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Repositioning your band

Date: 06/12/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

In my last post here I had shared information about brand positioning. To recap the concept, brand positioning is about communicating to your target audience the edge of your brand over competition. 

We are also aware of the fact that consumer behavior and technology keep on changing with time. Technologies weren’t fast changing in earlier times, same is not true today. Changing life styles also have impact on consumer behavior. 

These two factors compel the small business owner to reconsider the plank of positioning. Before the staleness settles, marketing firm must consider repositioning the brand in the mindsets of people. Repositioning involves creating mew image of the company / products / brands and communicating the changes to the customers. 

Imagine organization like IBM carrying the same image or communication plank used in the year 1920 with those used now. We would have perceived IBM as one of the backward looking company with no trace of modern technology. But we know IBM as the torch bearer of latest technologies. This change in image is all about repositioning the brand. Small business owner must also think of repositioning if ‘lot of water has flown’. In other words, a business owner should be able to talk nanotechnology wording in the communication even if the business belongs to brick and mortar economy.

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