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Is email marketing dead?

Date: 03/23/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Email marketing had taken the world by storm couple of years back. While the serious marketers have started doubting the effectiveness of email marketing with changing scenario and legal issues, spammers are having a field day. Does this mean email marketing is not productive enough? Not really. There are ways and means that can be effectively deployed to extract most…

KY: Showdown between large and small businesses

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

Under increasing pressure from small business owners, Kentucky state lawmakers approved a bill that substantially lowers the tax burden on smaller frms — in part by suspending proposed tax cuts for large corporations. The bill proposes that businesses with less the $3 million in gross annual profits would be exempt from the alternative minimum calculation. The proposed legislation also allows…

Future Forecasts?

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

The small business world is getting smaller and smaller each day, not only do you have to compete with your local market and large chains, but you’re also competing with small businesses in Hong Kong and elsewhere. Experts suggest that American businesses will continue to see increased competition from overseas. Currently, Western Europe and Asia account for 43% of the…

Texas Governor Believes in Small Business

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

Texas prospers only when small business prospers. That was the message Wednesday from Governor Rick Perry. He hosted a small business summit in Lubbock aimed at providing area small businesses with tools to succeed. Governor Perry said that small businesses are the engine that drives the economy of the state of Texas. 98% of the business generated in the state of Texas…

Why to have a website?

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

For those who don’t own a website, life is really much more difficult than those owning one. Why does one need a website? Here is a list of benefits favoring owning a website.  1. 24/7 availability – YOU are available to the site visitor on a 24/7 basis. What I mean to say is that the world is still awake…

Cyber Criminals Looking at Small Businesses as Potential Targets

Date: 03/22/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Many small business owners do not list computer and internet security as issues high on their agenda of concerns. However, they should for several reasons. While you may think that hackers like to target larger companies in order to “bring them to their kneesâ€?, this would be an incorrect perception. In most cases, attacks are random. The hacker is simply…