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Advertising on Google

Date: 03/08/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

There are more than 300,000 search engines in addition to numerous intrasite search engines. The giant in the industry is Google. Google claims to have about 55% of the traffic while all other search engines wresting the remaining 45%. It makes lot of economic sense to advertise on Google search engine rather than considering your ads on others. Google runs…

Tips for Small Business

Date: 03/07/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Encourage consistently high standards of client interaction. Establish a return phone call/e-mail strategy, have informative literature in your waiting room, generate billing statements that are easy to understand. Don’t confuse response with results. The goal of advertising is to create a clear awareness of your company and its unique selling proposition. Unfortunately, many advertisers evaluate their ads by the comments…

Do’s and Dont’s of Launching a Small Business Website

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers expert, Alicia Harper offers 6 Do’s and Don’ts for launching a small business website. They include: (1) DON’T focus on images and how pretty your site will be. Your website is there to educate and inform customers of your services. Alot of pictures and images can prove distracting. (2) DON’T compare web designers by their price. Services provided by…

The Elevator Pitch

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

We have all been there in that awkward silence. The one where you are going to the eigth floor and the other person is going to the tenth. A shared slight smile and you stare at the numbers as they slowly climb. Often, this is a wonderful opporutunity to develop a new prospect and realtionship, especially if this is someone…

Should you think of strategic alliance?

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

Is the idea worthy when two or three businesses join hands together for a defined time period? Does it offer any benefits? Here is a list of benefits one can draw from a successful business alliance –  1. Costs go down – when two or more businesses come together the costs of operations come down. For example, your customer care…

9 Tips for your website

Date: 03/06/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Here is a list of ‘to do’ to promote your website –  1. Research the search phrases used by your prospects to find out information. These phrases are the keywords for your site.  2. Ensure that these keywords are inserted into the website copy.  3. Important to remember – search engines don’t look for graphics, but text part. Your site…