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Small Business – Growth Tactic

Date: 02/14/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

You have regular customers when your business is recognized but you definitely intend to increase sales. It is not difficult since now customers know you. You only need to retain them by certain tactics. But before you start anything you surely would require your customers’ buying history. You should maintain a record of individual customers or group them in categories…

Price for Annual directors and shareholders minutes and resolutions preparation was lowered

Date: 02/13/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Every corporation must have annual meetings of directors and shareholders. Such records of meetings should be kept in company records. We can prepare set of documents for initial or annual meeting of directors and shareholders for new low price. Annual meetings are only $45 and the first initial meeting including preparing shares is $89. See more information about annual meetings…

Oklahoma Improves Small Business Insurance Options

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

The state legislature in Oklahoma is working on passing Senate Bill 1294, authored by Senator Tom Adelson. The bill expands the Insure Oklahoma program to include small businesses with 50 or fewer employees.  Created by democrats, the program will allow small business owners a fantastic opportunity to provide their employees health insurance at affordable rates. For more information on the…

CO: New Mandate to Stifle Small Business

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

In Colorado, Senate Bill 66 passed the Senate Education Committee by a 4 to 3 vote. The bill would require every Colorado company that employs at least 10 people to give parents as much as five hours a month of unpaid leave to attend school functions.According to surveys, students appreciate having parents present at plays and assemblies. Parents also say…

Security Solutions

Date: 02/10/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Most new businesses don’t even think about it.  But it’s important to keep an eye on your network security, not just because you have sensitive data, but because a smart criminal knows how to look for the holes in a system.   While a security solution for your network might be expensive, the loss to business, reputation and legal issues…

OK: Bill to Expand Small Business Options Moves Forward

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

A bill that would increase access to affordable health care for Oklahomans has passed a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee. Senate Bill 1294 expands the Insure Oklahoma program to include small businesses with 50 or fewer employees. The program allows small business owners the opportunity to provide health insurance to their employees at affordable rates. Currently more than 700,000 Oklahomans, nearly one-fifth…