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Small business – large savings

Date: 05/08/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Basic principle of successfully running a small business centers around profitability in the short and long term. Let’s have a closer look at this concept of profitability. Profit is nothing but the difference between revenue generated and costs incurred. Profitability can be increased by adopting one of the two approaches or both – increase revenue and decrease costs.  Increasing revenues…

Arizona LLC has no Annual Report Requirement

Date: 05/05/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

If you are looking for the minimum annual hassle Arizona LLC is good choice. There is no Annual Report Requirement for LLCs in Arizona. Arizona is also one of the less expensive States for incorporation, but filing takes really long time. Regular filing takes about 5 months, expedite several weeks.  

Looking for good ideas about doing business online

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

Adsense /Adwords discussion, where and how to make money on Internet, Search engine optimization are all discussed on The Warrior Forum. Good resource information for people doing business on Internet. Are you planning to start a new business in Utah, contact who can make process of starting a new business very easy, Call at 888-284-3821.  

Are You Ready for Hurricane Season?

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

A story in the Orlando Sentinel got me thinking.   [quote] After two years of rampaging hurricanes — not to mention killer tornadoes, blizzards, mudslides and the ongoing threat of terrorism — you would think the nation’s 24 million small businesses would be ready for anything. But they’re not.  Because most think they don’t need to be. A recent MasterCard survey found…

Employer Liability for Sexual Harassment

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

Today, many companies have created zero-tolerance policies regarding sexual harassment. However, some still do not have any type of written policy in place. While they may believe they don’t need one because they are too small, they may want to consider this: On the issue of having a written policy, the Supreme Court has said,”…proof that an employer had promulgated…

How do RSS feeds help?

Date: 05/04/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

RSS feeds, seemingly a complicated term (because anything abbreviated seems to be complicated), is actually a simple thing to understand and implement. Different people expand this abbreviation as per their own definitions – really simple syndication or rich site summary. Whatever it stands for, important thing to know about RSS is that it is very useful for business websites, particularly…