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Handling Job Promotion Disappointment

Date: 08/03/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Whenever possible, most companies like to promote from within — if there are qualified employees from which to choose. Sometimes, we are presented with employees who believe they are qualified for a promotion or new position, but in essence, they aren’t. The hard part for an employer is telling an employee they didn’t get the job. Accomplishing this without demoralizing your employee can be a tricky task. However, there are a few things you can do to lessen the blow:

1. Keep it brief and to the point

2. Thank them for applying

3. Outline the criteria used for making the decision – what strengths did the winning candidate have that you believed were essential to that individual succeeding in the position?

4. Accentuate the positive – let them know that while they didn’t get the job, you now know they are interested in moving up in the company and encourage them to continue applying. Remind them that while they didn’t get the job, they did gain valuable insight into the company’s interview process, honing their interview skills, and refining their resume.

5. Point out areas of improvement – Make recommendations to the employee in regards to the types of skills the employee might need to develop or strengthen in order to become a stronger candidate for when the next opportunity presents itself.

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