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Earthlink Increases Small Business Potential

Date: 05/02/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

EarthLink Inc., one of the nation’s largest Internet service providers, said Monday it will expand its offerings to small and medium-sized businesses. A beefed up unit, called EarthLink Business Solutions, will offer bundled services to business customers that will include web hosting, security software and payment infrastructure services.The company also hopes to capitalize on sales of broadband connections to companies…

Does jargon help?

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

There are three distinct classes of people in the business (or job) of making presentations – those who know the job, but can’t present properly. Second class belongs to those who can present anything on earth in an impressive manner are the ones not knowing much about the contents. Third category belongs to those who are trying to learn the…

The Importance of Employee Exit Interviews

Date: 05/01/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Many companies, big and small, conduct some type of interview with exiting employees. That’s a good thing. Exit interviews are more then just a reason to find out why someone is leaving. They are an effective strategic management tool that can provide you with information regarding why good people would want to stay with your organization. Today’s labor market has…

Continuing Education

Date: 04/30/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

During my long career of small business consulting, I have mostly come across small business owners who have barely completed their high schooling or graduation, and started their own business. I am often confused and impressed with the fact that these small business owners are so clear about their vision (they may not know the word vision), and their objective,…

Construction Destruction for Small Business

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

When construction happens, it’s most often the small business that feels the squeeze. The Miami Herald details one such tale of woe. The problem in many urban areas is that construction can shut down roads, sidewalks and much more for weeks at a time. Small businesses function on daily sales, foot traffic and work. When the customers are turned away…

States’ Attorney Generals Oppose Small Business Health Insurance Measures

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

USA Today is running a story that thirty-nine state attorneys general say they oppose a Senate bill that proponents say would help small businesses afford health insurance, but critics fear will undermine the insurance market and drive up costs for some. In a letter to the Senate sent Monday, the attorneys general said the bill would strip states of many…