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Nice Testimonial we got from Global Direct Management

Date: 06/10/2006 | Category: Testimonials | Author: developers

Hello John, I just wanted to show my appreciation for the work that your company has done on our behalf.  it was truly professional and within the expected time line.  thank you for a job well done. I wanted also to thank Patricia for a job very well done.  she has been very friendly and professional and helped guide me through the process…

Nevada Is Advertising To Attract Small Business Owners From California

Date: 06/09/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

I just saw a full page ad from today’s USA Today. [photopress:PICT0020.JPG,full,pp_image] [photopress:PICT0017.JPG,full,pp_image] 5 ways to reduce your nut Eliminate personal income tax, axe corporate income tax, don’t pay inventory tax, lower workers’ comp costs, relocate to Las Vegas! Set a new company with us and start doing business in Las Vegas!  

Camera phones in the workplace

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

Camera phones are everywhere.  Gartner Inc., a technology consulting firm believes that in 2006, four of every five cellular phones shipped annually in the U.S. and Western Europe will feature a built-in camera.  As a small business owner, you may not understand the significance to you, but you should. Camera phones pose a potential threat to possible breaches of data…

Managing PLC

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

PLC i.e., product life cycle represents the life of a product in the market place from its launch till its withdrawal. Theoretically PLC assumes a bell shaped curve, practical aspects may not adhere to the same. business owners must be cautious of life cycle of the products marketed by them. The problem appears when the product hits the pinnacle of…

How to Get A Cell Phone Tower On Your Property

Date: 06/08/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Ever think about getting passive income with no work. Having cell phone tower on your property might do the trick of getting check every month without any work. Here are the links of wireless companies where you can submit your land offer for possible cell phone tower lease. T-Mobile Verizon Spring/Nextel American Tower Are you planning to start a new…

Recognizing Employees for a Job Well Done

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

As the old saying goes, sometimes it’s the little things in life that mean the most. That can be true when it comes to recognizing your employees for a job well done. Granted, a good compensation plan goes along way in keeping your employees happy and motivated, but providing a little extra incentive also works wonders. Finding ways to recognize…