A DBA is short for “doing business as”. In some states, it’s also know as an “assumed name”. It simply refers to a fictious name under which you conduct business. If you do not choose to do business under your own name such as John Smith, but want a more descriptive name such as John Smith Supreme General Contract, you’d use a DBA. A DBA is the official, legal recognition of your business.
With a DBA, you can use your assumed business name to open a business bank account, make and receive payments under that name, enter into legal contracts, and much more. Furthermore, by registering your DBA, you prevent other companies from using your business name.
To get a DBA:
- Create a Name
- Check the Name with the appropriate state agency
- File your DBA
- Keet it up to date – some states require you renew the name annually.
Curious if your business name is taken? IncParadise provides a link to each state’s business name database on their website. Simply click here, find the appropriate state, and then select “Name Check” located on the left navigation panel.