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Date: 07/06/2015 | Category: | Author: Jakub Vele

Arizona LLC (Limited Liability Company)

 ORDER ONLINE: Use this online order form and pay by credit card.

 ORDER BY FAX: You can print and fax us this order form.

Frequently Asked Questions about Arizona Corporations.

Arizona Registered Agent

Date: | Category: | Author: Jakub Vele

Arizona Registered Agent / Resident Agent

Pricing $89.00 per year, special for pre-pay $40 per year

Don’t get fooled by companies claiming the lowest price and increasing it later. Our pricing is very simple. We charge $89 per year. We also have few specials. Whenever you decide to pre-pay additional years you get them for $40/year.

New Company

starting business
(new corporation, LLC, etc.)

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Change of Agent

changing existing agent to us

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existing clients for AZ resident agent

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Why you need a Registered Agent?

Arizona State laws require business entities to maintain a Resident Agent in the state that you form your business. The agent’s name and office address are included in the Articles of Incorporation or Articles of Organization to give public notice of where to send important documents to your business entity.

If you need Registered agent in other State than Arizona click here.
We offer Registered Agent service in all 50 States.

State Fee for changing Arizona Registered Agent

Resignation of Registered Agent: $10.00

Registered Agent Requirements

A registered agent may be an individual resident of this state whose business office is the same as the registered office, or a domestic or foreign company authorized to transact business in the state whose business office is the same as the registered office.

Arizona Annual Report

Date: | Category: | Author: Jakub Vele

Annual Reports for Arizona Corporations

There is no initial report (some states require that each corporation files Initial report approx. 30-60 days after incorporation). Arizona does not have an Initial Report requirement.

Arizona Annual Requirements
Each year in the corporation’s anniversary month the annual report is due. The state fee is $45. We charge $15 if you use our service for filing Annual Report.

LLCs do not have annual filing requirements.

Late Fees & Penalities
Penalties accrue until the report is filed/payment is made or until the corporation is administratively dissolved/revoked, which ever occurs first at a rate of $9.00 per month or fraction of the month, for Business/Profit Corporations.
If you need help we can file the annual report for you. To order our service online, click on the following link:

Arizona Corporation Annual Report Filing

Additional Services

Date: | Category: | Author: Jakub Vele

Arizona Additional Services

TAX ID (Employment Identification Number - EIN) - FREE

Self-Service: Obtaining a Tax ID number doesn’t cost any money. You can apply by phone, fax or mail. You can also call toll free at (800) 829 4933 and get EIN instantly over the phone. If you apply by fax, it takes about 4-5 business days. If you apply by mail, it takes about 3-4 weeks. Please find information about Tax ID – EIN here.

Full Service: Do you need assistance with obtaining a tax ID? We can help prepare the form and obtain the tax ID for $45. Order here Tax ID.


What is “S Corporation”?: An “S Corporation” is a corporation that elects to be taxed under Subchapter S of the Internal Revenue Code and receives IRS approval of its request for Subchapter S status. As a legal entity (an artificial person), the S corporation is separate and distinct from the corporation’s owners (the stockholders). Under Nevada incorporation law, there is no distinction between a C corporation and an S corporation. The incorporation process is the same. However, the two type of corporate entities are subject to differing federal and state tax treatment. Our cost is $45. Order S Corporation filing here.


Corporate kits start at only $82.50. LLC and INC. Click here to order corporate/LLC kits for any U.S. state.


We can help you submit the filing with FinCEN for your company. Companies formed in 2024 have 90 days to file initial reports after receiving official notification of their creation. Companies existing before 2024 have a deadline of January 1, 2025, for their initial reports. Those established after 2025 will have 30 days to file initial reports after registration.

Let IncParadise efficiently and affordably handle your BOI reporting with FinCEN, allowing you to focus on running your business and avoid costly compliance mistakes.


A certificate of good standing (certificate of existence) is a document issued by the Secretary of State certifying that your corporation does exist legally and that it is in good standing with the state. We can obtain one for you. The fee is $89 + state fee.


In 1981, the United States joined the 1961 Hague Convention abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents. The Convention provides for the authentication of public (including notarized) documents to be used in countries that have joined the convention. Apostille of Articles of Incorporation or other document is issued by the Secretary of State. Price is $89 + state fee.


If your charter was revoked and you want reinstate the company, you have to pay all due fees and penalties and file appropriate annual reports.

Do you need somebody to handle reinstatement for you? Please contact us! We charge $89. We can find out how much money you owe for state fees.


There are times when a business needs to change the information included in the Articles of Incorporation or Articles of Organization. To do this, you need to file an amendment with the Arizona Secretary of State. Some reasons a business may need to file an amendment are to change the company’s name, to expand or alter the company’s business purpose, or to change the number of authorized shares or par value (for corporations only).

Do you need somebody to handle the filing of amendment for you? Please contact us! We charge $89 + state fees. Pay by PayPal (our email address is paypal@


Registration of foreign company qualifying to conduct business in other states: If your company expects to transact business outside your state of formation, your company may be required to qualify as a “foreign corporation” or “foreign LLC.” We can file the necessary paperwork to qualify your business as a foreign corporation or LLC in any of the 50 states.
Do you need somebody to handle foreign qualification for you? Please contact us!

Read more information about Foreign Qualification here
Foreign qualification fees


Do you need U.S. street address as your mailing address. Mail is forwarded once a week. We offer mail forwarding service based in Las Vegas, NV.

There are two options:
$150 per year. $2.50 per mailout plus postage.
$99 per year. $5.50 per mailout plus postage.

To order mail forwarding, click here.


When you decide that you don’t want to continue business with your Arizona INC or LLC you should file DISSOLUTION. Dissolution means officially ending the life of your company.

The State filing fee is $35 + $89 for us to do the filing.

– Arizona LLC Dissolution Online Order Form


Business licenses are mandatory for every business in the USA to operate legally. You may require federal, state, local licenses, permits, and tax regulations for your business.

Obtaining business licenses and permits is a daunting and time-consuming process as it entirely depends on the business industry, location, etc. IncParadise makes the business license process easy for you by delivering a report that lists the required federal, state, local licenses, permits, and tax regulations. Our expert research team searches, identifies and verifies the local, state, and federal licenses and permit requirements for your business type and location. They then send you the report with a list of these business license requirements so that you can save yourself time and effort.

Order Business License Report


We offer brand-new local voice mail or fax number. We will also issue you a password that will allow you to access the voice mail system in order to retrieve messages and/or set up your own customized greeting. Faxes can be forwarded to your email. Service available in ARIZONA: Phoenix, Tucson. More details about local voice mail and fax services.


We offer the best toll-free numbers on the market. Nationwide businesses, mid-sized and small businesses, and families can order toll-free 800 services and get a number that rings directly to your home or business. Redirect it to your fax machine or cell phone and back as you change locations. Track calls on the Internet in real time. Select an easily remembered vanity number for your business. You will get: custom routing, voice mail, inbound faxing, website account management, call recording, lead generation, vanity numbers, national toll-free database search and much more!

More information here.


Date: | Category: | Author: Jakub Vele

Arizona Incorporation Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to reserve a corporate name?

No. Arizona law requires that your entity’s name be “distinguishable upon the record”. Before filing incorporation paperwork, you need to verify that the name you have chosen is available and distinguishable from other Arizona business names, but you don’t have to reserve the name.

How do I reserve a corporate name?

The reservation of your corporate name will be handled by IncParadise and is included in the price of our service.

How do I incorporate in Arizona?

When using our service, IncParadise will file, on your behalf, the required administrative forms and articles of incorporation with the appropriate Arizona agency.

AFTER FILING THE ARTICLES OR APPLICATION, THEY MUST BE PUBLISHED. Within sixty (60) days after filing with the Commission, they must be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the county of the known place of business in Arizona, three (3) consecutive publications of a copy of your APPROVED Articles of Incorporation or Application for Authority. Within ninety (90) days after filing, an Affidavit evidencing the publication must be filed with the Commission.

Is a registered agent required?

Yes. In Arizona, they are called statutory agents. The statutory agent in Arizona must be either (1) an individual residing in Arizona or (2) a corporation with authority to operate in this state. As part of our ongoing service, IncParadise does provide a registered agent service option that you can select during the online registration process.

How many Incorporators are required to form a corporation in Arizona?

One or more persons are required.

How many Directors are required to start a corporation in Arizona?

None. The board of directors may appoint the officers after incorporation.

Are corporations in Arizona required to file an Annual Report?

Yes. A report must be filed every year in an anniversary month determined by the Arizona commission.

How long does it take to register a company in Arizona?

Can take between 5 to 6 months, but can expedite Corporations and LLC’s for $35. Will bring the time down to 5 to 6 weeks.

Does Arizona need a Registered Agent?

Yes, the registered agent in AZ is called a Statutory Agent. The statutory agent must either be
(1) a natural person residing in the state or (2) a corporation which has been approved to serve as a registered agent in the state.

Do I have to publish my Articles?

You must publish your filed Articles of Incorporation and your Articles of Organization in a newspaper in general circulation where the principal business office is located for three consecutive days. You must prove to the state that the articles were published with a notarized affidavit usually given you by the newspaper where you published.

What is the Arizona Corporation Commission?
The Corporations Division of the Arizona Corporation Commission approves for filing all articles of incorporation for Arizona businesses.

Does Arizona have annual reports?

Annual Reports must be filed with the Arizona Corporation Commission every year in an anniversary month determined by the commission. The fee for the report is $45. It is filed online when the Original Articles have the signature of the Director on file. Copies for Annual Report may be printed from the Web Page.

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Advantages of Incorporating a Business in Arizona

Date: 06/26/2018 | Category: | Author: Jakub Vele

Advantages of Incorporating a Business in Arizona

When you think of a startup company in Arizona you will be confronted with several questions like, is setting up a business in Arizona a profitable venture? Are there any incentives for businesses? What is the tax situation? These questions might cause concern and hence the following information is an effort at alleviating your fears enlisting certain advantages or benefits that you or your business entity may derive in this state.

Business Growth Incentive for New Businesses

As one of the top registered agents in the state, we can help you register a new business in Arizona so that your business entity can benefit from several benefits, incentives, and advantages that the state has to offer. These will ensure long term growth and profitability for Corporations, LLC, Partnerships etc. Let’s take a look at some of the advantages:

Advantage#1: Salient benefits of Corporation or LLC formation


  • Limited Liability: In an Arizona corporation, the shareholders will enjoy limited liability where the corporation’s debts are concerned and will be protected from any judgments made against the corporations.
  • Additional Funds: When you register a new business in Arizona as a corporation, you will be able to raise additional funds through sales of stock.
  • S Corporation: At any given point in time, you can convert from a C Corporation to S Corporation status through a proper process. This election will enable your business entity to be taxed in a similar way as a partnership.


  • Limited Liability: As an owner of an LLC, you will be able to enjoy limited liability protection similar to what a corporation enjoys.
  • No Minutes of meetings: Unlike a corporation, an LLC startup company in Arizona will not be required to maintain any minutes of the meetings or resolutions.
  • Flexible Profit Distribution: An LLC has the benefit of being able to select different forms of distribution of profits.
  • Flow through Taxation: When you register a new company in Arizona, an LLC can benefit from the process of flow through taxation that will ensure there are no double taxations.

Advantage#2: Enterprise Zone Program

This is one of the most rewarding programs for a startup company in Arizona or new businesses registered in the state. The primary goal of the “enterprise zone program” is to ensure there is improvement in the economies of some of the distressed areas of the state. There is a range of incentives as well as initiatives being provided by the local government of each Enterprise Zone to encourage businesses to relocate to Arizona as well as grow in the proposed zone. The incentives and initiatives vary from financial or economic incentives to providing improved infrastructure, increased public services, regulatory simplification, and structural rehabilitation. Let’s look at some examples of incentives for businesses situated in the Enterprise Zones:

In Pinal County, incentives provided to businesses include – Low-interest business financing through the Pinal County Industrial Development Authority (IDA), Targeted Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Rural Development (RD) funds, and Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) among others.

Download Arizona Enterprise Zone Guideline​​

Advantage#3: Incentive Programs

If you register a new business in Arizona then you can take advantage of various incentives being offered by the state. Some of the important ones include:

  • Angel Investment Tax Credit Program: This program provides income tax credit to those “qualified investors” who invest in the early-stages of a “qualified small business.” The income tax credit can be equivalent to almost 30% of the investment amount, and it increases to 35% for those investments, which have been made in “bioscience enterprises” as well as a Startup Company in Arizona situated in rural Arizona.
  • Arizona Innovation Challenge: This is an Innovation Grant Program that is meant to enable the growth of early stage tech ventures. If you register a new business in Arizona, you will be able to benefit from the $1.5 million in grant funds made available by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).
  • Variety Programs: When you register a new company in Arizona, a range of other incentive programs can be benefited from including AZFAST Grants for Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR), Arizona Innovation Accelerator Program, Arizona Job Training Program under A.R.S. §41-1541 et seq., Foreign Trade Zone Program, Healthy Forest Enterprise Incentives Program (HF), and Pollution Control Tax Credit among others.

Are there any Disadvantages of Incorporating in Arizona?

When you register a new business in Arizona, you can benefit from the variety of incentives and business targeted programs but are there any disadvantages as well? There are a few disadvantages. For instance, the process of incorporation is time consuming and is more expensive compared to other types of business entities. Incorporation can also lead to higher overall taxes and also LLC’s will get dissolved if a member dies or the business is declared bankrupt. When you weigh the advantages and disadvantages however, the former is much more high and business growth oriented.

Order LLC now  Order INC now