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Home-based Business Trends in 2007.

Date: 12/28/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers compiled a list of what they believe to be the hotest home-based business trends in 2007.  They are:

E-Learning: With advances in new web application tools such as podcasts and video blogs, development costs will decrease.

E-Bay Aftermarket: Helping companies conduct market research, pricing strategies, shipping, and competitive analysis is a great niche business.

Children Arts Education: There is a major market for teachers of right-brained education who are thought to help foster the development of future innovators.

Garage Organizers: Just as organizing closets was the next big thing in the 80’s, the messy garage is the final space to clean up.

Background Checks: Small businesses with limited resources are turning to background check companies to handle investigation and due diligence.

Pet Sitting: An ideal home-based business where you get paid to walk and enjoy the companionship of pets.

Specialized Coaching: The coaching market has boomed in the recent years including specialized areas such as life, spiritual, corporate, relationship and business.

Home-based Debt Collection: Debt has become a way of life for many Americans. Operating a low overhead home-based collection service can serve the niche sections of this market.

Specialized Outsourcing: The small business market has limited resources and a focus on core competencies. Specialized outsourcing from home to small business will have a solid position market position for years to come.

Scrap Booking: In today’s easy to save and store digital age, opportunities abound for the home-based scrapbook artist, workshop teacher, or a direct sales rep.

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