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Chronically Late Employees

Date: 06/12/2007 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Do you have an employee or employees that are always wandering in late for work?  Does it rub you the wrong way?  If so, you aren’t alone.  Most employers have a right to expect that an employee show up for work on time.  After all, you aren’t late paying those employees so the least they can do is show up on time and put in a full days work, right?

Now, we aren’t talking about the employee who has a legitmate reason for being late or who rarely clocks in late.  We are talking about the employee who consistely struggles with the concept of clocking in on time.  Those are the ones that can drive you to distraction.  Provided they are an employee that excels in every other aspect and you don’t want to get rid of them, what can you do to get them to work on time?

Diana DeLonzor, author of Never Be Late Again, says for starters, don’t take it personally.  “Most late people have been late all their life, and they are late for every type of activity — good or bad.”  If you want to help an employee become more punctual, she recommends the following tips:

Make a commitment.  Both you and the employee have to come up with some type of strategy to address the chronic lateness.  Be sure to work on the problem everyday for at least a month. 

Revisit Father Time.  According to DeLonzor, late people tend to underestimate the amount of time their activities take by 25 to 30%.  Have the employee write down all their activities and clock how long they actually take to accomplish.

Plan to be early.  Instead of planning to be to work on time, employees should plan on being there early.  People who are usually on time “plan” in extra time for the commute because they know delays can occur.  The ever optimistic late individual has never learned to do this.