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Taking the Issue of Minimum Wage to the States

Date: 01/03/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

As a new year is ushered in, so is the reality that the federal minimum wage remains at the same $5.15/hour rate for the ninth year in a row. Supporters for a minimum wage increase consider the lack of wage increase to be bad economics, bad policy, unfair, and even immoral. The Democrats, led by Sen. Edward Kennedy, have settled…

New Mexico Out of State Income Tax

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

On Thursday December 31, the New Mexico courts decided in favor of the state over KMart Corp when it comes to levying income taxes on businesses that have no physical presence in the state. The Free NewMexican reported the story in their Thursday online edition. What this means for many businesses, especially ecommerce, is that states where those companies generate…

Arizona Businesses May Face Possible Changes in 2006

Date: 01/02/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

There are several key business-related items that may appear on Arizona’s legislative calendar in 2006 including: Business property tax In 2005, business property taxes were levied at 25% of the full cash value of a business. This was in comparison to 10% for homeowners. This year, the rate will drop to 24.5% and will continue to drop each year by…

Should You Hire An Accountant?

Date: 12/30/2005 | Category: Business | Author: developers

From time to time, bringing in someone who can help you with your taxes and provide you with financial advice is not a bad idea. While large corporations obviously employ accountants and tax attorneys, the small business owner and the self-employed may not have the resources to hire an in-house financial advice. If you’re looking for an accountant, you can…

Sorry we cannot accept AMEX for online orders at this moment.

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

We had recently got new merchant account, which we are testing with our new IncContact (contact management system). We had to get the second merchant account, because LinkPoint couldn’t be added to our existing QuickBooks merchant account. But some glitch happened in the process and American Express cards were not activated. We are trying to sort that out quickly, but…

How should enterpreuner go about getting venture capital?

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

Here is my tip for great blog from Brad Feld, managing director of Mobius Venture Capital. Good reading. This one about if using Investment agent is good idea when entrepreneur is looking for venture capital. In the early stages, the entrepreneur is by far the best fundraiser for his company and there is a knee jerk negative reaction by many…