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Small Business Owners Receive a Record Amount of Capital

Date: 12/09/2005 | Category: Business | Author: developers

In 2004, financial institutions lent $93 billion to small business owners nationwide (in loans under $100,000), showing a healthy demand for capital and a strong sense of optimism in their future business prospects. With 95% of all small businesses generating less than $2 million in annual revenues, tracking loans under $100,000 is an important measurement to gauge how effectively financial…

Marketing Tip

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

Business Christmas cards are a great way to send out season’s greetings and build a relationship with existing and prospective clients. A business Christmas card says that you took the time and the effort to consider your clients. You can send them to all the clients you’ve done work with in the current year, perhaps even renewing contacts with clients…

Corporate Formalities

Date: 12/08/2005 | Category: Business | Author: developers

If a business incorporates, it is important that they follow what is considered to be proper corporate formalities from the onset. Failure to comply with applicable laws that dictate proper corporate formalities may result in the loss of corporate status, loss of limited liability, and potential loss of tax benefits associated with incorporating. A large piece of following proper corporate…

Power Sell Your Business

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

EBay is the thing for a lot of aspiring entrepreneurs. With their business tools, power seller labels, Paypal service and much more, they provide sellers with a storefront to hang their banner from. You can build your own business without investing in real estate, worrying about storage space or even paying for a website. All you need to open an…

Let’s Talk About Taxes

Date: 12/07/2005 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Your small business is going to face tax time just like everyone else. So don’t get caught in the tax rush after January 1st when it’s too late to take advantage of the calendar date. Here is a tip to help you soften the tax blow and that are still available to most small businesses. If you purchased technology or…

Is Texas Truly Business Friendly?

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

Texas has always prided itself on being a business friendly state. If you examine the existing business climate indices, you will normally see Texas ranking comparatively high. For example: On the State Business Tax Climate Index 4th Small Business Survival Index 11th Economic Freedom Index 17th Competitiveness Index 20th However, a study released by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) supports…