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New Jersey’s Business Confidence Falters

Date: 12/19/2005 | Category: Business | Author: developers

The New Jersey Business & Industry Association recently completed their 2006 Business Outlook Survey. The survey found that New Jersey employers are deeply concerned about the near-term outlook for the State and the overall national economy. They are anticipating a slowdown in economic activity at all levels. “For the State and national economies, a new pessimism has replaced last year’s…

Pollution Tax Credit – Oregon

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

The state of Oregon is about to become a ground of contention as businesses lobby to hang onto the Pollution Tax Credit due to sunset in 2007. Lawmakers in the Oregon are examining the Pollution Tax Credit that has been on the books since 1967. The law was enacted to encourage industrial businesses in Oregon to comply with new federal…

Do You Send Faxes to Clients? Then read on…

Date: 12/16/2005 | Category: Business | Author: developers

In July 2005, another scratch-your-head-type law went into effect. This one, called the Junk Fax Prevention Act of 2005 (JFPA) has several surprises for business owners in terms of sending routine faxes to their customers. Here is what you should know. What is a Junk Fax? Logically, we would think of a junk fax as an unsolicited fax. However, under…

Fair, Flat Tax Act of 2005

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

The “Fair, Flat Tax Act of 2005” was introduced in late October by Oregon Senator Ron Wyden. The bill was introduced before the Presidential panel that suggested rewriting the nation’s tax laws. (Some have even suggested chucking the millions of pages of tax code and starting over from scratch.) The Presidential panel has suggested that tax laws be written to…

High Wages/Low Wages….Where are they?

Date: 12/15/2005 | Category: Business | Author: developers

According to recently released Census data, States with the highest wage earners are found along the East coast region. Connecticut leads the pack with the highest median household income at $56,409. Rounding out the top three are New Jersey at $56,356, and Massachusetts at $52,713. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Mississippi holds the lowest median income spot with…

Blue Grass State Takes More Business Accolades

Date: 12/14/2005 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Site Selection magazine, a leading international economic development publication, ranked Kentucky 9th in the nation in its 2005 Annual Business Climate Rankings. The ranking follows on the heals of Kentucky’s 3rd place ranking for its workforce training programs in Expansion Management magazine, and its 4th place finish in Site Selection’s Annual Competitiveness Award. Economic Development Cabinet Secretary Gene Strong said,…