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Sense and Respond

Date: 02/27/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

‘Sense and respond’ is fast catching with marketing organizations across the mother planet. This model (sense and respond) stands for understanding your customers better and responding in a timely fashion. This supply and chain model can help reduce inventory cycles and build a reputation for keeping the ‘in’ things.  It actually boils down to this – you must follow the…

Internet Ad War

Date: 02/25/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

You must have heard of Google and its advertising product AdWords. It works like this – you can place your advertisement on the Google search engine based on specific keyword. This ensures that you ad caters to specific target market and returns high & relevant traffic to your site. Success of Google AdWords almost entirely spelt doom for banner or…

MA Launches Small-Business Partnership Program

Date: 02/24/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

On Tuesday, Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts announced a new initiative called Massachusetts Business Connect.   This program is designed to assist large corporation seeking innovation and cutting-edge skills with small businesses and research universities that specialize in those needs. A major focus of the initiative will be building relationships. Proctor & Gamble participated in the pilot program last August and…

Great Idea – Poor Product

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

Planning to launch a new product? You have been thinking the idea to be an instant hit among the prospective customers. Once you launch the product, you suddenly start feeling the heat. You are now seriously thinking on how to control the money outflow and bring it below that of inflow. Your great idea seemed to have been thrown to…

Who Moved My Customers? part 1

Date: 02/23/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Not too long ago, a friend of mine gave me a very poular book called, Who Moved My Cheese. This book, written a few years back, has circulated around the business community and is regarded as a good read for anyone looking to stay on top of their game. To summarize this book, when we don’t adapt to the changing…

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

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