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Email campaign for small business

Date: 09/05/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Emails usually don’t work singularly if the objective is to target new customers – generating business leads, new product launch or brand image building. One needs to create an email campaign to achieve such goals. Singular emails work only as a part of regular correspondence between two parties.

Email campaigns for small businesses are built around four major components – objectives of the campaign, target audience, message and schedule. While the all of these are almost exactly similar to plain vanilla advertising campaigns, special precautions must be taken before launching the email campaign. Unlike a paper ad, an email campaign may not find the target audience interested or ‘on seat’. This dilutes the very impact of the whole campaign. Secondly, email campaign is whole lot dependent on lot technical aspects like server speed, anti-spamming, etc while a newspaper ad is fre from such hassles.

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