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Addressing a Potential Labor Shortage

Date: 06/27/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Experts are predicting a labor shortage due in large part to aging of baby boomers and fewer young people entering the workforce. According to the Bureau Labor Statistics, by 2014, 21% of the workforce will be 55 or older, compared with 16% in 2005. Many believe that as the gap continues to widen, more and more companies will need to…

Are PTOs Right For Your Company?

Date: 06/26/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Paid-time off banks (PTOs) are becoming popular with many companies these days. What are PTOs? They are “banks” of time off for an employee, which combines vacation days, sick leave, personal days, and, in some cases, holidays, all into one lump of time that employees can use for any reason. Many companies favor PTO banks because they help trim the…

Vision, mission, goals.

Date: 06/25/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Confusing title and words? Seems straight from leading business school MBA classes? You may be right, and wrong too. Goals are understandable, but are vision and mission really important for small business? I must say yes to this question counting my own MBA and a long & successful career in consulting. I have known many business owners succeeding in their…

Dream, Visualize, Act.

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

A businessman is a person who keeps himself ‘busy’ towards accomplishing set goals (if any goals are set!). What it is that makes a person successful businessman? Putting it more directly, what does it take to be a successful businessman?  I have known and heard one thing for sure about successful businessmen – they were great dreamers. Then comes the…

New technology adoptability

Date: 06/23/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Small business owners always face one major dilemma, that of employing new technology into the business. As recent till 90’s, business owners had a tough time choosing computers for running their businesses. There were more discussions about the limitations from using the computers than getting the most from them.  Resorting to new technology is always a difficult given couple of…

Whose Got Your Back?

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

According to a recent study by the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council, the congressional delegations from Idaho and Oklahoma support small businesses more than those from other states. Rankings were based on congressonal members who consistently voted on issues that support entrepreneurs and the small business community. The findings of the study show that many Midwest congressional members support small-business…