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Hey, Check Us Out

Date: 03/20/2007 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Getting your e-business noticed can sometimes prove challenging.  However, there are several things you can do both online and off to draw attention to your website.  You can:

  1. Always make sure you include your URL on letterhead, business cards, emails, promotional items, etc.
  2. Put your web address at the bottom of each page of your catalog – if you produce one.
  3. Send out a email newsletter to registered site members that offers tips and news related to your company or industry with links back to your site.
  4. Create a link exchange by asking other complimentary websites (those that don’t compete) to put your link on their pages and you’ll do the same.
  5. Use selling venues like online classifieds or industry-specific magazines to increase exposure to your site and products.