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Wyoming Business License Fee

Date: 02/15/2021 | Category: | Author: developers

Wyoming Business License Fee

A Wyoming business license or any business license for that matter is basically a type of permit that is issued by state or government agencies or even local counties to allow individuals or businesses to conduct their business within a specific geographical jurisdiction. Some states may require a business to apply for multiple licenses and permits and their requirements and fee will vary depending on the business activity and other factors. Hence, we have created this guide to provide informational assistance pertaining to Wyoming business license application, license and permits based on types of business, and general permit requirements in Wyoming among others.

Wyoming Business License

The state of Wyoming does not have a state business license like some of the other states have. So how does a business acquire a Wyoming business license? The license is issued in the state according to the type of business being conducted or the business activity. Hence, it is always best to conduct a Wyoming business license search prior to applying for a license.

It is important to also understand that not all the businesses in Wyoming may require a license or a permit to conduct their business. At the same time, some entities or activities may warrant the issuance of Wyoming business license from the state departments as well as counties. Some companies may require multiple licenses or permits and will be required to file Wyoming business license applications for each license. Let’s look at an example to understand this.

Example: If you start a food service establishment or business that serves liquor in Cheyenne, Wyoming then you will require a business license and the Wyoming business license fee would vary depending on several factors. The license will be issued under the Wyoming Food Safety Rule and will be issued by the Wyoming Department of Agriculture or a local health department. You will have to follow the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and food establishment inspections will be carried out prior to issuance of license. Since your establishment serves liquor; you will have to apply for a liquor license with the Wyoming liquor division or with the office of the County Clerk in Cheyenne. If you want to expand to doing catering or off-premise sale of malt beverages then you can conduct a Wyoming business license search for the permits or additional licenses you may require.

Some of the important categories of regulatory business licenses and permits in Wyoming include:

  • Agriculture
  • Health and safety
  • Environmental protection
  • Transportation
  • Large-scale projects
  • Public land

Want to know what Wyoming licenses your business requires?

Wyoming small business information

As a small business, apart from fulfilling the requirement of a Wyoming business license search, you will also need information pertaining to a variety of aspects right from business formation or availability of state based resources. One of the best places to check informational resources to check Wyoming business license fees and other small business information is the business & UCC center of the Wyoming Secretary of State (SOS) website. This section provides information pertaining to starting a new business, various online business services, annual requirements and maintaining your business, forms and FAQs.

If you are looking for business resources pertaining to accessing new markets, business financing, Wyoming business license, sales tax, or specialized assistance then the Wyoming Business Council (WBC) website will be helpful. The Wyoming Business Council (WBC) is a department of the State of Wyoming’s Economic Development Agency and provides information on opportunity zones and their benefits. The WBC also provides a detailed Wyoming business license application guide also known as the Guide to Business Permitting and Licensing in Wyoming as well as a checklist for starting a business in Wyoming.

The Wyoming Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Network is also a very resourceful website for new business owners in the state. It has been formed out of a partnership between the University of Wyoming, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), and the Wyoming Business Council (WBC). They provide business expertise through various training programs to help you in starting and growing your business. The resources will also help you identify business specific requirements including applying for a Wyoming business license and innovation funding.

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is another organization that provides useful resources and information to small businesses. It is a United States government agency that specializes in providing support to small businesses and entrepreneurs in the form of their lending programs, entrepreneurial development programs, Federal contracting and business development programs, Wyoming business license renewal programs etc.

General Permit Requirements in Wyoming

The “General Permit Requirements” in Wyoming specify categories that provide an insight into the various requirements of a Wyoming new business. This can include Wyoming business license requirements in the state as well as several other requirements like unemployment insurance & employer registration or Occupational health and safety. Let us look at the various general permit requirements in the state.

Unemployment insurance & Employer registration

Unemployment Insurance (U.I.) is a type of fund that has been established by provisions of the Wyoming Employment Security Law. It has been designed for compensating any eligible workers for a specific portion of wage loss if they lose their jobs due to no fault of theirs. The primary objective is to provide aid to unemployed workers through a weekly income as they look for employment. The unemployment insurance funds are paid by the employer or business as an unemployment insurance tax.

The unemployment insurance takes into account full-time, part-time, as well as casual workers. If you are a business owner then you will be required to apply for employer registration. You can apply for this before or after getting your Wyoming business license. You can register from:

  • Unemployment Insurance division – Employer accounts section
  • 100 W. Midwest
  • P.O. Box 2760
  • Casper, WY 82602
  • (307) 235-3217

New hire reporting

New hire reporting along with employment eligibility verification seek to preserve jobs and this is governed by the Immigration reform and control act of 1986. The job preservation is meant for those who are legally entitled in the state of Wyoming and the United States to work. As an employer, you will be required to verify employment eligibility of anyone hired after November 6, 1986. You will be required to fill and submit form I-9 for the same, which is for verifying the identity and employment authorization of individuals being employed. Unlike the Wyoming business license application, which is issued by the state, the I-9 form is issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. It is also important to note that Wyoming has a new hire reporting center just like other states and you have to report any new hires at this center.

Federal requirements

One of the important requirements for any new business apart from Wyoming business license is the federal tax requirements. According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), some of the major forms of businesses like Sole Proprietorship, partnership, Limited Liability Company (LLC), C Corporation etc., have different federal tax responsibilities. The Employer Identification Number (EIN) is especially required if you have employees and will be paying wages to them. It is hence imperative for businesses to apply for and obtain an EIN or Employee Identification Number as this will facilitate the filing of tax returns with the IRS.

Local licensing requirements

Different states have different licensing requirements! If you are forming a new business in Wyoming then you will need to conduct a Wyoming business license search with the city, town or county authorities, where you have or are planning to operate your business from. This will help you to identify the local licensing requirements. Each county may have separate requirements, different Wyoming business license fee, and rules and regulations pertaining to issuance of the permit or license. The City Clerk or County Clerk’s office will be able to provide you with detailed information regarding a business license for specific business activities. You can alternatively obtain our definitive guide on business licenses.

Identify the Wyoming Licensing Requirements for your business!

Workers’ compensation

Wyoming Workers’ Compensation is a state program and is considered to be as important as a Wyoming business license. The Workers’ compensation is applicable only when your company has employees and this is governed by the Wyoming Workers Compensation Act, WY Stat § 27-14-101 (2018). The intent of the act is to provide a benefit system for the workers, so that employers are able to derive the necessary medical benefits if injured in the line of work. The benefits depend on the extent of the injury and can include Medical, hospital and ambulance expenses; private nursing or nursing home care (WY Stat § 27-14-401, 2018); and temporary total disability as defined under W.S. 27-14-102(a)(xviii) among others. It is the responsibility of the employer to apply for the coverage of eligible employees.

Occupational health and safety

The Occupational health and safety of every employee hired is foremost and this is more so for employees classified in an occupation or industry designated to be hazardous by law. The health and safety of workers are overseen by the Wyoming Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Wyoming OSHA), which is a part of the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services. As a part of the Wyoming OSHA Voluntary and Cooperative Programs, free health and safety assistance is offered to Wyoming employers upon request. The Wyoming OSHA is also responsible for enforcing the occupational safety and health standards. As a part of the enforcement, OSHA compliance officers may inspect any workplace to check for hazardous conditions and if violations exist then citations will be issued. You can get more information from:

  • Wyoming Department of Workforce Services
  • 5221 Yellowstone Road
  • Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002
  • Phone: (307) 777-7786
  • Fax: (307) 777-3646

Obtain Professional License

A professional license is different from a Wyoming business license as it refers to licensing for a specific niche or occupations. If you are a professional engineer and plan to start a firm that oversees engineering projects then you will need to obtain a professional engineer license prior to starting your business. The requirements for a professional license are governed by 2014 Wyoming Statutes, Title 33 – Professions and Occupations. You will need to search for your license based on your profession or occupation and apply with the respective professional board like the Board of Architects and Landscape Architects, the Board of Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors. You can even file the for a Wyoming business license application for professionals with the office of the county clerk.

Wyoming Business License Fees

In the state of Wyoming, business licenses and permits are issued by different regulatory bodies, cities, and county clerk offices. There is no single state business license and hence the Wyoming business license fee is dependent on the following:

  • Location of your business: This will help you identify the city or county that will issue the license. You will also have to submit the Wyoming business license renewal with the same county or city.
  • Type of business activity: The Wyoming business license fee will vary with the business activity and the city or county e.g., the business licensing fee in Evanston is fixed and based on number of employees while licensing or permit fee in Cheyenne is business activity driven.

If you face any problems or have queries pertaining to Wyoming business license fee, license application, or Wyoming business license renewal then you can contact our team and they would be glad to assist you.

How does IncParadise help you?

Each business has different objectives and business activity and will be located in different cities or counties across Wyoming. Hence, the Wyoming business license requirement will be different for each business. This is why, at IncParadise, we focus on providing a service that will cater to your specific licensing needs. We can provide guidance and assist you to obtain your business licenses and permits while maintaining compliance with the Wyoming licensing regulations.

IncParadise offers Mail Forwarding Services to new businesses as well as a Virtual Office Program to ensure that you can run your business from anywhere in the world. The Wyoming mail forwarding services will help you receive all your important and business-related mails and the virtual office program will provide your company with a physical address.

IncParadise, is a full-fledged, top-of-the-line registered agent in Wyoming and has a strong presence in all 50 states. We offer a wide variety of services based on the different requirements that any business may have in the state. Your business can benefit from our bouquet of additional services that vary from obtaining an EIN to S Corporation election, mail forwarding services, Certificate of Good Standing, Business License Report, domestication among others.

Form a new business in Wyoming quickly and efficiently!

Wyoming Business Tax Guide

Date: | Category: | Author: developers

Wyoming Business Tax Guide

The state of Wyoming also known as the “Equality State” or “Cowboy State” has the recognition of being the top most state in coal-producing in the entire US. It is also one of the few states that does not levy a corporate income tax, personal income, or even gross receipts tax. You are probably wondering whether any form of Wyoming business tax will be applicable. This article will answer this query and also cover various aspects like tax advantages in Wyoming, how businesses are taxed, and Wyoming business tax registration among others.

Wyoming Business Taxes

A new business or an entrepreneur establishing a business in Wyoming will need to understand and check their federal, state, and local business tax requirements. Generally, if you are operating or planning to operate a business then the Wyoming business tax will be dependent on the form of business or business structure like an LLC, corporation, or partnership etc. Business tax according to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) can be classified as under:

  • Income Tax
  • Self-Employment Tax
  • Estimated Tax
  • Excise Tax
  • Employment Tax

There is no individual or corporate income tax in the state of Wyoming but there is a Wyoming tax rate of 4% for state sales tax. Most businesses are required to file their Wyoming business tax return annually.

What are Wyoming business taxes?

When you start a new business, there may be a variety of taxes that you would be required to file right from federal to local taxes. Thetypes of tax and the tax rate can vary from one state to another and from one county to another. Let’s look at an example of the same where Wyoming business tax is concerned:

Example: When we look at the Wyoming tax rate for sales tax then it is set at 4% but the counties have the option of charging an additional 1% tax for specific purposes as well as 1% tax for general revenue. According to the Wyoming Department of Revenue, Excise Tax Division, the January 2020 master chart specifies a State tax rate of 4% for Albany along with 1% general purpose county option tax and an additional 1% for specific purpose county option tax. Hence, the total sales/use tax rate for Albany is 6% while Goshen charges 5.25%, Lincoln has 5%, and Sublette has 4% tax rate.

Wyoming business tax comprises primarily of the following:

  • State sales tax
  • Excise (Sales & Use) Tax
  • Property tax
  • Self-Employment Tax
  • Payroll Taxes

What are the tax advantages in Wyoming?

Wyoming is considered as one of the most tax friendly states in the nation and this is one of the primary reasons why it is a favorite amongst business owners and first time entrepreneurs. Small and medium sized enterprises can enjoy a variety of Wyoming business tax benefits including several exemptions and incentives distributed over different industries. Some of the top Wyoming business tax advantages are:

  • Low and No Tax environment: One of the top benefits of forming a new business in Wyoming is that the state does not levy the following taxes on businesses:
    • Corporate Tax: There is no corporate tax, which simply means that business corporations will not be charged any entity tax in the state. This will help you avoid double taxation of Wyoming business tax.
    • Personal Income Tax: Wyoming also does not levy any personal income tax.
    • Inheritance or Estate Tax: This is a type of Wyoming business tax that is not charged if you leave an estate to surviving members.
    • Intangible Taxes: This is another key Wyoming business tax benefits as the state doesn’t impose taxes on any intangible assets e.g., stocks and bonds.
  • Tax Exemptions: One of the salient Wyoming business tax benefits is a variety of tax exemptions that businesses can apply for. These exemptions will help lower your overall Wyoming business tax and help save money. Some of the most popular tax exemptions include:
    • Manufacturing Sales Tax Exemption
    • Data Center Sales Tax Exemption
    • Property Tax Exemption

How are Wyoming Businesses Taxed?

If you start a new business in Wyoming there may be a few taxes that would be applicable depending on the type of business and the activity. The Wyoming tax rate will be different for different types of taxes and once you understand the business tax laws in Wyoming, it will help you to be better prepared for the filing of returns. It will also help in cutting down on any fines or unexpected fees. Hence, it is essential to ensure you have the necessary Wyoming business tax registration for filing tax returns. The different types of taxes in Wyoming include:

Wyoming corporate net income tax

Wyoming is considered as one of the least taxed states in the USA and the good news for businesses is that they will not be required to file a Wyoming business tax return for corporate income tax. However, if you have formed a C corporation then you may be required to pay what is known as the revenue tax. Business entities like S-Corporation or any other flow-through entities are not required to pay any corporate net income taxes on their revenue earned. There is a Federal Corporate Income Tax that will be applicable to businesses and the Wyoming tax rate will vary according to the tax bracket your business falls under like the marginal corporate income tax rate for the tax bracket $0 to $50,000 is 15 percent. You will need to apply for and obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) to file federal tax returns.

Are you planning to apply for a Federal tax ID?

Wyoming personal income tax

The Wyoming Income Tax Act – HB0147 states that any taxpayer generating income through business activity in this state will need to allocate as well as apportion the taxable income for the purposes of WY Stat § 39-12-101 (2017)(b)(iii)(F). However, Wyoming is also one of the few states that do not levy any personal income tax or Wyoming business tax. In fact, for specific business types like a limited-liability company including those that have elected to be taxed as a corporation, state income taxes will not be applicable.

Wyoming sales tax

Generally speaking, most states in the USA levy some form of state sales tax although the sales tax rate can vary from one state to another. As a comparison, the Wyoming tax rate is as low as 4% and a maximum of 6% while that of Tennessee is 9.53% and Arkansas is 9.47%. The 4% state sales tax is applicable in each of the counties and apart from this; counties can also add 1% to the state sales tax increasing it to 5%. This is also known as the “5th penny” and is an optional tax that requires the county voter’s approval. Wyoming also has a 6% Optional Special Purpose Sales Tax that is enforced by specific counties. In order to file sales tax, you will have to ensure Wyoming business tax registration using the Sales/Use Tax License Application issued by the Wyoming Department of Revenue.

Wyoming property tax

If you or a business owns any commercial or industrial real estate in the state of Wyoming then you will be required to pay property taxes on that real estate. Property tax is an important Wyoming business tax as it is considered to be one of the primary sources of funds for local governments, cities, school districts, and counties. The amount of property tax for Wyoming business tax return is based on the market value of the said commercial or industrial property.

What does commercial or industrial property include? This type of property takes into account different types of commercial as well as industrial structures. It is also important to understand that the market value of the property is different from the taxable value and the market value cannot be used for calculating Wyoming business tax return. The market value is the price of the property if and when it is being sold while the taxable value is the value that is used for calculating taxes that are due on the said property. Currently, the Wyoming tax rate for commercial property is assessed at 9.5% of their market value while industrial property is assessed at 11.5% of their market value.

Tax Information by Wyoming Department of Revenue

The Wyoming business tax requirements of every business are different. Some businesses may need to file only sales tax while other businesses may need to file sales and property taxes. The Wyoming Department of Revenue has a dedicated website that not only provides detailed information pertaining to the various taxes that are levied in the state but also provides forms for Wyoming business tax registration. You will also be able to take advantage of the information provided by them on Tax Relief Programs and E-Services programs for tax payment and registration.

How Can IncParadise Help You?

Each business has its own set of requirements depending on the type of activity or trade they are planning to conduct. The first step towards starting a business is registering with the state. IncParadise, an expert incorporation service provider in Wyoming can help you to register your LLC or corporation in the state.

At IncParadise, we value our clients and understand the need for businesses to own an office in Wyoming. Hence, we have created two specialized services called the Wyoming Mail Forwarding Service and the Wyoming Virtual Office Program. The mail forwarding service will take care of all your important mails when you are out of state while the virtual office will provide you with an actual street address for your business without the need for investing in commercial property.

We understand that businesses also require annual maintenance and have to be compliant with several state regulations. We also understand that some businesses may require specialized services like Wyoming domestication and foreign qualification. We can cater to specialized and annual business requirements through Wyoming additional services. These services include Edgar filings, Certificate of Good Standing (Certificate of Existence) in Wyoming, Reinstatements, among others.

Want to form a new business in Wyoming? Let’s get started!

Wyoming Foreign Corporation

Date: | Category: | Author: developers

Wyoming Foreign Corporation

When you initially start a new business, the focus is always on growth followed by expansion, which could be lateral or vertical. What happens when you want to expand your business in any other state? If your business is operational in another state like California or Texas and you want to expand it to Wyoming then what are your options? Do you have to form a new business altogether? In such a scenario, your business will be considered as a Wyoming foreign corporation and you will need to apply for foreign qualification. This article will provide you with an insight into the requirements and processes behind Wyoming foreign corporation registration.

Wyoming Foreign Corporation

If you have set up your business anywhere in the United States and want to expand your business to Wyoming then you will be required to apply for Wyoming secretary of state foreign corporation registration. The best way to move ahead with the formation of a foreign corporation is by hiring a Wyoming registered agent like IncParadise. The process may be different for different states and hence, it is important to understand what a foreign corporation is and how the process works in Wyoming.

What is Foreign Corporation in Wyoming?

A Wyoming Foreign corporation is a term that is most commonly used to describe an existing corporation that conducts its business in a jurisdiction or state other than where it has been originally incorporated. A Wyoming foreign corporation registration can help a corporation to expand its business into multiple markets in one state or several states.

For example: If a corporation named James Pet Supplies Inc., has been incorporated in Michigan and wants to conduct its business in Wyoming, then the business would have to apply for Wyoming foreign corporation registration in this state. If James Pet Supplies Inc., wants to do business in Colorado, and Utah apart from Wyoming then it will have to apply for foreign qualification in these two states as well.

The 2014 Wyoming Statutes, WY Stat § 17-16-1501 to 1534 (2014), has clearly highlighted what a Wyoming Foreign corporation is. The statutes say that if a corporation has been formed in another state then it will be considered as a foreign corporation in Wyoming from a legal standpoint. It is important to understand that “foreign entity” here doesn’t mean another country; it simply means that the business entity was incorporated under the laws of another state. Once your business qualifies as foreign, it will be considered as a foreign corporation doing business in Wyoming.

Transacting business in Wyoming

According to Wyoming Statutes WY Stat § 17-16-1501 (2014), you will need an authority to transact business in the state. What does “transacting business in Wyoming” imply? It implies that if your business is planning to operate as a Wyoming foreign corporation then a physical presence is required. The general meaning of having a physical presence refers to the following:

  • The foreign business has a warehouse in Wyoming
  • The foreign corporation operates a store in this state
  • Foreign Corporation is doing business in Wyoming from a physical office in the state
  • The entity has sales representatives in Wyoming

However, it is also important to understand that exceptions may apply. According to WY Stat § 17-16-1501 (2014), maintaining a bank account in the state or transacting business in interstate commerce doesn’t constitute transacting business in the state.

Register a Foreign Corporation in Wyoming

Wyoming is considered by entrepreneurs and businesses as a state with promising opportunities thanks to its business friendly tax climate. Sometimes, businesses choose to register a Wyoming foreign corporation to take advantage of the tax climate and sometimes it is cost saving and practical to form a foreign corporation rather than incorporate.

Once a decision has been taken to form a foreign corporation, you can hire a reputable Wyoming registered agent to help you with the entire process of registration. There are several aspects to consider and a variety of documents are required to be filed with the Wyoming secretary of state for foreign corporation registration. Here is an insight into what documents are required and how the process works.

Are you looking to form a foreign corporation in Wyoming?

Request certificate of good standing from home state

One of the important requirements towards Wyoming foreign corporation registration is submission of an original certificate of good standing also known as certificate of existence. You can request or apply for this certificate from the home or the original state of incorporation. As a reputable Wyoming registered agent with presence in all 50 states, we at IncParadise can help you get the certificate from your home state.

Note: The certificate of good standing has to be submitted along with the foreign entity registration documents.

File a Corporation Application for Certificate of Authority

The most important step towards forming a Wyoming foreign corporation is to apply for a certificate of authority pursuant to WY Stat § 17-16-1503 (2014) as it will enable an entity to transact business in the state. You will have to download, complete, and submit the Wyoming foreign corporation registration form also known as Foreign Profit Corporation-Application for Certificate of Authority with the office of the Wyoming Secretary of State.

The application for Certificate of Authority for a Wyoming foreign corporation shall include the following information:

  • Name of the foreign corporation in compliance with WY Stat § 17-16-1506 (2013)
  • The state or jurisdiction under which the business has been incorporated
  • The date of incorporation and duration or period like 2 years
  • The physical address of the entities principal office
  • The address of the corporations registered office in Wyoming
  • The name of its Wyoming registered agent at the registered office
  • The names as well as business addresses of its serving directors or officers

It is important to note that the application needs to be submitted with a statement that the said corporation has accepted the constitution of the state and is in compliance with the requirements specified in article 10, section 5 of the Wyoming constitution.

You will also be required to submit one originally signed Certificate of Authority application and one originally signed Consent to Appointment by Registered Agent form along with a filing fee of $100. The application has to be submitted with the office of Wyoming secretary of state for foreign corporation registration.

File your documents

A business corporation that has been incorporated outside the state of Wyoming is considered as a foreign entity and hence in order to transact business in the state, you have to apply for foreign qualification. You will be required to file documents as specified by the Wyoming secretary of state for a foreign corporation.

If you are a foreign corporation doing business in Wyoming or planning to do business then the process for foreign registration along with compliances to be maintained, can be quite exhaustive. We as one of the reputable Wyoming registered agents can help you with the entire process of foreign entity registration. We can provide assistance towards filing your required documents with Wyoming SOS so that you are able to form your foreign corporation in the state effortlessly.

IncParadise can be your Registered Agent

Whether you are planning to form a foreign business or a domestic entity in Wyoming, each business entity has to continuously maintain a Wyoming registered agent. The Wyoming Statutes, WY Stat § 17-28-101 (2013), you will be required to appoint a registered agent prior to Wyoming foreign corporation registration as they play a key role in service of process pursuant to WY Stat § 17-28-104 (1997 through Reg Sess). We are not only compliant with all requirements of Wyoming state but also serve as registered agents for businesses in all US states.

IncParadise has an impeccable reputation as a Wyoming registered agent and we also have an office in Casper, Wyoming. You can appoint IncParadise to not only assist with Wyoming foreign corporation registration but also help you maintain your annual obligations of your business through our Wyoming additional services thus ensuring complete compliance with WY SOS requirements.

Try out our Wyoming registered agent services today!

Business entity conversion in Wyoming

Date: | Category: | Author: developers

Business entity conversion in Wyoming

If you feel that your existing business structure is not beneficial in the existing environment or marketplace and if you plan to change your business structure then what is the best option? This article deals with the solution of business entity conversion also known as statutory conversion and provides information on what Wyoming entity conversion is and how to change or convert your business entity in this state.

Business Entity Conversion in Wyoming

Change is universal – businesses change and business owners change or shift from one business to another. Sometimes, businesses evolve and expand while at other times, businesses change their existing structure to enjoy tax cuts and other benefits. It is like changing from a limited partnership to a C corporation or from an LLC to an S Corporation. This type of change is made possible through the process of business entity conversion in Wyoming.

What is a change of business entity?

A change of business entity is also known as business entity conversion or statutory conversion. A Wyoming entity conversion is considered as a legal process of converting your existing business entity to another business entity without the need to dissolve the existing business or form a new business.

For example: If you have a business corporation then you can choose conversion of corp to llc in Wyoming and for that you will not be required to dissolve the corporation or form a new limited-liability company. In this scenario, the business corporation will be the converting entity while the limited liability company will be the converted entity.

Normally, there are two types of business entity changes that take place and they are non-entity changes like business name change and entity changes like business structure and ownership changes. A business structure change is also known as business entity conversion in Wyoming and the reasons for such a change may include the following:

  • Tax purposes
  • Liability protection
  • Integrating new shareholders
  • Incorporating new investors

It is important to understand that each business entity change will be different as it will be driven by its own distinctive set of circumstances. However, any entity can opt to change their business structure like conversion of llc to corp in Wyoming or vice-versa by filing for conversion in the original or foreign state or jurisdiction of their formation or incorporation.

How do I change my business entity in Wyoming?

If you are thinking of business entity conversion in Wyoming then you will be required to follow the process for the converting entity i.e., if you are converting a corporation to LLC then the process may be different based on Wyoming statutes as compared to conversion of llc to corp in Wyoming.

Wyoming entity conversion is governed by WY Stat § 17-26-101 (1997 through Reg Sess) – This means that any domestic or foreign business entity will be able to apply for Wyoming business conversion or can convert to any other domestic or foreign business entity pursuant to this section of the statutes.

Do you need help with business entity change in Wyoming?

Converting Corporation to LLC in Wyoming

If you have a business corporation and want to apply for a change from Wyoming entity conversion to a limited liability company then the following steps will help you understand how the process works.

Note: There are different types of corporations and different forms of LLCs like C and S corporations, single-member and multi-member LLCs etc. The following steps are for conversion from a simple C Corporation to an LLC.

  • Step#1: You have to first get approval from the shareholders of the corporation for business entity conversion in Wyoming
  • Step#2: Pursuant to WY Stat § 17-29-1006 (2015) and WY Stat § 17-26-101 (1997 through Reg Sess), conversion of corp to llc in Wyoming will require you to file “Articles of Organization”, which should include:
    • A statement that the corporation is being converted to a limited-liability company
    • The former name or the name of the corporation
    • The state and date of incorporation
    • A statement confirming that this Wyoming entity conversion has been adopted through the unanimous vote of all the shareholders. If the votes are less than unanimous then you will have to mention the percentage or number required for approving this Wyoming business conversion and also mention the number of votes that were for as well as against conversion.
    • The filing fee of $100 along with the application

Converting LLC to Corporation in Wyoming

If you own a limited liability company and want to apply for a Wyoming entity conversion to convert your existing LLC to a business corporation then the following steps will help you understand how the process works.

  • Step#1: You have to first get approval from the existing members of your LLC for business entity conversion in Wyoming
  • Step#2: Pursuant to WY Stat § 17-29-1009 (2016) and WY Stat § 17-26-101 (1997 through Reg Sess), conversion of llc to corp in Wyoming will require you to file “Articles of Incorporation” pursuant to WY Stat § 17-16-202 (2013). You will also need to file the following along with the Articles of Incorporation:
    • A statement underlining the fact that your LLC is being converted to a corporation
    • The former name or name of the limited liability company
    • The state and date of organization or LLC formation
    • A statement confirming that this Wyoming entity conversion has been adopted through the unanimous vote of all the members. If the votes are less than unanimous then you will have to mention the percentage or number required for approving this Wyoming business conversion and also mention the number of member votes that were for as well as against conversion.
    • The filing fee of $100 along with the application

Converting Partnership to Limited Partnership in Wyoming

How does the process work when you want to convert a partnership entity into a Limited Partnership (LP) in Wyoming? The process is almost similar to that of conversion of llc to corp in Wyoming except for the documents to be submitted. The following steps will help you convert from a partnership to a Limited Partnership (LP) business entity conversion in Wyoming.

  • Step#1: You have to first get approval from all the existing partners of the partnership business entity or the percentage as specified for Wyoming entity conversion in the partnership agreement pursuant to WY Stat § 17-21-901 (1997 through Reg Sess).
  • Step#2: Once this Wyoming business conversion has been approved by the partners of the concerned entity; the partnership will be required to file a “certificate of limited partnership” pursuant to Wyoming Statutes Title 17. Corporations, Partnerships and Associations § 17-14-301. You have to include the following information for Wyoming entity conversion:
    • A statement confirming the fact that your partnership entity is being converted to a limited partnership business
    • The former name of the partnership
    • The state and date of formation of the partnership entity
    • A statement confirming that this Wyoming business conversion has been adopted through the unanimous vote of all the partners. If the votes are less than unanimous then you will have to mention the percentage or number required for approving this business entity conversion in Wyoming and also provide information pertaining to the number of partner votes for and against this conversion.
    • A filing fee of $100.00

Converting Limited Partnership to Partnership in Wyoming

If you are already operating as a Limited Partnership (LP) business in Wyoming, how do you convert it into a partnership entity? The process is almost similar to that of conversion of corp to llc in Wyoming except for business specific documents that need to be submitted. The following steps will help you with a Limited Partnership (LP) to a partnership business entity conversion in Wyoming.

  • Step#1: Notwithstanding specific provisions mentioned in a limited partnership agreement; the terms and conditions pertaining to this Wyoming entity conversion of a limited partnership (LP) to a partnership has to be approved by all its partners pursuant to WY Stat § 17-21-902 (1997 through Reg Sess).
  • Step#2: Once this Wyoming business conversion has been approved by all the partners; the limited partnership (LP) will have to cancel their “certificate of limited partnership” pursuant to WY Stat § 17-14-303 (through 2012). The conversion from Limited Partnership to Partnership in Wyoming can take effect only after the certificate of limited partnership (LP) has been canceled
  • Step#3: There is a fee of $50.00 for cancellation of “certificate of limited partnership”

Converting Profit Corporation to Non Profit Corporation in Wyoming

There are circumstances and requirements that may drive a profit corporation to convert to a non-profit corporation but what is the process for this type of Wyoming entity conversion? The process is simple and as follows:

  • Step#1: A profit corporation will be able to convert to a nonprofit corporation by simply filing amended articles of incorporation pursuant to WY Stat § 17-19-1806 (through 2012)
  • Step#2: While preparing the amendment, it is important to ensure that the amendment indicates this Wyoming business conversion or change from profit to non-profit. It should also include nonprofit requirements like whether the said corporation will be a religious, mutual or public benefit corporation.
  • Step#3: Provide information on whether the non-profit corporation will have members and how its assets will be distributed post dissolution
  • Step#4: Submit the amendment along with a filing fee of $50.00. Once the status is changed or the business entity conversion in Wyoming takes place, nonprofit formation fees will be applicable.

Note: You will not require any approval from the office of the attorney general for this type of Wyoming business conversion.

Converting Non Profit Corporation to a Profit Corporation in Wyoming

If you are operating a non-profit corporation and intend to convert to a profit corporation, what is the process? The process of Wyoming entity conversion for the same is simple and the requirements are as follows:

  • Step#1: A mutual benefit nonprofit corporation will be able to apply for and undergo the process of Wyoming business conversion by filing the “articles of amendment” pursuant to WY Stat § 17-19-1807 (through 2012)
  • Step#2: While preparing the amendment, ensure it highlights information pertaining to this Wyoming business conversion or change from nonprofit to for profit.
  • Step#3: Provide information on the number of authorized sharesthe converted corporation has the authority to issue
  • Step#4: Submit the amendment along with a filing fee of $75.00. Once the status is changed or the business entity conversion in Wyoming takes place, the profit corporation fees will be applicable.

Note: You will not require any approval from the office of the attorney generalfor this type of Wyoming entity conversion.

How does IncParadise help you?

There may be several reasons for business entity conversion in Wyoming although different business types have different conversion requirements governed by Wyoming statutes. We at IncParadise can provide meaningful assistance in the process for changing your Wyoming business entity.

IncParadise has a physical presence in Wyoming to cater to requirements of different types of businesses. Our team of expert and experienced professionals based out of our office in Casper, WY are equipped to handle any of your business queries.

We also provide an array of additional services for your Wyoming business including amendment of Articles necessary for conversion, Wyoming Dissolution if required, and foreign qualification among others. You can take advantage of our Wyoming virtual office as well as mail forwarding services in Wyoming.

Do you want to expand or move your business to Wyoming?

Introduction to Wyoming Small Business Grants

Date: | Category: | Author: developers

Introduction to Wyoming Small Business Grants

When you start a small business there may be unexpected expenditures and this may disturb your budget. In such a scenario, you may require financial assistance like small business grants in Wyoming. Small business grants are a type of Wyoming small business loans specifically created for businesses that need financial or monetary assistance. This is a guide providing an overview on different grants or grant programs available for small businesses in the state of Wyoming.

Small Business in Wyoming

One of the best locations for starting a small business is Wyoming because it has been voted to have one of the best business climates in the USA. Your business can also take advantage of Wyoming startup grants and the lack of corporate or individual income tax. There are several other advantages and benefits ranging from a strong economy and infrastructure to business incentive programs.

Why start a small business in Wyoming?

Wyoming is one of the most preferred states for starting a new business. There are several reasons why small businesses or startups find the state attractive including tax shelters, a wide variety of business incentive programs by the Wyoming small business development, a robust economy, and Wyoming startup grants among others. Let us take a look at some of the advantages or benefits of starting a new business in this state.

  • Save on Taxes: One of highlights of Wyoming being a favored destination for new businesses is that you can save on taxes. Whether you plan to form an LLC or incorporate, you can benefit from the following:
    • No Personal Income Tax
    • No Corporate Tax for business entities
    • No Excise Tax or state taxes on specific items
    • No Estate or Inheritance Tax
    • No taxes on intangible assets
  • Robust Economy: The state of Wyoming offers new businesses a robust economy and plenty of opportunities right from Wyoming small business assistance to Wyoming startup grants. The real GDP of Wyoming in 2019 was $39.31 billion with strong business growth witnessed in tourist-oriented regions like Teton County. The primary drivers of Wyoming’s economy include the travel and tourism sector, mineral extraction industry, finance, insurance, real estate, manufacturing, transportation and warehousing, retail trade, and agriculture among others.
  • Small Business Development Programs: One of the advantages of starting Wyoming women’s small business is the wide variety of programs that provide meaningful assistance to women entrepreneurs as well as all types of startups. These programs vary from small business grants in Wyoming to manufacturing assistance, business-ready community grants, Workforce Development Grants, and other incentive programs.

Wyoming Small Business Grants

Small business grants in Wyoming play a key role in ensuring startups are able to get the much needed financial assistance. Business grants are considered to be a type of Wyoming small business loans where a specified sum of money is provided to a startup business to help them manage the initial cost of setting it up. These grants are normally distributed by foundations, corporations, federal, state, or local governments, and trusts. The salient advantage of grants is that you don’t have to pay it back.

There are different types of Wyoming startup grants made available through Wyoming small business development center programs.

Wyoming Business Council Programs

One of the top organizations that provide assistance to small businesses in the form of small business grants in Wyoming is the Wyoming Business Council which participates with banks and financial institutions to enable business financing. The organization was founded by the State of Wyoming in 1998 and its primary task is to focus on making available grants for Wyoming women’s small business, creating new opportunities for businesses and prospective employees as well as ensuring a diverse and lasting growth in the state. Some of the top programs offered by the Wyoming Business Council are:

SBIR Matching Program

The SBIR Matching Program stands for Small Business Innovation Research Matching Program and it is administered by the Wyoming Business Council pursuant to Wyoming Statute § 9-12-105(d). SBIR is a Wyoming startup grant program also known as the SBIR Phase I and II matching program. The primary objective of this Wyoming small business assistance program is to provide matching funds for startups and small businesses, who receive federal funds through the SBIR or STTR programs.

You will be able to benefit from this Wyoming startup grant program only after you apply for the same. The applications are normally reviewed in September and October, each year. The SBIR Matching Grants for Wyoming small business assistance provides the following amounts:

Phase-1 Matches

  • Grant of a maximum of $100,000 for any first-time SBIR Phase 1 applicants
  • Grant of a maximum of $70,000 for repeating SBIR Phase 1 awardees

Phase-2 Matches

  • Grant of a maximum of $200,000

The Wyoming Business Council can award a grant amount of up to five million Dollars ($5,000,000) in total SBIR grants each fiscal year at its sole discretion.

The Regional Startup Challenge Sponsorship

The Regional Startup Challenge Sponsorship program is intended at leveraging regional successes. The Wyoming Business Council makes funds available as a part of their Wyoming startup grant programs to initiate the startup challenge. According to the Wyoming Business Council, eligible applicants include educational institutions, towns, cities, counties, nonprofit organizations, joint powers boards, and local economic development organizations.

Other recent funding opportunities published in local state

There are several different small business grants in Wyoming that you or your business can benefit from. Wyoming is home to almost 17,716 business entities in a variety of industries. A new business may require financial assistance if not initially then over a period of time. The Wyoming small business loans or grants can help businesses manage their initial and post startup costs in a variety of industries. Some of the most common funding opportunities administered by the Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management that a Wyoming small business will be eligible for include:

  • Public funding opportunity known as “Wyoming Wildlife Resource Management”
  • Funding opportunity known as Notice of Intent to Award: Wyoming State Forestry Division for BLM-WY, Wyoming Good Neighbor Agreement
  • Funding opportunity known as BLM Wyoming Recreation and Visitors Services
  • Funding opportunity titled “Head Start and/or Early Head Start Grantee – Laramie County, Wyoming”
  • Funding opportunity titled “BLM WY State of Wyoming, Abandoned Mine Land Coordination AML”

Apart from the above, some of the other grants or Wyoming small business loans programs include:

  • Business Ready Community Grant and Loan Program
  • Managed Data Center Cost Reduction Grant Program
  • Workforce Development Training Fund

Small Business Grants for Women in Wyoming

The world of business is seeing more and more women entrepreneurs and they are playing a key role in contributing to the overall growth of the Wyoming and U.S. economy. Businesses started by women entrepreneurs also require financial assistance and hence Wyoming startup grants are also available for such businesses. One of the most popular Wyoming women’s small business grants is known as the Amber Grant.

Amber Grants

Since there has been an increase in women entrepreneurs or women run businesses, the Amber Grants have been created specifically for businesswomen in Wyoming and all across the US. This is a Wyoming startup grant that is administered by WomensNet and was first launched in 1998. It is targeted at women who want to fulfill their business dreams. This Wyoming women’s small business grant amount can vary from $10,000 to a maximum of $25,000.

How can IncParadise help you?

One of the most important steps towards applying for small business grants in Wyoming is forming a new business or incorporation. IncParadise is an expert incorporation service provider in Wyoming and we can help you with the entire process of establishing your new business in this state.

We at IncParadise have a team of specialists and professionals who will not only help you to incorporate or form a new business but also help with any business related query you may have. We also offer a wide variety of additional services to new and existing Wyoming businesses including assistance with annual filings.

Form your new Wyoming business today!

Filing Doing Business As (DBA) in Wyoming

Date: | Category: | Author: developers

Filing Doing Business As (DBA) in Wyoming

A partnership company or a sole proprietorship business is known to opt for a doing business as (DBA) as it helps such a business to operate the company under a name that is different from their legal or registered name. How do you apply for and register a Wyoming DBA especially if you are planning to start a new business in the state? Do you have to fulfill any Wyoming dba requirements? These are some of the many questions that this DBA article guide will try and answer.

Doing Business As (DBA) in Wyoming

If you are planning to establish your startup or business in the state of Wyoming then you may be required to register a dba in Wyoming. There are several aspects you need to consider in order to file a DBA in Wyoming but let us try and understand what is a DBA and whether you require it or not.

What is Doing Business As or DBA?

When you start a new business, you have to register the name of the business. In the simplest of words, a Wyoming DBA is a legal name that needs to be registered with the Secretary of State. A “Doing Business As” (DBA) name is also sometimes known as a trade name especially for partnerships and sole proprietorships. In other words when a company or person conducts their business under another name then that name is considered to be a DBA name.

For example: An entrepreneur named Jack Wills wants to start a fashion business in Wyoming. He can name it as Jack Wills or as Fashion Frontier wherein, “Fashion Frontier” would be the DBA name. As a result, Jack Willis would have to register a dba in Wyoming under this name.

When do you need a DBA?

A Wyoming DBA or ‘Doing Business As’ is a term used in the majority of states although different states may have different technical names for the same. Some of the most common terms include:

  • Assumed Name
  • Trade Name
  • Fictious Name
  • Trading As

The question is when do you need a DBA or when do you register a dba in Wyoming? According to the office of the Wyoming Secretary of State, all types of business entities including general partnerships, sole proprietorships, limited liability companies (LLCs), corporations, limited liability partnerships (LLPs), limited partnerships (LPs), and any out of state or foreign businesses that are transacting or planning to transact business in the state under a name different from their legal name will be required to file a DBA in Wyoming.
It is important to identify the circumstances where your business may need to register a dba in Wyoming. The circumstances are:

  • If you have a general partnership firm or are a sole proprietor and plan to conduct business using a name other than your own name then you will have to file a DBA in Wyoming.
  • If you have formed an LLC (Limited Liability Company) or a business corporation and are planning to operate your company under a name different from the name of the LLC or company then you will be required to file for DBA after conducting a Wyoming dba search.

For example: let’s say that Johns Trekking Equipment Inc., wants to expand into Sports Clothing then Johns Trekking Equipment Inc. will need to file for a Wyoming DBA to conduct business as Johns Sports Clothing.

File Doing Business As (DBA) in Wyoming

You can operate your LLC, Inc., or any form of business in Wyoming under several DBA names as there are no specified limits but you will be required to file a DBA in Wyoming for each of those names. The process of filing a DBA (doing business as), which is also known as a trade name consists of a few steps as mentioned below.

Wyoming DBA name search

There are specific Wyoming dba requirements that you need to fulfill or be compliant with in order to register a DBA in the state. One of the first steps towards this is a dba name search as this will help you to identify a trade name that you can register for your business in this state.

One of the important aspects of Wyoming DBA name search is that you can browse through an extensive list of existing business names in the state. It is also important to know that Wyoming dba requirements specify that the trade name be distinguishable from other existing names or should be unique. Your trade name should include a proper suffix as mentioned by the Secretary of State like LLC, Incorporated, Corp., etc if your business is actually a corporation or LLC. You can check DBA name guidelines for Wyoming State here.

Register DBA with Wyoming SOS

Once you have identified a trade name for your business and if it is available then the next important step in Wyoming dba requirements is to register the name. You will be required to file DBA in Wyoming with the office of the Secretary of State.

The normal procedure is to complete the “Application for Registration of Trade Name” form, sign and notarize it, and then submit it with the Wyoming Secretary of State along with a filing fee of $100. Alternatively, we at IncParadise can help you register a Wyoming DBA with the office of the Secretary of State. Our process for DBA or trade name registration is quick and efficient and will help you save time.

Managing your Wyoming DBA

A Wyoming DBA is an important aspect of any business as it helps in creating a brand and can be used to serve several purposes including opening of business bank accounts. There is an initial filing fee for registering DBA and once it is registered there will be a Wyoming dba cost for renewal or changing the trade name. Let us look at the three important aspects of DBA or trade name.

Renew Wyoming DBA

After you register a dba in Wyoming, you can apply for business registration. However, it is important to remember that a Wyoming DBA has to be renewed once every ten years. There is a renewal fee of $50 to be submitted along with the renewal form to the office of the Wyoming Secretary of State.

Change Wyoming DBA

Businesses expand in their existing markets or diversify into other markets and in such scenarios you may have to file a DBA in Wyoming. But if you have already filed a trade name and want to change it, what is the process? The process is similar to that of applying for a new DBA, which is:

  • Conduct a Wyoming dba search for determining the availability of your new DBA.
  • Obtain the DBA name change form also known as the amendment to DBA name-registration form.
  • Complete the DBA name change form and submit it along with the Wyoming dba cost or fee for name change.

Cancel Wyoming DBA

At any given point in time, if you want to cancel your Wyoming DBA or trade name then you will be required to complete and submit a Cancellation of Trade Name form. The accompanying fee for cancellation is $10 and the form has to be submitted with the office of the Wyoming Secretary of State.

How IncParadise can help you!

The process to file a DBA in Wyoming requires you to fulfill certain state and legal requirements. This can be quite disconcerting but a professional service provider like IncParadise can handle all your DBA filing requirements in Wyoming on your behalf. This will allow you to focus on other aspects and requirements of your new business.

IncParadise cannot only help you to register a dba in Wyoming but also provide a wide variety of additional services to Wyoming’s new and existing businesses. Our services include getting tax id, corporation status, dissolutions, reinstatement, and foreign qualification among others. You can also enjoy the benefits of our virtual office and mail forwarding services.

Do you need help filing your Wyoming DBA?