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Are you ready for CRM?

Date: 05/21/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software vendors have not only made lives of business owners simple, the ROI values for few of the tools have proved their worth beyond doubt.  The moot question is – are you ready for CRM implementation? Life without CRM software tool can also be equally comfortable. CRM tools act as a central ‘warehouse’ for all your…

Why Incorporate in Delaware?

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

There are many reasons why incorporate in your home State or choose Delaware or Nevada. Here are some thoughts of Brad Feld (venture capitalist) about why incorporate in Delaware. We have to agree that main reason for incorporating in Delaware is the court system.  First, Delaware’s large body of business laws helps a company plan carefully to avoid a lawsuit. …

How good is your work environment?

Date: 05/19/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Businesses places belonging to whether small or large organization play an extremely important role in employee productivity and turnover. Both of these HR parameters are important for small businesses. Productivity of employees in small business are directly linked to profitability and sustainability of the organization. Cost of replacing an existing employee with a new one is not less than 1.5…

Small Business Wireless Options

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

It seems like most businesses are becoming more and more reliant on email, than the old-fashion “pick up the phone” and call someone method of communication.  As such, it raises a problem.  How do we keep on top of our email and respond promptly while not being tied to our computers 24/7? One options is to go wireless and there…

Are your communication lines open?

Date: 05/18/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Lot is spoken, written and heard about the importance of communication with the outside world. This applies to small businesses as communication open to potential and existing customers. Larger consulting companies take a cool six months time to devise communication strategies for their clients. Effects are too good to be understated.  In essence, this means you should always be available…

Dating and Employer Policy

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

According to a 2006 survey, 58% of the 693 respondents said they have been in an office romance. This is up from 52% just two years ago. Some might say that office romances are inevitable given the amount of time we all spend at work. But as many employers are discovering, it is an issue that they are being…