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Welcoming your new employee

Date: 06/14/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

When a new employee joins your small business organization, he is apprehensive of the new work environment. As if this is not enough, a cold welcome at the new work place makes him all the more uncomfortable. Large organizations have a structured approach to inducting new employee. What about small business organizations? If a small business organization doesn’t have an induction program in place, there are few points to be kept in mind. Here are some tips for better ‘induction’ of the new employee. First thing first. Offer a warm welcome to your new employee. Don’t simply accept his presence and point your finger towards his table. Provide him details of the company, Emphasize on company mission and objectives. Introduce him to other employees with full respect to each of them. He should be informed about your products and competition as well. New employee should be provided with full job description. He should be clearly informed about the ways work has to be carried out and results / output expected from him. Remember, it is better to spend more time in the initial stage to save time later.

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