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Smart Business Tips: Praising!

Date: 04/24/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

When it comes to praising your co-workers, your employees or even your business partners, it’s important to stress what you are praising specifically. While praise is an effective tool for any manager and it can engender positive feelings in the work place, the last thing you want to to do is praise someone for all their efforts that day if…

TN: Matchmaking Service for Small Businesses Expanded

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

The Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development’s Business Enterprise Resource Office has expanded its matchmaker service. The Tennessee Business Matchmaking Program pairs small businesses, including small manufacturers, with government agencies, corporations and large manufacturers that have potential contract opportunities. The program is touted as providing opportunities for small businesses to hold personal, one-on-one meetings with potential clients that might…

Should ethics play a role?

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

Small business owners are frequently caught in the cross fire – profitability vis-à-vis social responsibility. There are areas that require close monitoring from the point of view of perfect balancing of the two, especially when the two are at loggerheads.  Consider this – one of my clients was facing a huge dilemma when he had to decide between installing effluent…

Is selling different from marketing?

Date: 04/22/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Lot many pages in as many books have been written about the differences between selling and marketing. But do these differences apply for small businesses? Or these are one of those ‘hi frill’ things from the board rooms of large conglomerates?  The answer is firm no to second question – there are real differences between the two for small businesses…

Soaring Health Costs Biggest Headache for Small Businesses

Date: 04/21/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Small businesses have reached the ultimate level of frustration when attempting to deal with soaring employee health costs. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, costs for employers with 3 to 199 workers jumped approximately 10% last year. This was even higher than the 9% jump in costs for companies with 200 + employees. If you are looking for possible avenues…

Product survey benefits

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

As a busy market research consultant, I have often come across small business owners wanting to conduct a survey for their company. They were, however clueless about anything else about it. When asked about the research objective, they knew nothing about it. What I must say here is that it is not only important to do survey about your product,…