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Is outsourcing a good option?

Date: 04/11/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Arguably, the topic mostly debated across the globe today is about outsourcing. Many economists and politicians have put forth their views for and against this phenomenon, likely to increase in the immediate future. Outsourcing has its own sets of pros and cons, particularly for small businesses.  Let me first of all consider the cons. Small businesses face the biggest challenge…

Accounting Records

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

How good is your accounting? Small businesses should keep accurate records, but now more so than ever before as your chances of being audited are now twice that of what they were two years ago. In a recent article,  IRS Commissioner Mark Everson told members of a House committee Wednesday “That businesses grossing less than $10 million a year are…

NY: Small Biz Loan Program Gets More Cash

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

New York is committing another $100 million for a small business loan program operated by the New York Business Development Corporation. These funds will mark the third $100 million installment made to this small business development loan program. The money is coming out of the state’s common retirement system to fund the NYBDC program. The loan will allow the NYBDC…

Another testimonial from today

Date: | Category: Testimonials | Author: developers

Dear Sir/Madam: Please acknowledge Natasha for her excellent service and people skills.  The management at Eastbiz is truly fortunate to have someone of her caliber on staff.  We look forward to a long and mutually beneficial relationship with Eastbiz, primarily due to our relationship with Natasha. Sincerely, Stephen D. Cummins Chairman/CEO Are your in need of a resident agent for…

Testimonials we have received

Date: | Category: Testimonials | Author: developers

 Typing “incorporate” on Google fetches, literally, 15,000,000 results in .08 seconds. Many of these hits direct one to companies who assist small businesses owners in incorporating their companies. After having researched, called, argued with, and walked away from more than a dozen, I would have to recommend, hands down, A regular staff of professionals who know exactly what they’re…

Small business software tools

Date: 04/10/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

It is next to impossible to imagine small business (in fact, any business) functioning without a computer and software tools installed on the PC. Here is a list of essential software tools needed for smooth running of small business –  1. Office suite – office suite constitutes three major components comprising of word processing, spreadsheet and presentation. Word processing tool…