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Business expansion

Date: 03/29/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Businesses stop growing at the same rate as during initial years. There comes stagnation due to many factors like changes in tastes & preferences, technological changes & advancements, etc. How come then companies like Coke, McDonald’s maintain healthy rate of growth? How do these companies survive despite many odds? There are many strategies to overcome such problems.  1. Expand the…

Small Business Guide Aims to Prevent Data Attacks

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

InfoWorld reported today that vulnerable small business groups have come together to protect against breaches of their data.  They revealed a guidelines package on Monday that seeks to help small businesses help themselves and reduce the number of U.S. small businesses who suffered data breaches in 2005 from 56%.  While corporate business tends to dominate the news reports, Small Businesses…

NV State Bank Launches Small Business Website

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

Nevada State Bank announced that it has launched a new website geared to assisting small business owners. The Web site’s intent is to provide businesses with information on how to reduce costs, remain competitive, save time, and obtain information that is often difficult to find in one place. The will be updated weekly.

WA: New Laws Aid Small Businesses

Date: 03/28/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Washington’s Gov. Gregoire signed several bills into law designed to help small businesses. The two primary laws include a new health care insurance subsidy program and a tax credit worth potentially $10 million to $12 million on the soda-pop syrup used by restaurants. The soda-pop tax break was only one of roughly $54 million in tax incentives or cuts the…

American Business Behaving Ethically

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

Baylor University researchers have concluded that the U.S. Business community has been behaving more ethically. Their findings will be published in the Journal of Small Business Management in April. The study utilized responses from over 5,000 manageers in large and small firms in all of the 50 states. The surveys were mailed out over a time period that involved 17…