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Local Business Licenses and Regulations

Date: 01/20/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Have you started a home-based business? Are you aware that you need to make sure you are complying with local, state and federal regulations? As hard as it may be to believe, just because you provide consulting via email out of your home, it’s still better to check out what regulations affect you. Why? Because you could incur fines for…

Washington Small Businesses Set Legislative Goals

Date: 01/19/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

The nonpartisan Washington Policy Center announced that the state’s small businesses are united on three key legislative goals. They are: • Legalizing the use of cheaper, “bare bonesâ€? health insurance plans that only cover the basics for employees of small businesses. • Give restaurants a tip credit when calculating the minimum wage. • Repeal the state’s estate tax, which lawmakers…

What’s in a Business Plan?

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

If you’re just getting ready to get started as your own private business owner, you’re going to need to write a business plan. The problem you may be facing is exactly what do you put into a business plan? First off, a business plan will help you determine your money needs and gives you a clear focus on the type…

Think Retirement

Date: 01/18/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

As a small business owner, your mind is always occupied with some aspect of business.  Most of your planning is focused on making sure your business is a success well into the future.  But, have you given thoughts to your own individual plans for the future? Have you thought about retirement?  You may think your options are limited as a…

Considering Starting a New Business?

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

Considering starting a new business? Are you worried about the type of business you’re considering? We all have great ideas and there are times when people around you might even suggest that you should put those ideas to work and start your own business. Here’s some factors to consider before taking that leap. First of all, do you have enough…

Small Business IT Tips

Date: 01/17/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

The Small Business Technology Institute recently conducted a study of 1,000 small businesses and their use of technology. The conclusion of the survey was that most small business are largely unaware and uninformed about information security risks and their potential economic impact.  Results indicate that 20% of small business do not even scan email, and 75% have no plans to…