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Disaster Planning

Date: 04/20/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Mother Nature has really socked it to many of us in the past months. We’ve dealt with devastating hurricanes, tornadoes, and flooding that have wiped out homes and businesses. For businesses, it should serve as a wake up call to review the disaster plans we have in place to deal with such occurrences. Unfortunately, many small businesses do not have…

Creating policies

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

Policies are defined as standing instructions or guidelines to be followed by the organization members. Does a small business then need any policy framework? Yes, any business whether small or large, needs policies to guide their business on a day-to-day basis. Policies are usually written down for others to follow. Some of the day to day decisions are taken without…

Small Business Hiring Slows

Date: 04/19/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

A recent survey by SurePayroll of more than 16,000 clients showed that small business hiring has decreased. Small business hiring declined in March, the seventh month of negative or zero growth. The last hiring increase was in August 2005. However, owners are giving salary increases to workers already on their staff.  The average small business salary was $29,918 which is…

Common snags in a business plan

Date: 04/18/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Business plan acts as a guideline for business conduct. Some small business owners keep the business plan along with them all the time and refer it for every major action.  Business plan, whether created by the business owner himself or by a hired pro, contains some harmful cons. These pitfalls are likely to be inflated when the owner himself writes…

Small Business Accounting Conference

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

Mark your calendars! The Small Business Practitioner’s Tax Forum offers proven strategies and answers helping firms distinguish themselves in the highly competitive small business marketplace. This year’s conference is scheduled for July 17 and 18 in Chicago, Illinois, with optional pre-conference workshops on Sunday, July 16. For more information. For More information contact, a incorporation services in any state,…

Overcoming Small Business Challenges

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

Small business owners face and overcome challenges details a new report in the Santa Cruz Sentinel. Among the business owners challenges included: Finding big-box stores that sell nursery landscape plants for less than what I can buy wholesale from local growers; overcoming a saturated video market and marketing a new product on a shoestring budget. Check out their stories for…