industries where you can form a Maryland business and enjoy economic and business growth including BioHealth & Life Sciences, Advanced Manufacturing, Energy & Sustainability, and Agribusiness to name a few.
How can you form a Maryland business? There is a procedure that is followed and we as one of the top Maryland registered agents can assist you with the incorporation or LLC formation process. This will ensure successful set up of your business!
Let’s take a look at how you can incorporate or set up your business in Maryland.
Maryland LLC Registration and Formation
LLC company formation in Maryland is governed by 2010 Maryland Code – Limited Liability Company Act, Title 4A. The procedure for registration and formation of LLC is as follows:
Step#1: Maintain a registered agent
One of the essential steps towards company formation in Maryland is hiring and maintaining an agent. Whether you form a domestic or foreign Limited Liability Company in the state, each business entity in the state is required to maintain a registered agent pursuant to 2010 MD Code § 4A-210. We would take this opportunity to share with you the fact that we are one of the top registered agents in the state and have been responsible for over 11,494 businesses set up in Maryland.
We are in compliance with all regulations in the State of Maryland.
Step#2: Name Reservation/Registration
A business name is crucial to the existence of any business entity and without a name, an LLC or business entity will not get registered in the state. A domestic or foreign entity can reserve their name for a period of 30 days pursuant to 2010 MD Code § 4A-209. Name reservation provides exclusive right to use a specified name. The name reservation application needs to be submitted to the State Department of Assessments and Taxation. The naming requirements for company formation in Maryland highlights the fact that the chosen business name should be distinguishable from the name of any other entity on the records of the state.
Step#3: Articles of Organization and Application for Registration
To initiate the process of company formation in Maryland, you will require registration documents specific to an LLC. These documents or forms are separate for domestic and foreign business entities.
- If you are planning to form a domestic LLC then you will have to file “Articles of Organization” pursuant to 2010 MD Code § 4A-204.
- If you are planning to form a foreign LLC in the state then you will be required to file “Application for Registration” pursuant to 2010 MD Code § 4A-1002.
The registration documents can be filed through mail, physical submission, or filed online with the State Department of Assessments and Taxation.
We can file the form on your behalf as your registered agent in the state and provide you with certified copies of the LLC registration.
In case, you have any questions regarding how to form a Maryland business, feel free to call us on 702-871-8678.
Maryland Corporation Registration and Formation
How do you form a corporation in Maryland? The incorporation will be governed by Title 2 (domestic) and Title 7 (foreign) of the 2015 Maryland Code, Corporations and Associations. The process of incorporation is as follows:
Step#1: Maintain a Registered Agent
One of the essential steps towards company formation in Maryland is hiring and maintaining an agent. Whether you form a domestic C Corporation or a foreign corporation, each business entity in the state is required to maintain a registered agent pursuant to MD Corp & Assn Code § 2-108 (2015).
We would take this opportunity to share with you the fact that we are one of the top registered agents in the state and have been responsible for over 11,494 businesses set up in Maryland. We are in compliance with all regulations in the State of Maryland and will assist you to form a corporation in Maryland.
Step#2: Name Reservation/Registration
You will be able to transact business in the state of Maryland only if you have reserved or registered a corporate name that meets the requirements of MD Corp & Assn Code § 2-106 (2015). You can reserve the chosen name for a period of 30 days pursuant to MD Corp & Assn Code § 2-107 (2015) and foreign corporations can register their name pursuant to MD Corp & Assn Code § 7-101 (2015). The forms are different for reserving and registration of name and have to be filed with State Department of Assessments and Taxation. The naming requirements for company formation in Maryland highlights the fact that the chosen business name should be distinguishable from the name of any other entity on the records of the secretary of state.
Step#3: Articles of Incorporation and Certificate of Registration
If you are planning to form a Maryland business entity then the most important step is to prepare and file the right registration or business formation documents. The documents or forms are different for domestic and foreign entities.
- If you are planning to form a domestic Maryland corporation then you will have to file “Articles of Incorporation” pursuant to MD Corp & Assn Code § 2-104 (2015).
- If you are planning to incorporate a foreign business entity in Maryland then you will be required to file a “Certificate of Registration” pursuant to MD Corp & Assn Code § 7-204 (2010).
We can help in streamlining the process of company formation in Maryland by filing documents on your behalf through the online process or through an expedited process.
If you have any questions regarding Maryland incorporation or LLC formation, you can simply visit the Maryland Business formation page.