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Success at trade shows

Date: 03/22/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Trade shows have been an integral part of marketing efforts, especially true for small business owners. Trade shows present a wonderful opportunity for the businesses to showcase their products to a target segment. Most of the trade shows carve out specific time slots for business-to-business activities. Remaining time slots are usually reserved for common publics.  Trade shows are an excellent…

NV: Hispanic Entrepreneurs

Date: 03/21/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

A recently released report by the U.S. Census Bureau shows that Nevada ranks third in the nation for growth in Hispanic owned businesses. USA Today also reports that Hispanic growth has increased to more than 35% since 2004.  While members of the Hispanics community have long been a part of the construction and hotel labor workforce, more are successfully starting…

CA: Workers’ Comp Weighs Heavily on Minds of Small Business Owners

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

A recent survey by California Small Business found that many small business owners continue to worry about workers’ compensation. In fact, 83% of the survey respondents considered it to be a high priority issue for their business. Overall, 32% said their rates had increased a little or a lot; 41% said their rates had decreased a little, and only 7%…

Small Business Legislation Pending in the Senate

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

Things are moving and shaking for Small Businesses and the issues they’ve had with getting insurance coverage. Under legislation pending in the Senate: Associations could pool independently from the underlying small group market and offer health insurance to their members  These plans must be fully insured and offered through licensed insurers  Plans can vary from state coverage mandates, but if…

Backup your data online

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

Businesses work on the data available with them. Imagine your working without any data to help you take decisions. This data may come in various kinds – inventory, customers, financials, etc. Whole business depends on this data. You had been thinking of backing up the data for a while, and on a bright morning find yourself making a frantic call…

Make Yourself Unique

Date: 03/20/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Create a niche and separate yourself from the pack. This should be the motto of every small businessperson who wants to make it in the competitive market. When you offer what no one else has and you target a very select portion of the market, you eliminate your competition before it’s even begun.   While this strategy may have some…