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Principles of writing press release

Date: 07/29/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Press releases have become an important part of marketing campaign. Press release carries more authenticity than plain vanilla advertising. Press releases seem to come from the publisher as against advertisements coming from a ‘commercial’ source. 

First of all a small business owner should ensure that the press release is worth – the news to be announced should be worthy of being ‘news’. If it fails to arouse interests of target audience, the whole exercise goes waste. 

Press release should contain whole of contact information of the announcer. Full contact details of the small business should be a part of the release. Press release should hover around plain facts, and any rosy language should best be avoided to have better impact on the readers’ mindsets. Press release should be broken into minimum of two paragraphs – first paragraph should give brief information about the news. Later paragraphs should contain the details. Last but not the least, the release should be able to connect the target audience with your company or product information.

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