Sometimes using the right word may seem like a matter of semantics or of splitting hairs. However, when it comes to drafting a business contract, selecting the right word and meaning, can make a world of difference. Here are just a few of the more commonly misused or confused words used in business contracts.
Affect: To alter, influence, or change
Effect: A result, or to bring about change
Alternate: A substitute or second choice, or to take turns
Alternative: One choice among various options
Assure: To convince
Insure: To guard against loss
Assure: To convince
Ensure: To make certain
Bimonthly: Every other month
Semimonthly: Twice a month
Biweekly: Every other week
Semiweekly: Twice a week
Fewer: A smaller number of units
Less: A smaller quantity
Imply: To suggest
Infer: To conclude
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