Thre’s a website called worth checking out. This online resource was developed by a network of small business owners throughout the U.S. after many of the members felt their experiences forming, managing, and living the life of a small business owner should have a home on the internet.
The website provides research and resources specifically geared to small business owners. There are several notable sections to explore including:
Pick of the week – there are many products and services geared to small businesses out there, some are great, some are just OK, and some you must avoid. In addition, there is a risk factor involved in getting started in cost or time involved. Each week they pick the best of the best, and offer it in promotional form targetted to small business. Fixed Sections – Sections throughout the website offer tailored content related to Tax, Planning, Finance, Insurance, and more. Special Resources – In addition to the Fixed Sections, they work together to provide information that doesn’t necessarily fit into one of the main categories, but is just as important.