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Small Business Tax Advice

Date: 01/10/2006 | Category: QuickBooks | Author: developers

Whether you’re just getting started or are trying to figure out where you’re going with your small business, the following tips can help keep your head above water with safe accounting and tax filing practices. Record keeping is the number one issue that leads to tax problems. Whether the problem is not getting enough money back or being able to…

Michigan to Slash Small Business Tax

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

The Detroit News is reporting that the State Republican lawmakers are on the verge of cutting state taxes in half for 32,000 small businesses by month’s end. However, Gov. Jennifer Granholm may oppose the tax cut unless supporters for the proposal can find a way to pay for it without cutting more from the State’s budget. Under the GOP proposal,…

I bought a computer- Can I write it all off?

Date: 01/09/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Can the entire acquisition cost of a computer that I purchased for my business be deducted as a business expense or do I have to use depreciation? The entire acquisition cost of a computer purchased for business use can be expensed under Code section 179 in the first year if qualified, or depreciated over a 5-year recovery period. Under section…

Productivity Savings Cited in Combining Commercial Insurance Lines

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

The 2nd Annual Wausau Multiline Productivity Poll found that 81% of commercial insurance buyers believe that they save at least $1 in lost productivity expenses for every $1 saved by reducing workers compensation claim expenses. The independent survey of 200 financial executives also noted that: • Approximately 70% of respondents have combined at least two lines of commercial insurance with…

Home Business Support

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

The challenge for many starting a home business is knowing where to start. IncParadise helps you get the paperwork done and the incorporation going. But how do you get all the resources you need to keep your home-based business going? Credit card processing? Insurance? Financial advice and support? Check out Home Business Association. They offer a number of services that…

Bookkeeping for Nevada corporations

Date: 01/07/2006 | Category: QuickBooks | Author: developers

Did you start your new company in Nevada? Do you need inexpensive bookkeeping system from local company? The price start at $45 per month for companies with very small number of transactions. Bookkeeping Services for Small Businesses Click here to read more on Nevada