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Choosing the right office productivity application for your computer

Date: 02/21/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Office productivity suite on your computer is where you start operating your computer. You may not have given it a serious thought – should I go for a free one available for instant download or an expensive one? 

The debate has been raging for a long time now. Two schools of thought are pushing their ideas – whether a paid application like MS or a free one like Open Office. 

Let’s first understand the meaning of an ‘office suite’ – an office suite is meant to provide us with three applications – correspondence, spreadsheet and presentation. Popular applications like Microsoft Office offer these with word, excel and power point. There are other office suites offering the same at lower or no costs. 

We must carefully evaluate these on the following – customer service, customisation, cost of acquisition, recurring costs and security update availability. 

Commercial applications are available with excellent customer care service, and naturally cost more. If you are a techie or can have a techie on call each time you have problems with your PC, it is better to opt for freeware versions of office suites available in the market place. 

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