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Texas Business Name Search

Date: 10/06/2021 | Category: | Author: developers

Texas Business Name Search

If you have a business idea and want to establish a startup in Texas then you need to start by zeroing in on a name for your company. A business name is an extremely valuable asset as it enables the creation of the brand and the entire product development, marketing strategy, and sales objective are backed by the name itself. Hence, this guide has been created specifically to answer certain aspects of business name availability and Texas business name search along with state defined Texas business name rules pertaining to names for corporations and limited liability companies.

Texas Business Entity Search

A business name is an identifier of a business just like the name of an individual is his/her identity. When you appoint a name for a startup or small business, you are basically creating an identity that every probable customer can associate with. The name of a company can also present a negative or positive image of the business and can also help in communicating your business branding and marketing strategy. Hence, it is quite important to conduct a Texas business name search. This search helps you to identify if your chosen name is not in existence or is not registered by another business in the database of the secretary of the state. In short, it helps you with Texas business name availability. The search is made possible through the “Texas Business Entity Search” option using state portals like SOS and Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts (CPA).

What is Texas business name search?

Whether you are planning to form a limited liability company or a business corporation in Texas; one of the first steps is to identify and reserve a business name. You will need to conduct a Texas business name search in order to identify whether your chosen business name is available or not. As a new business owner you may be thinking about what a Texas business entity search really is. It is basically a process by which you can find out information pertaining to the availability of a name within the state database. Let’s look at an example to understand this:

Example: If you are thinking of starting a travel startup called “Travel Hikes Inc.” then you need to first make sure the same name is not being used by any other business or your chosen name has not been reserved by any other company. This information is readily available in the state database and you will need to conduct Texas business name availability search at the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts (CPA) portal. Alternatively, you can also directly call the office of the secretary of state for preliminary determination regarding business name availability. Now if the name has already been taken then you will need to go back to the drawing board and come up with a new name. If your chosen business name is available then you will be able to reserve it with Texas SOS.

Naming your Texas LLC

A limited liability company is one of the most common forms of business in the US and Texas. There are several benefits that an LLC provides its owners or members including tax advantages and hence is an attractive entity type for first time entrepreneurs. In order to register your LLC properly, there are a few aspects you need to consider with the most important being naming of the Texas LLC. You have to identify a business name and conduct Texas LLC name search to identify and reserve the chosen name. You have to also ensure that the chosen name is in accordance with the Texas business name rules.

General LLC naming rules

The naming of a Texas LLC is fundamental towards the formation or registration of the new business in the state. When you decide to choose a name for your new LLC, it is essential to follow Texas business name rules so that the new name is accepted by the office of the Secretary of State. The Texas LLC naming and reservation is governed by Sections 5.101 to 5.106 of the Texas Business Organizations Code(BOC). The naming rules to follow are:

  • Distinguishable Names – Your business name should always be unique. In other words, the name under which a limited-liability company plans to transact business in Texas should be distinguishable in the database of the secretary of state pursuant to Business Organizations Code, Title 1 – general provisions, Chapter 5 – names of entities, registered agents and registered offices, Subchapter A, general provisions, Sec. 5.053. You can check for uniqueness by conducting a Texas LLC name search.
  • Name and Abbreviations – An important aspect of Texas business name rules is that the name of a Texas limited liability company and a foreign LLC should include “Limited Liability Company” or “limited company” in the name. An abbreviation of these phrases like “LLC,” “LC,” “Limited”, or “Ltd.” can also be used pursuant to Sec. 5.056 of the Business Organizations Code, Title 1, Chapter 5.
  • False Implication – Prior to conducting a Texas LLC name search it is important to ensure that the name doesn’t falsely imply affiliation to any government agency as governed by 1 TX Admin Code § 79.33.

Search LLC business name availability in the Texas Comptroller’s website

Once you have chosen a name in accordance with the Texas Administrative Code and the Texas Business Organizations Code (BOC), you need to conduct a Texas LLC name search. The Texas business name availability can be checked on the Texas Comptroller’s website under the Taxable Entity Search option. This will help you to check if your chosen business name is available or already in use by another entity. If the name is not available then you will have to go through the name creation process again and then conduct name search again. If your chosen name is available then you can proceed with reserving the name.

If you are wondering how you can form a Texas LLC then IncParadise can assist you with the process. We are one of the top registered agents in Texas with experience in helping several entrepreneurs start their new business.

Naming your Texas Corporation

A business corporation is one of the most popular forms of business in Texas and this is due to the several benefits or advantages it has over other forms of business. Limited liability, ease of ownership transfers, and perpetual life are some of the top benefits. Over and above all, business corporations attract investors and venture capitalists (VCs). If you are thinking of incorporating your startup in Texas then there are some aspects to consider like choosing a business name. In order to choose a name, you will be required to conduct a Texas Corporation name search to check availability of the chosen name. It is important to note that there are certain Texas business name rules that you have to consider while naming your startup.

General Corporation naming rules

The naming of a Texas corporation is one of the foremost requirements towards the incorporation of your startup. There is a process for choosing an entity name and the process includes the ideation phase, finalizing a name, conducting a Texas Corporation name search, and reserving or registering the name. When you are in the ideation phase or “finalizing a name” phase, following Texas business name rules is crucial towards acceptance of the name in the office of the Secretary of State (SOS). The naming of your corporation is governed by the Texas Business Organizations Code (BOC) and the Texas Administrative Code. The naming rules for a corporation are as follows:

  • Names should be distinguishable – The principal requirement according to Texas business name rules is that your chosen name should be clearly distinguishable from any other name in the database or records maintained by the Secretary of State. In other words, your chosen name cannot be the same or similar to a name being used by any other business registered in the state. The name has to be unique. A Texas Corporation name search can help you to determine if your name is unique or not.
  • Abbreviations – One of the important Texas business name rules is the use of words or abbreviations in the name of a business entity. The name of a Texas corporation, Professional Corporation, and foreign corporation must contain the words “incorporated”, “corporation”, “company”, or “limited”. You can also use abbreviations like “Inc.”, “Corp.” “P.C.”, or “Ltd.” pursuant to Sec. 5.054 of the Business Organizations Code, Title 1, Chapter 5.
  • False Implication – One of the salient aspects to remember prior to conducting a Texas Corporation name search is that the chosen name should not falsely imply any affiliation to a government agency.

Search Texas Corporation name availability in the Texas Comptroller’s website

The process of identifying the correct business name is crucial towards ensuring proper reservation of the business name. A Texas Corporation name search will help you in this endeavor by showing a database or record of all business names in the state, so that you can compare and ascertain if your chosen name is unique. You can conduct Texas business name availability search through the Taxable Entity Search tool on the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts (CPA) portal.

Are you a first time business owner wondering how to form a corporation in Texas? IncParadise one of the most reputed registered agents in the state can provide information and assistance towards helping you to incorporate in Texas.

Need any Assistance in Texas Business Name Search?

A business name is crucial towards creating an identity for a startup, which future customers or clients can relate to. A business name also plays a significant role in marketing and brand promotion activities. There is a creative side of a business name and then there is the process of registration, which requires you follow Texas business name rules.

You will need to check for availability of the new name and IncParadise can help you with the Texas business name search for your LLC/Corporation. We can also help you register your new business with the office of the Secretary of State and provide business focused additional services.

Want to start a New Business in Texas?

Foreign Qualification in Texas

Date: | Category: | Author: developers

Foreign Qualification in Texas

If you are based in any state in the US and want to transfer or expand your business in the “lone star” state then you will need to apply for foreign qualification in Texas. If you are wondering what foreign qualification is then it can be defined as the process by which you can register your business with the secretary of state office of the state you intend to operate in. A Texas foreign business registration will enable your company to pursue business growth opportunities legally without the need for incorporating or new business formation. This guide has been created to provide information on what Texas foreign qualification is and the requirements for different businesses.

Texas Foreign Qualification

The state of Texas is home to approximately 2.8 million small businesses including domestic and foreign entities and these businesses are considered as one of key drivers of the state’s economic growth. One of the reasons for Texas LLC foreign registration is that the state has a pro-business environment thanks to a plethora of business incentives, grants and financial assistance, skill development training programs, and Foreign Trade Zones (FTZ) among others. A Texas foreign business registration will enable you to access all state and federal incentive and business assistance programs that will not only lower the initial startup costs but also help balance long-term operating costs.

What is Texas foreign qualification?

Foreign qualification Texas refers to the registration of a new business with the office of secretary of state. Once you complete Texas foreign business registration, your company will be able to legally pursue growth opportunities in Texas (across home state borders) without having to incorporate or form a new business entity. This is normally the first step towards expanding any business to a new state.

The process of Texas LLC foreign registration or foreign incorporation may be different from that of other states and the regulations are governed by the Texas Business Organizations Code (BOC), Title 1 – General Provisions, Chapter 9 – Foreign Entities. Let’s look at an example to understand this:

If you have formed a domestic corporation in New York then this will be considered as your home state for business purposes. Now, if you plan to expand your operations to Texas then will you need to incorporate again in this state? No! You will be required to undergo the process of foreign qualification in Texas, for which you will have to submit the required forms according to the type of business with the Secretary of State pursuant to TX Bus Orgs § 9.004 (2019).

Along with the Texas foreign business registration, you will also be required to apply for and obtain business licenses or permits, provide a certification of existence, and hire and maintain a registered agent like IncParadise, so that state required annual compliances can be maintained.

Doing business in Texas

Doing business in Texas especially if your company has been formed initially in another state translates into the fact that it is a foreign company. Hence, the operation of such a company will be governed by 2019 Texas Statutes, Business Organizations Code, Title 1 – General Provisions, Chapter 9 – Foreign Entities. So what does “doing business in Texas” mean? It simply refers to the practice of transacting or conducting different business related activities in any state other than its home state or state of initial formation. When this happens, the said business has to apply for Texas LLC foreign registration or foreign incorporation.

According to the Texas Business Organizations Code, your company will be considered to be “doing business” in Texas and will be required to apply for Texas foreign business registration, if the following are applicable:

  • If your business has or owns a warehouse in Texas
  • If your company owns a store in the state
  • If you have an office or taken commercial space for business activities
  • If your company has single or multiple sales representatives in Texas

Texas Foreign Qualification Process

If you have a business and it is already operational in any other state like Wisconsin or Georgia and you are planning to expand your business in Texas then you will need to apply for Texas foreign business registration. The process varies from one state to another and filing of foreign qualification Texas application would be different for different forms of business. It is important to note that failure to register with the state can lead to civil penalty and even injunction from doing business in Texas.

Texas foreign Corporation registration

If you are planning to form a foreign corporation in Texas then you will have to file an application for registration, which was earlier known as the certificate of authority. You will have to file Texas foreign corporation registration with the office of the Texas Secretary of State. This application will ensure you are able to “transact business” in the state. The following steps will help you to identify the requirements for Texas foreign business registration.

  • Name Registration: The first step towards foreign qualification in Texas is to identify a business name and check name availability. In other words, you will have to conduct a Texas foreign entity search so that you can set forth the entity name that has to be registered. After conducting the search, you will be in a position to finalize the business name. Once confirmed, you can file the “Application for Registration of an Entity Name” pursuant to Sections 5.151 to 5.154 of the Texas Business Organizations Code (BOC). The name registration is an integral part of foreign qualification process and will be effective for a period of one year unless you file a notice of withdrawal. You will also have to provide a “Certification of Existence” along with the name registration application. The fee for filing the name registration application is $40.
  • Registered Agent: An important aspect of Texas foreign corporation registration is designation of a registered agent for the service of process pursuant to TX Bus Orgs § 5.201 (2019). You can hire IncParadise as your Texas registered agent as we are familiar with the process of foreign qualification and one of our top services is assisting with Texas foreign business registration.
  • Certificate of Existence or Good Standing: A certificate of existence is also known as a certificate of good standing and will be issued by the home state or the state where the foreign entity was initially formed. The certificate will be issued by the office of the Secretary of State or the Tax Department of the home state. You will be required to submit the certificate of existence along with the Texas foreign corporation registration application as well as the application for name registration.
  • Foreign Corporation Qualification: The final step in the Texas foreign business registration process is to file the “Application for Registration of a Foreign For-Profit Corporation” (Form-301) pursuant to TX Bus Orgs § 9.004 (2019). Some of the important information you need to provide include name of the registered agent and their registered office, Statement of Purpose, Certification of Existence, information of foreign entity’s jurisdiction of formation and incorporation date, and federal employer identification number (FEIN) among others. The application for Texas foreign corporation registration has to be submitted in duplicate along with the filing fee of $750 to the office of the Secretary of State in Austin, Texas.

Texas foreign LLC registration

If you are an owner of a limited liability company and you want to expand your business to Texas then foreign qualification is necessary. You will need to apply for Texas foreign business registration as this certificate will ensure you can legally operate in the state. There is a process for Texas LLC foreign registration and it is as follows:

  • Name Registration: Choosing a business name is an important aspect of Texas LLC foreign registration. It is important to ensure your chosen name follows the name availability rules as set by Section 5.153 of the Texas Business Organizations Code (BOC). Once you have chosen a name, you need to check name availability, which means it should be a unique name and is not being used by any other business in the database of the Texas Secretary of State. Once you have conducted your Texas foreign entity search and finalized a unique name, it is time to file the “Application for Registration of an Entity Name” pursuant to Sections 5.151 to 5.154 of the Texas Business Organizations Code (BOC). The process for name registration is fairly simple although you will be required to file a “Certification of Existence” along with the application. The filing fee for name registration application is $40 and it will be effective for a period of one year unless you file a notice of withdrawal.
  • Registered Agent: One of the important aspects of the process of Texas LLC foreign registration is designation of a registered agent pursuant to TX Bus Orgs § 5.201 (2019). You can hire IncParadise as your Texas registered agent as we are familiar with the process of foreign qualification and have the necessary expertise to provide service of process as required by Texas Business Organizations Code.
  • Certificate of Good Standing: The Certificate of Good Standing is an important official document that certifies the existence of a company and strengthens the fact that the said company is up to date where tax filing and state annual requirements are concerned. It is known as a certificate of existence in Texas and is a mandatory requirement for Texas foreign business registration. It is important to note that the certificate of good standing will be issued by the state of where the LLC has been originally formed.
  • Foreign LLC Qualification: The culmination stage in the process of Texas LLC foreign registration is to file the “Application for Registration of a Foreign Limited Liability Company” (Form-304) pursuant to TX Bus Orgs § 9.004 (2019). Some of the important information you need to provide include Certification of Existence, name of the registered agent and their registered office, Jurisdictional Information, Federal Employer Identification Number, and name and address of governing persons among others. The application for Texas foreign business registration has to be submitted in duplicate with the office of the Texas to the office of the Secretary of State along with the filing fee of $750.

Need Any Assistance in Applying for Texas Foreign Qualification?

If you have already registered a corporation or a limited liability company but want to expand your business in Texas then you will have to apply for foreign qualification in Texas. As one of the leading Texas registered agents, IncParadise can assist you with the process of Texas foreign business registration or incorporation.

We can also help you acquire a Certificate of Existence or Good Standing from your home state and provide you business specific additional services that will ensure you are in compliance with all requirements pertaining to Texas LLC foreign registration or foreign incorporation. We also provide foreign qualification services in all 50 states, which will enable you to expand your business to any state in the nation.

Do you want to apply for Texas Foreign Qualification?

Texas Small Business Grants

Date: | Category: | Author: developers

Texas Small Business Grants

There is an old saying, “you have to spend money to make money” and this holds true especially when you are starting a new business. There is a cost attached to starting any form or type of Texas business including home-based businesses. The initial cost for any startup could vary and you may find yourself over-shooting the predetermined budget. This is where Texas small business grants can provide the much needed financial relief. This article cum guide has been created to provide entrepreneurs with an insight into the Texas small business funding options available as well as other business incentive programs accessible in the state.

Doing Business in Texas

Doing business in Texas can bring growth and expansion for small and medium sized enterprises as it is one of the few states in the U.S with a strong economy and a pro-business climate. The real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Texas was $1.7 trillion U.S. dollars in 2020 and it is home to approximately 2.8 million small businesses. The state has been ranked #1 state in terms of exporting for 19 years in a row and #1 state in tech exporting for consecutive 7 years. Texas has reported a 60% increase in its export trade and the total output by businesses in June 2021 was $31.6 billion. The state is ranked amongst the top 5 in CNBC’s annual Top States for Business rankings while entrepreneurship has become the “Texas state of mind”.

Why do businesses prefer doing business in Texas?

Texas has become quite the favorite amongst first time business owners and entrepreneurs and this is owing to the numerous benefits the state offers including Texas small business grants. Texas has a vibrant economy and a robust infrastructure that supports and promotes business growth and expansion. If you plan on doing business in Texas then there are several factors and advantages that can help your business to achieve its mission, objectives, and profitability. Some of the factors are:

  • A Pro Business Tax Environment – One of the top reasons for doing business in Texas is the tax environment. The state has conservative tax policies along with streamlined regulations, which makes it ideal for starting a new business. Texas does not have any personal or corporate income tax and is considered to have a really low tax burden as compared to other states in the country. Texas small business incentives related to taxes is one big advantage like the sales tax exemption for manufacturing machinery and equipment and franchise tax exemption applicable for sellers, manufacturers, or even installers of different types of solar energy devices.
  • Business Innovation Platform – Texas is steadily moving forward towards a complete industry transformation as entrepreneurs doing business in Texas take advantage of the innovation and invention platform and environment. Some of the greatest industry-changing innovations have their origins deep rooted in the state and surprisingly, Texas has won more awards for a pro business climate and small business job growth than all of the 49 states combined. The state has innovation hubs, accelerator and Incubator programs, agencies that directly sponsor innovation and a host of Texas small business grants for entrepreneurs and startups.
  • Small Business Financing and Capital – Startups and small business owners often need funding in the initial phase of their business. The Texas small business grants program is one such avenue that creates funding opportunities for businesses based on size, industry, and location. There are non-profit lenders, Texas angel investors, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) financial backing, incubator funds, Texas small business funding for women, and startup business loans among others.
  • Deep Talent Pools – One of the primary requirements of every new business is a skilled workforce and Texas has plenty of that. In fact, the state has a growing workforce experiencing more than 3% increase in its civilian work force. There are top tier universities in the state that keep adding to the talent pool each year. Some of the big names include University of Texas at Austin, Rice University, Texas A&M University, and University of Houston among others. There are several training programs and skill development funds for business employees and entrepreneurs as a part of Texas small business incentives program and Texas small business development programs.

Small Business Incentive Programs and Grants in Texas

When you start a new business in Texas, one of the beneficial aspects is that you will have access to a variety of Texas small business grants and incentive programs. Every business has an initial cost attached to their inception and this cost varies according to the type of business activity and setup. Some businesses like those started from home have lower initial costs but some businesses like retail stores or restaurants have higher initial startup costs. In order to manage costs, entrepreneurs can apply for loans through Texas small business funding programs and even participate in incentive programs that provide a variety of tax credits and other benefits to offset long-term operational costs.

Incentive Programs

Incentive programs are governed or administered by state agencies and the Federal government. Each state in the US offers different types of state incentives to help small businesses in achieving different objectives. For example, the Texas small business grants provide financial relief or funding to startups. Similarly, there are a host of incentive programs that are targeted at encouraging higher productivity and increasing employee retention rates among others. You can qualify for these incentive programs when you start doing business in Texas. Some of the top incentive programs in the state are:

Texas Enterprise Fund

The Texas Enterprise Fund (TEF) is a type of business incentive fund that awards Texas small business grants to business entities that are planning a new project like opening a new facility or expansion. Cash grants for each applicant are calculated based on a uniform analytical model. The analytical model takes into account several factors like:

  • Average wage of all new employees
  • Expected timeline of hiring
  • Number of jobs being created
  • Capital investment by the business
  • The business sector in which the company is active

The Texas small business funding or cash award through the Texas Enterprise Fund (TEF) can vary from $250,000 to $50,000,000 and even more.

Events Trust Fund

The Event Trust Funds (ETF) program is a Texas small business incentives program, which comprises of three different funds, which are:

  • The Events Trust Fund
  • Major Events Reimbursement Program
  • Motor Sports Racing Trust Fund

The primary objective of the ETF program is to attract a variety of events in Texas. The program is governed by the Texas Administrative Code, Title 10, Part 5, and Chapter 184.1 – 184.51. The amount of Texas small business funding through this program according to the funding database shows that it can vary from as low as $9,891 to $30, 61,727.08 and even more.

Texas Enterprise Zone Program

One of the top Texas small business incentives programs is the Enterprise Zone Program (EZP). This program is a type of sales and use tax refund program that has been specifically designed for encouraging private investment as well as job creation in some of the most economically distressed areas within the state. The refund is administered by the office of the Texas Comptroller and to qualify for this refund, your company should be situated within the Enterprise Zones. You can check the Enterprise Zone Map to identify the distressed counties or zones. As a part of the program, if you are doing business in Texas in the enterprise zone then it is important to know that the maximum allowable refund varies on the basis of capital investment and maximum number of jobs allocated.

For Example:: Your Company located in the Texas enterprise zone starts a “Half Enterprise Project” with capital investment varying from $40,000 to $5,000,000 and the maximum number of jobs allocated is 250. The maximum potential refund through this Texas small business incentives program will be $625,000 and the refund per job allocated would be $2,500.

Product Development and Small Business Incubator Fund

The Product Development and Small Business Incubator Fund (PDSBI) is a type of Texas small business grants program with the objective of providing asset-backed loans to small business incubators or accelerators and product development companies based in the state. The program consists of two separate funding programs, which are:

  • Product Development
  • Small Business Incubator

This type of Texas small business funding specializes in providing financial assistance for development and production of new as well as improved products. In order to be eligible for this program, a business should have a minimum of 3 years of operating history.

Skills Development Fund

The Skills Development Fund is an innovative Texas small business incentives program that has been created to assist the technical colleges and Texas public community to finance tailored job training courses for local businesses. This business incentive program is administered by the Texas Workforce Commission and the grant is provided to startups and companies. The maximum fund made available is $10 million and this Texas small business funding will allow businesses to address the training requirements of their existing and new workforce.

Are you planning to start a New Business in Texas?

Financing and Capital for Small Businesses

One of the primary requirements of new businesses is access to financing and capital and this is where Texas small business incentives programs can be quite helpful. There are two types of financing available in the majority of the states and they are business grants and the traditional funding options. The objective of both these types of financing options is to ensure small and medium sized enterprises, newly found corporations, and individuals running home-based businesses can fulfill their short-term and long-term business requirements. Let’s take a look at the different types of Texas small business funding sources available:

  • U.S. Small Business Administration – The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has a presence in all the states including Texas. SBA offers loans as well as training to help small businesses with growth and expansion. They also provide Texas small business funding for crisis times also known as disaster loans. It is important to note that the agency will not be lending directly to a business owner but instead set guidelines for various loans and Texas small business grants made by community development organizations, partnering lenders, and various micro-lending institutions. SBA has offices in Dallas/Fort Worth, El Paso, Harlingen, Houston, Lubbock, and San Antonio. The loans offered by the agency for small businesses are 7(a) loans, 504 loans, and Microloans.
  • Texas Angel Investors – An angel investor is known by many names like a seed investor, private investor, or even angel funder. Although, they don’t specialize in Texas small business grants but assist small businesses and startups to funding and capital. Angel investors are high-net-worth individuals focusing on providing financial backing to small businesses, startups, or entrepreneurs. They provide Texas small business funding in exchange for ownership equity in a company and it can be a one-time investment or an ongoing injection of funds. The Texas angel network is divided into the following:

  • Non-Profit Lenders – There are different types of Texas small business funding loans and lenders including banks and credit unions. The non-profit lenders or non-profit micro lenders provide loans to those small businesses that may not qualify for any other type of loan. A non-profit lender would ideally focus on loans with amounts under $50,000. Some of these loans may be no-interest or even low-interest loans. Non-profit lenders in the state that you can apply for a loan while doing business in Texas include:

    • Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs)
    • PeopleFund
    • BCL of Texas
    • LiftFund
  • Texas Workforce Training Grants – The workforce training grants are administered by the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC). This is a Texas small business grants program that specializes in providing grants for small businesses. The primary objective of this type of Texas small business funding or grants is to ensure their employees can be inducted into various on-job training programs for skills enhancement. The training programs are provided through technical or community colleges as well as the Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX).
  • Federal Grants – Grants are financial awards that are administered by both federal and state government agencies. The top two Texas small business grants administered by federal agencies are the Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) program and the Small Business Technology Transfer Funding (STTR) program. The SBIR and STTR grant programs are highly competitive Texas small business funding programs, which are aimed at encouraging small businesses to engage in Federal Research and Development(R&D) with the idea of promoting commercialization. The other objectives of these federal grants programs are to stimulate technological innovation and increase commercialization of innovation among others. There are three categories of federal grants and they are:

    • Project grants
    • Formula grants
    • Block grants

Ready to Start Business in Texas?

Every business needs a little financial assistance when it comes to establishing its operations and Texas small business incentives and grants play a key role in providing the much needed funding. If you are thinking of doing business in Texas then the first step is to register a business as you can apply for these grants and incentives only after new business formation or incorporation.

IncParadise, an expert incorporation service provider in Texas can help you start a business in Texas, so that you can benefit from the state incentive programs. We also provide additional services and can help you with all your annual filings like annual reports.

Form a Texas new business today!

Texas Business Tax Guide

Date: | Category: | Author: developers

Texas Business Tax – Complete Guide

Once you start a new business in Texas there are several aspects to consider including making the business operational and keeping it active. Taxes are an integral aspect of every business and filing returns on time keeps a business on the good books with the office of the Secretary of State. There are federal taxes including income tax and then there is the state tax. State taxes can vary from one state to another like some states have franchise tax while others don’t. Texas also has different types of taxes for small businesses and this guide has been created to inform you about Texas business tax. The guide also provides an insight into how different businesses are taxed like Texas LLC taxes or corporate taxes.

Texas Business Tax

It is easy to register a new business but there are several Texas state requirements that a business has to fulfill in order to enjoy active status. One such requirement is filing of Texas business tax. Along with Florida, Washington, and Nevada; Texas is one of nine states where there is no personal income tax. The most common forms of taxes in the state are the sales tax and franchise tax and then there are business specific taxes including Texas corporation taxes. It is important to note that you need to have an Employer Identification Number (EIN) as a business and Social Security Number (SSN) as a sole proprietor to file taxes in Texas.

What taxes do businesses pay in Texas?

The truth is that no one wants to file annual tax returns but if you form a business in any state including Texas, you may have to file certain taxes. On a better note, entrepreneurs favor Texas to form their new businesses because it is a highly tax friendly state. This is more so, because the state does not have any personal Texas business tax or income tax. The state and local tax burden as a percentage of state income in Texas is 8.0% as compared to some of the other states like Indiana at 8.6%, Wisconsin at 9.4%, and Ohio at 9.2%. At the same time, there are business specific taxes like Texas LLC taxes and business activity specific taxes like the sales tax that a company may be required to file.

Franchise tax

Franchise tax is not imposed by the federal government as it is a state tax. The Texas franchise tax is different from other states that impose these taxes. The rule is that any taxable entity conducting its business in Texas is required to register with the state including limited liability companies including series LLCs, partnerships, S corporations, professional corporations, and professional associations among others are liable to pay a franchise tax. It is also important to note that sole proprietorships except for single-member LLCs are not required to file franchise taxes.

Texas business tax is also known as the franchise tax and the primary difference between the traditional corporate income tax and franchise tax is that in the former, the taxes are applicable on the profit while in franchise taxes that is not the case. The Texas business tax calculator for franchise taxes is based on computation of a taxable entity’s margin. There are four ways by which it is computed and they are:

  • Total revenue minus the cost of goods sold (COGS)
  • Total revenue times 70 percent
  • Total revenue minus $1 million effective from Jan 1, 2014
  • Total revenue minus the compensation

There are no minimum Texas franchise tax requirements in the state and any entity having an annualized total revenue of less than or equal to $1,180,000 will not be required to file taxes. This is also known as the “The Zero-Tax Threshold”.

You can use a Texas business tax Calculator to compute your franchise tax or based on the tax rates like the rate for retail and wholesale companies is 0.375%. The Texas franchise tax report forms also known as the “EZ Computation Report” is used for filing this tax. It has to be filed with the office of the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts (CPA). You can also file it electronically using the webfile systems.

Texas income tax

Texas has no state income tax or in other words, the Texas Constitution disallows any personal income tax (there is no income tax code). Instead, Texas relies on other forms of taxes like collecting sales and use tax as well as property tax. There are certain forms of taxes applicable only for business owners and their companies. All business structures except partnerships, which have to file an informational return, must file a Texas business tax annually. Some forms of income taxes filed in Texas are:

  • Self-Employment Tax – This type of income tax is applicable for those individuals who are working for themselves like freelancers. This tax covers Social Security and Medicare taxes.
  • Estimated Tax – This type of tax is filed on the income and includes self-employment tax. This is a type of Texas LLC taxes or corporation taxes.
  • Employment Taxes – This is an integral part of Texas corporation taxes if a corporation has employees. Employment tax includes Social Security and Medicare, Federal income tax withholding, and Federal unemployment (FUTA) tax.
  • Excise Tax – This is a form of Texas business tax applicable on those entities that use different types of equipment and facilities. This is also applicable for businesses that receive income through facilitation of certain services, and manufactures or sells specific types of products.

Texas sales tax

One of the most important types of Texas business tax is the sales tax although it is also referred to as the sales and use tax. This tax is applicable if a business sells taxable goods or services in the state. There is a state sales or use tax as well as a local sales or use tax. A business while transacting in the state has to collect 6.25% state sales or use tax.

If a business based out of Texas ships or delivers goods to their customers then such a business is required to collect local sales tax or use tax, or both. The local Texas business tax due should not be more than 2% and the maximum a business can collect 8.25 percent.

A business has to report their state as well as local sales and use taxes on the Texas Sales and Use Tax Return. In order to calculate the tax, businesses can use Texas business tax Calculator or the Comptroller’s online Sales Tax Rate Locator. The sales or use tax has to be filed with the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts (CPA) and you can also file it electronically using the webfile systems.

How are Texas Businesses taxed?

If you form a new business in Texas then the tax status of the type of entity you form is an important area to consider. Different types of entities will be taxed differently and the type of tax may also vary. Some businesses may be required to file Texas franchise tax as well as sales or use tax while others may need to file property taxes as well. Let’s look at the different types of entities and their taxations.

Texas LLC Taxes

Since LLC is considered to be a pass-through entity just like an S corporation, they are not liable to pay federal Texas LLC taxes by default and instead members have to file personal tax returns. The income earned from the business gets distributed amongst the existing members of the LLC and hence each member is required to file Texas business tax calculated on the amount they have received from the business.

Texas franchise tax is a type of tax that is applicable for most LLCs operating in the state. This tax return has to be filed with the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts (CPA). The franchise tax is one of the Texas LLC taxes that are calculated based on the “net surplus” or the net assets minus the contribution of its members’. If no franchise tax is due then an LLC is required to file the “No Tax Due Information Report”.

If a Texas limited liability company has employees then they will be required to file State Employer Taxes. This is another form of Texas LLC taxes that has to be filed with the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC). Last but not the least, if an LLC is selling goods in the state then it will be required to collect and pay sales tax or use tax. This type of Texas business tax is filed with the Comptroller of Public Accounts.

Taxes of a Texas C Corporation

A C corporation is also known as a traditional corporation and it is subjected to a standard business tax or the Texas franchise tax. The franchise tax is based on the revenue generated by the corporation annually.

Example: If you formed a Texas corporation and the total revenue generated in 2021 is $500,000 then it is less than the threshold of $1,130,000. Hence, your corporation will not be required to file any Texas corporation taxes or franchise taxes.

A C corporation in Texas will also be required to file Texas corporation taxes each year using Form 1120-U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return. If a shareholder receives a dividend from the said corporation then they will be required to pay income tax on that dividend.

Taxes filed by Texas S Corporation

An S corporation is also known as S subchapter and it is a legal business entity. In fact, S Corporations are popular designations and existing Texas LLC or C Corporations often opt to be taxed under Subchapter S of the Internal Revenue Code (IRS). Since, it is a pass through entity; the business is not subjected to Texas corporation taxes. However, you will be required to file Texas franchise tax based on the annual revenue generated by the business. Individual shareholders are not subjected to state taxes on their income.

If you have formed an S Corporation in Texas and if you are selling taxable goods or services then the S Corporation will be required to collect state sales or use tax along with local sales or use tax.

Texas Taxes for Sole Proprietorship

A sole proprietorship business also known as a sole trader is an unincorporated business with a single owner. A sole proprietor is required to report all business income and losses through their personal income tax return. This basically means that a sole proprietorship business is not taxed separately but the owner will be taxed on all the profits earned by the business, which is total income minus expenses. Sole proprietors in Texas are also required to make contributions towards Medicare and the Social Security systems and these contributions are classified under Texas business tax as “self-employment taxes”.

Texas Partnership and Taxes

There are different types of partnerships like limited partnerships (LPs), general partnerships, and limited liability partnerships (LLPs). If you start a partnership business in Texas then it will be subjected to Texas franchise tax. The exception to this tax is applicable for general partnership businesses that are solely and directly owned by natural persons. Whatever type of partnership you form; individual partners will not be subjected to state tax on any income distributed amongst partners.

Ready to Incorporate your Texas Company?

Whether you are planning to form a limited liability company (LLC), traditional corporation, or an S Corporation in Texas, the new business formation process can be quite extensive, and time consuming. This is where IncParadise comes in. We can provide your business with meaningful assistance as we are an expert incorporation service provider in Texas and can help to register your LLC or corporation in Texas.

Once you have formed a new business there are several annual and periodic Texas state requirements that you will be required to fulfill in order to enjoy active status. Our registered agent services for new and existing businesses will not only assist with new business formation but also receive legal and official documents on your behalf. IncParadise also offers several additional services like Texas domestication, foreign qualification, and filing DBA among others.

Do you want to Form your company in Texas?

How to get a business license in Texas?

Date: | Category: | Author: developers

How to get a business license in Texas?

Texas is one of the top destinations where setting up a new business is concerned. Once you have registered your LLC, Corporation, or any other business, all you require is a Texas business license to make the company operational. Different states have different licensing requirements and hence we have created this guide to provide you with information pertaining to Texas business license and permits, state licensing requirements, licensing costs, licenses for specific occupations and professions, documents required, and zoning regulations among others.

Business License in Texas

Texas is considered as one of the economically resilient states and has made some astounding economic recoveries in the past. It is home to 25 Fortune 500 companies including American Airlines Group, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Energy Transfer, Valero Energy, and Dell Technologies among others. If you are planning to become a part of the growing economy then one of the important requirements is a Texas business license.

What business license do I need in Texas?

Texas is home to some of the strongest industries known for faster and higher growth include retail trade, leisure and hospitality, business and professional services, manufacturing industry, financial services, and the energy sector among others. The type of Texas business license you require will depend on the industry your business is in and the type of activity your company specializes in. The State of Texas does not require you to obtain a Texas business license or general license. If your business is transacting in the state then the certificate of formation from the office of Secretary of State along with an assumed name certificate provided by the office of the county clerk is considered as a general business license.

Your business may require a single license or multiple licenses and permits. Once you obtain a Texas business license, in order to ensure the operational status, you will be required to renew licenses and permits annually or as required by the state and counties. Business licenses can be divided into the following categories in Texas:

  • Sales Tax Permit
  • Licenses and Permits for specific business activities
  • Professional and occupational licenses

Sales Tax Permit

There are no general business licenses applicable in Texas but a sales tax permit is a type of general Texas business license for entities that have a physical presence in the state. A sales tax permit is required if:

  • You are conducting a business in Texas
  • You intend to lease or sell taxable services and tangible personal property
  • You maintain a physical presence in the state like distribution center, warehouse etc.
  • Your company has a sales representative operating within the state responsible for direct sales of any taxable goods
  • You promote an event that involves selling of taxable goods

In order to obtain a Texas business license like the sales tax permit, you will have to submit AP-201: Texas application for sales and use tax permit. It has to be submitted with the office of the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. You can also submit the permit application online with the Texas Comptroller Office through their eSystems Menu.

Texas Licenses or Permits for Specific Business Activities

Different types of business activities require different Texas business licenses , and permits. Comprehensive state-level permit information and licensing requirements in Texas are provided by the Business Permit Office, which is a division of the Governor’s Economic Development and Tourism Division. The management of business licenses and permits is the responsibility of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR). The licenses and permits have been divided under more than 150 categories of activities thus enabling a proper Texas business license search by entrepreneurs and new business owners. Let’s look at an example to understand this well.

Example: If you start a new business that provides a “Day Activity and Health Services (DAHS)” facility then it needs to be licensed to operate in the state. You will have to complete a Texas business license application online using the Texas Unified Licensure Information Portal (TULIP) portal. You will also be required to submit additional documents like the fire marshal inspection report and a health authority letter. The license fee is $75 and the license is valid for a 3-year period. This license is issued by the Texas Health and Human Services.

Want detailed information about Texas Business Licenses?

Texas Business Licenses for Specific Occupations and Professions

There are several businesses where the sole proprietor, single or multiple owners start a company offering a specific service. According to the type of service offered, the owners may require occupational, professional and facility business licenses in order to operate. You can conduct a Texas business license search to choose from over 250 professional, occupational, and facility business licenses available. Some of the licenses would require you to take an exam in order to get licensed.

Example: If you set up a plumbing business then you need to first obtain a Texas business license for plumbing occupation. You will have to take an examination like the “Master Plumber Examination” organized by the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners. The examination fee is $175 and the initial license fee is $75.

Similarly, the Texas Medical Board provides Texas business licenses and permits as well as regulation requirements for specific medical occupations and professions like acupuncturists, physicians, surgical assistants, and medical technologists among others. The board also provides provisional licenses and Faculty Temporary License (FTL).

You can conduct a Texas business license search to find your specific occupation or profession and the corresponding licenses and permits.

Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation

The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) is one of the top state agencies and is primarily responsible for business licensing and regulating a wide variety of businesses, occupations, equipment, and facilities in Texas. You can conduct a Texas business license search based on your business activity or occupation. You can also apply for and obtain a Texas business license online, and also handle yearly renewals.

Texas Business Licenses for Home Businesses

Due to the high accessibility to the internet and the convenience of working from home, many entrepreneurs in Texas are opting for home-based businesses. The question is do you need to obtain a Texas business license for such a business. You will require licenses or permits for your home-based business depending on the type of business activity.

If you start an online business from home that is into selling goods then you may even require a sales tax permit issued by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. If you are selling a service and if it falls under the programs licensed and regulated by TDLR then you will have to apply with the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation for a Texas business license.

Example: If you start a business as a “Behavior Analyst” working or meeting your patients at your residence or providing advice and therapy to clients over the internet then you will need to apply using the Behavior Analyst / Assistant Behavior Analyst License Application. You will be required to provide your Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) certificate number and expiration date. The license fee for Behavior Analyst is $165 and you will have to submit the license application along with this fee.

It is important to remember that the fee will vary depending on the type of Texas business license you are applying for. IncParadise, one of the top registered agents in Texas offers a specialized “Business License Research Report” service, which constitutes supporting document requirements, a list of filing instructions, and fees for all types of Texas business license and permits.

TDLR License Data Search (Active license only)

Once you obtain a Texas business license and want to check its expiration date and other relevant details, how do you do it? You can conduct a Texas business license search by accessing the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) database. You can search this database only if your license is active. You can also access this portal to download the file format for license applications of different types of business activities.

Documents Needed for Your Texas Business License Application

When you apply for a Texas business license there are several types of documents that you may need to submit along with the application. There are some business specific documents that vary according to business activity and there are documents that are generic and applicable to all entities. The most common documents that you might need to submit in order to obtain a Texas business license are:

  • Tax ID Number – Depending on the type of business, you will need to submit a copy of your tax ID number along with the Texas business license application. Businesses like sole proprietorship or home based single owner businesses require to provide Social Security Number (SSN) while LLCs and corporations require Employer Identification Number (EIN) disclosure to obtain Texas business license. If you haven’t applied for a tax ID then IncParadise can assist you with EIN application.
  • Articles of organization or Articles of incorporation – In the state of Texas, you have to file a “Certificate of Formation” to register your entity with the office of the Secretary of State. The certificate of formation is applicable for LLC, For-Profit Corporation, Nonprofit Corporation, Professional Corporation, Professional Association, Professional Limited Liability Company, and Limited Partnership. A copy of the formation documents have to be submitted to obtain a Texas business license.
  • Any insurance policies for your business – Depending on the type of business activity, you may need to apply for and obtain insurance policies like construction companies are required to possess general liability insurance. Some of the other types of insurance that companies may opt for includes workers’ compensation insurance, commercial auto insurance, and liability and property insurance among others. The Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) provides detailed information on the type of business insurance your company can invest in. You may need to submit certificates of insurance along with your Texas business license application.
  • A statement detailing your organization’s mission – An organization’s mission statement is an integral aspect of the growth and business plan of any company. It provides a brief explanation of the reasons for the existence of the said company. The mission encompasses the organization’s purpose as well as its short-term and long-term goals and objectives. The mission statement is sometimes required during filing license or permit application and to obtain a Texas business license.
  • Your tax ID for selling retail goods – A new business in Texas is required to obtain sales and use tax permits in Texas if they are selling tangible personal property, sales of taxable goods, or maintaining a warehouse in the state. The tax ID for selling retail goods is also known as the seller’s permit and you can obtain this by filing the required application with the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts (CPA). A copy of this tax ID would be required when applying for a Texas business license.

Building & Zoning Permits

One of the key components of a Texas business license is building and zoning permits. The Department of Planning and Development of each county or city of Texas oversees, regulates, and issues building and zoning permits. Each city or county in Texas has its own Zoning and Building Code and pursuant to these codes, a business owner has to first apply for a Zoning Permit followed by application for a Building Permit if required.

Building & Zoning Permits are often categorized under Texas business license and permits as it is mandatory for certain businesses. If you start a construction company then you will need to apply for a building permit prior to applying for a Texas business license. A zoning permit on the other hand is a type of permit that is issued by a city to allow the use of property or a building for business purposes. The need for these permits also varies according to the city like Austin has building and zoning permits while Houston does not have any zoning permits.

Need any Assistance in Obtaining Your Texas Business License?

If you plan to start a new business in the state of Texas then there are certain requirements you have to fulfill to make your business operational. One of the most important requirements is that of applying for and obtaining a Texas business license. A business may require single or multiple licenses and permits, which is where the Business License Research Report service by IncParadise can provide you with the right information and guidance.

IncParadise, one of the reputed registered agents in Texas can also assist you with fulfilling various requirements associated with obtaining Texas business license and permits. In order to help you with different requirements related to business formation and licensing, we offer a wide variety of additional services. These services vary from helping you obtain a tax ID (EIN), or apply for a Texas Certificate of Good Standing among others.

Do you have any questions regarding Texas Business License?

Filing DBA in Texas for LLC and Corporation

Date: | Category: | Author: developers

Filing DBA in Texas

If you have a business idea and want to form a startup there are many aspects of the business that you may need to consider and one of them is to apply for Texas DBA online. A DBA or doing business as is a type of fictitious business name or trade name that any type of small business can file in the state. Different forms of business can derive different benefits from using a DBA. If you are asking yourself, “How do I look up a DBA in Texas” then our guide will provide you with information on DBA in Texas, conducting a DBA name search, the need for a DBA, and the process of filing and managing a DBA.

Doing Business As or DBA in Texas

Texas has a strong economic climate and pro-business environment and today, it is home to 2.8 million small businesses. Small businesses in Texas include corporations, LLC, sole proprietorship, partnership, and other forms of organization structure. Some of these businesses opt for a business name while others apply for a Texas DBA online. However, there are several aspects to be considered prior to applying for an assumed name certificate Texas like what a DBA really is and how it can be useful for your entity.

What is DBA in Texas?

Every business in Texas or any other state in the USA requires a legal name or a true name to become operational. This is especially true for a sole proprietorship or partnership business where the legal name is most often the name of the business owner. If an individual or company decides to conduct their business under another name, then this name is considered to be a DBA (Doing Business As) or assumed name and for such a business filing a DBA in Texas becomes necessary.

Let’s look at an example to understand this: An individual named Carol Dawn wants to form a sole proprietorship in Texas. If the name of her business is Carol Dawn’s Gourmet Services then filing a DBA in Texas is not required. However, if she opts for a name that has just the first name like Carol’s Gourmet Services then she would be required to file a Texas DBA online application. The DBA has to be filed in the second case as the new name doesn’t have her full legal name.

Filing a DBA in Texas means that the chosen or given name will become a part of the public record and other businesses as well as consumers would be aware of this assumed name. One of the highlights of choosing a DBA is that there are no specific limits to the number of assumed names or DBA a business can use. As a result, by using a DBA, a business owner or company can operate multiple businesses and they will not be required to create separate legal entities for each of those businesses. This is especially true for corporations and limited liability companies.

For Example: If Carol Dawn wants to offer different products or services like a restaurant, a mobile food truck, and a cafe then what are her options? She can set up an LLC or a corporation under a generic name like Dawn Foods Inc., and then file a Texas DBA online application for each of the businesses as in the restaurant (Dawn Fine Dining), mobile food truck (Dawn’s Hot Dogs), and cafe (Dawn’s Cappuccino). This process will help you in controlling your paperwork and costs while enabling business expansion.

Filing DBA in Texas for LLC and Corporation

There are different types of businesses to choose from if you are planning to form your new business in Texas. You can choose to form a Sole Proprietorship, Limited Liability Company, General Partnership, Corporation, Limited Partnership, and Limited Liability Partnership. Whatever the type of business you choose, you also need to create a business name for the same. Now, if you plan to operate your business under a name that is different from your own name then filing a DBA in Texas is important.

A DBA is known as an assumed name in this state and you will have to apply for apply for Texas DBA online. There is a specific process for registering the assumed name or trade name in Texas including conducting a Texas DBA search. You are probably wondering “how do I look up a DBA in Texas”? Let us try and understand how the process works as this will answer all your queries regarding a DBA search and filing in the state.

Do Texas DBA Name Search

One of the key aspects of filing a DBA in Texas is conducting an assumed name search. The search is important as it will help determine if your chosen trade name is available or not. If you are asking how do I look up a DBA in Texas then there are two options:

There are some laws pertaining to an assumed name or ‘doing business as’ name and they are governed by 2005 Texas Business & Commerce Code Chapter 36, Assumed Business or Professional Name, Subchapter A – General Provisions.

File Texas Assumed Name Certificate

The state of Texas requires businesses transacting in this state under any name other than the owners name to apply for an assumed name certificate Texas (Form-503) pursuant to Texas business and commerce code, TBCC Sec. 71.051 and Sec. 71.101. The filing of DBA in Texas has to be with the office of the county clerk or the Secretary of State and will be valid for a period of 10 years from the date of its filing. We at IncParadise can help you to register your DBA in Texas and also provide information pertaining to different aspects of the filing process.

When filing the assumed name certificate Texas, there are certain areas that you need to focus on and they are:

  • The filing of DBA in Texas takes place at the county clerk’s office and hence you will have to submit the applications with the office of the county clerk.
  • You can check with the county clerk’s office or the county record office to determine the fee applicable. The forms and fee may vary from one county to another for example: the filing fee for Assumed Name Certificate in Bexar County is $14.00 for one owner and $0.50 for each additional owner while the filing fee in Travis County is $24.00 plus an additional $0.50 for each owner’s name being listed.
  • If you file an assumed name certificate in Texas with the office of the Secretary of State then the filing fee would be $25.
  • A Texas DBA online application will contain information as follows:
    • The assumed name under which an entity will conduct its business
    • The physical address of the business
    • Name and address of owners
    • Type of business
  • Depending on the county where you are filing a DBA in Texas, it can be submitted in person or by mail. In some counties you may be able to file a Texas DBA online application.

Managing Texas DBA

You can apply for a Texas DBA online as it is required by different types of businesses transacting in the state. However, it is also important to identify certain requirements related to the Texas assumed name or trade name like managing of the DBA, which could vary from renewals to canceling or abandoning such a name. Let us take a look at three different aspects of managing an assumed name certificate in Texas.

How to renew Texas DBA?

Once you apply for a Texas DBA online, the assumed name will be valid for a period of years effective from the date of initial filing. If you wish to continue with the same assumed name after years then you will be required to apply for a new assumed name certificate in Texas prior to the expiration date of the existing DBA certificate pursuant to TX Bus & Com Code § 71.151 (2019). The renewal will be for a period of years and you will have to file Form 503 – Assumed Name Certificate.

The fee to apply for a Texas DBA online for renewals is $25 and has to be filed with the office of the Texas Secretary of State. You can also file the same with the office of the County Clerk in the similar manner as you had filed the assumed name certificate in Texas initially.

How to change Texas DBA?

In order to make any changes to your assumed name certificate in Texas, you will have to complete the legal registration process or the initial process of applying for an assumed name. Filing a DBA in Texas all over again is governed by TX Bus & Com Code § 71.152 (2019) where it specifies that you will have to apply fresh if there is a requirement for change in the assumed name, change of entity, identity, type of business (like partnership to LLC) or location of the individual registering the name. The filing fee will be the same, which is $25.

How to cancel Texas DBA?

The cancellation of a DBA is known as “Abandonment of Use” in Texas. According to TX Bus & Com Code § 71.153 (2019), you can file a statement of abandonment of use of the Texas assumed name with the office where it was initially registered. If you had filed the Texas DBA online application with the office Secretary of State then you will have to file with the same authority for cancellation of trade name. If you have filed with the office of the County Clerk then you will have to file with the county.

For Example: If your filing a DBA in Texas was with the office of the Rockwall County Clerk then you will have to file a Statement of Abandonment of use of a business or professional name. If you had filed a Texas DBA online application with the Travis County Clerk Office then you will need to submit a Certificate of Abandonment of use of assumed business or professional name. The fee for canceling or abandoning an assumed name will differ from one county to another.

Need Any Assistance in Filing Texas DBA?

The process of filing a DBA in Texas may look difficult as you have the options of registering with the Secretary of State (SOS) or the County Clerk Office. We at IncParadise possess knowledge and expertise regarding various aspects of DBA filing including applying for an assumed name certificate in Texas.

IncParadise is one of the top registered agents in Texas that has helped several entrepreneurs to form their business in the state. We provide registered agent services to all entrepreneurs setting up new business as well as existing businesses wanting to change their registered agent. We can also provide you with additional services that will ensure your other business requirements are fulfilled like getting a tax id, and S corporation status.

Are you thinking of filing a DBA in Texas?