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Utah’s Extractive Industries Grow Significantly

Date: 12/22/2005 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Utah has experienced tremendous growth in its extractive industries. In 2004, the total value for oil, gas, minerals and coal totaled $4.2 billion. The projections for 2005 are $6.3 billion. There were over 1,600 applications for well permits approved and over 800 new oil and gas wells drilled in 2005 alone. This positive growth has brought additional benefits to the…

Dollar for Dollar

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

I talked about blogging for business yesterday, but it’s a pretty broad subject with a versatile range of uses and benefits. Blogs are probably among the most inexpensive forms of marketing for small business because they require little to no overhead. A business owner doesn’t even require a high-speed connection in order to post their blogs on a daily, semi-weekly…

Incorporate in 2005 or 2006?

Date: 12/21/2005 | Category: Business | Author: developers

The end of a calendar year and the beginning of the next are typically the highest volume periods for formations of corporations. Many entrepreneurs looking to incorporate may be questioning whether it is better to incorporate now or wait until 2006. Here are a few advantages to incorporating in 2005 and 2006 respectively. If incorporate in 2005: (1) All corporate…

Generate New Business

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

Businesses are always looking for new ways to market themselves, their products or their services. While advertising is available in a wide variety of formats, there are newer waves that are causing ripples in the great big pond known as the Internet. One of those is the concept of blogging. Blog is a modern buzzword that stands for web log….

Choosing a Domain Name

Date: 12/20/2005 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Thanks to modern technology and a plethora of “Dummies Guide to…â€? books, almost anyone can set up their own website with relative ease. While user-friendly software makes the process of setting up a website seems quite simple, one aspect which may not be so simple to accomplish is selecting a domain name. The quest for the perfect domain name which…

More Small Business Tax Year End Tips

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

Yes, there’s only four days left until it’s Christmas Eve and with the holiday rush and shuffle combined with another big rush towards the New Year next week, it’s hard to focus on the matters at hand that need to be taken care of. Specifically, the year is over after December 31st, so now is the time to take care…