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2006 National Average Salary Expected to Increase

Date: 02/15/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Experts at shows that 2006 salaries are expected to rise at the same rate as last year. The survey shows total pay raises at 3.7 percent nationally. Additionally, 35 percent of human resource managers reported that their 2006 budget for salary increases will be larger than 2005, while 9 percent anticipate a lower budget, and 55 percent reported no…

3 Best Small Business Opportunities in Today’s Context

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

1) Natural Health Products: Today there is a fad for natural health products like the herbal tea, Ginseng, white tea, etc, due to the fact that these products do not bring along side effects. This is thus a good option to be into an in-thing product. Only thing you should do before starting is the basic research. 2) Security Biometric…

Help with hiring new employees

Date: 02/14/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

We have several job openings in our own Incorporation business and I was looking for new websites where to post our job listings. Here is one tip. Website called JobThread. It is automated system for referrals and job postings: Here is more information directly form JobThread website: Quick, simple and painless Your own hosted mini-job site (no software to download…

Lubbock, Texas Chamber of Commerce tackles Health Insurance Issue

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

The big news is good news for small business owners. The Lubbock Chamber of Commerce is partnering with First Care, Covenant and UMC to offer health coverage to local small and medium sized businesses. This means employers can now offer better health care plans to their employees at a more affordable price. Over 90% of area physicians will participate in…

ME: Minimum Wage Bill Moving Through Legislature

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

A bill now moving through the Maine Legislature would raise the minimum hourly wage from $6.50 to $6.75 on Oct. 1 and to $7 in October 2007. Supporters point out that even with the increase the stark reality remains that someone who works full time all year would make only about $14,600. Support for the bill is growing. The bill…

SBA Budget to take Hit in 2007

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

According to President Bush’s 2007 budget, the SBA will take a 30 percent cut in funding which will bring its annual budget to approximately $429 million.  Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez, D-NY, called it an “attack on this nation’s entrepreneurs. In a statement released by Velazquez, she points out that the Bush administration has reduced allotted funds for the SBA 60 percent…