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What is job description?

Date: 06/19/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Job description is something every organization needs to write down for each of the positions. Job description writing applies to all the organizations whether small business or large corporation.  Job description helps a new employee and organization in many ways. While the organization is benefited with the precise definition of job / tasks to be performed by the employee, it…

Business Optimism Waning

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

According to a recent survey by SurePayroll, the nation’s largest online payroll service provider for small businesses, 41% of small business owners are pessimistic about the economy.  That’s an increase of over 24% from the last poll taken just one month ago. Slow hiring and rising salary costs in recent months are being cited as leading indicators of an ever-increasing…

THANK YOU to you folks for helping me realize my dream

Date: | Category: Testimonials | Author: developers

I am very happy when we receive testimonials like this one. John _________________________________________________ Hello Sherry and Sheryl;   Just wanted to say THANK YOU to you folks for helping me realize my dream:    BECOME INCORPORATED… and run my own corporate research firm.   You folks were prompt, professional, and very instrumental in assisting me with getting my incorporation papers…

Time for a check up

Date: 06/16/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

June and July are great times for small business owners to sit down and perform a financial check up of their business. Taking the time to sit down with your financial advisor and/or accountant to review financial projections and overall business plans will allow you to assess where your company is at currently, and where it is heading for the…

Dealing with Data Breach Laws

Date: 06/15/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Data breaches are not just a consumer issue anymore. Following California’s earlier lead, at least 22 states and one municipality, New York City, have enacted laws requiring businesses to inform individuals of security breaches involving personal data particularly useful in ID theft and financial fraud. Data breaches can happen to a business regardless of their size. Therefore, businesses need to…

Conducting right interviews

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

Recruiting manpower is seemingly an easy job. I have used the word ‘seemingly’. Reality is little different from the theory. Everyone talks about unemployment. Ask any small business owner about his biggest problem – he is going to talk about employees. Recruiting employees is a major problem for a business owner.  An employer generally tries to explore two areas –…