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Delaware certificate of good standing

Date: 07/15/2019 | Category: | Author: developers


If you are planning to establish a new business or are a foreign company thinking of expanding your business in Delaware then there are several aspects that you need to consider. One of the primary aspects is to ensure your company enjoys an “active” Delaware business status and this is possible by obtaining a certificate of good standing.

What is Delaware Certificate of Good Standing?

The Delaware certificate of good standing is a document that is a proof of existence. It simply means that your business entity whether an LLC or a corporation has paid its taxes and any dues as of current date, in the state of Delaware. The document is signed by the Delaware Secretary of State and states that your company has good standing status or active status in the state on the date it was signed. In some of the states, this document is also known as the certificate of existence and in Delaware it is also known as the Certificate of Status.

It is also important to note that according to Title 8, Corporations, Chapter 1- General Corporation Law, Subchapter XVI, Foreign Corporations, § 371 and 2 DE Code § 18-902 (2014 through 146th Gen Ass) for foreign LLC, a Delaware certificate of good standing is a mandatory requirement in order to register business and transact in the state.

How to get a Certificate of Good Standing in Delaware?

Delaware business status is integral to the growth and expansion of a business entity in the state of Delaware. The question is what is the process of application for a Certificate of Status? Keeping in mind, the requirements of different businesses, we have created a step by step approach towards applying for the good standing certificate.

1. Type of Business

The first step is to identify what type of business you are planning to register like if it is a business corporation, professional service corporation, LLC, LP, or any other type of business. This is important as some businesses don’t require a good standing certificate.

2. Type of Status

The Delaware business status is an important factor and is applicable for foreign companies and existing Delaware businesses. A business corporation can be forfeited pursuant to 8 DE Code § 136 (2017) and the certificate of formation of an LLC can be cancelled pursuant to 2 DE Code § 18-104 (d) and 2 DE Code § 18-1108 (2014 through 146th Gen Ass). In such a scenario, a company will have to clear their dues, penalties, taxes, and submit required documents for reinstatement. Prior to reinstatement, the said company will have to apply for a certificate of good standing in Delaware.

3. Information

You have to provide information specified by the Secretary of the State or Delaware Statutes in your order request for a Delaware certificate of good standing. The following information needs to be provided by a business entity applying for this certificate:

  • Name of the business entity as filed in the Certificate of Incorporation or Certificate of formation
  • Date of formation or registration of the business entity
  • The name of the Registered agent and their address
  • Confirmation of payment of all types of fees, taxes as well as penalties if any that was due to the secretary of state

4. Order Request

In order to ensure good Delaware business status, you can order or file the certificate of status or good standing with the office of the Delaware Division of Corporations. It can be done in the following ways:

  • By Mail: You can request for certificate through mail. You will be required to mail the “Certificate Request Cover Memo” also known as the memo sheet to Delaware Division of Corporations, 401 Federal Street – Suite 4, Dover, DE 19901.
  • By Email: You can also send the request for Delaware certificate of good standing along with your credit card information to You will have to provide specific information on the order request including name of the business entity, credit card payment form or authorization, a daytime phone number, and return address information.
  • By Fax: A request for certificate of good standing can also be made through fax at (302) 739-3812 or (302) 739-3813. The fax service is available from 8:00am-11:59pm from Monday to Thursday and from 8:00am -10:30pm on Friday, excluding State Holidays.
  • Online: One of the fastest ways to receive a good Delaware business status certificate is by applying Online. We at IncParadise, offer an online request or order option for businesses in the state so that it can be processed as early as possible.

Order Your Delaware Certificate of Good Standing Today!

Why do I need a Certificate of Good Standing in Delaware?

One of the most important documents for businesses being formed or registered in the state of Delaware, the certificate of good standing is issued by a state agency and in Delaware; it is issued by the Delaware Division of Corporations. The importance of this document is in the fact that it authorizes helps a new or existing or foreign entity to avail of various financial incentives and forge business relationships or partnerships with ease. There are several reasons you may require this certificate of Delaware business status and they are:

A certificate of good standing highlights the fact that the Delaware business status is active. This implies that foreign or domestic limited liability company or corporation has:

  • Paid the franchise tax of $300 pursuant to 2 DE Code § 18-1107 (2014 through 146th Gen Ass).
  • Has appointed and is maintaining a registered agent in the state pursuant to 2 DE Code § 132 (2014 through 146th Gen Ass) for corporations and 2 DE Code § 18-104 (2014 through 146th Gen Ass) for LLC.
  • Have submitted the annual report with the Secretary of the State pursuant to 8 DE Code § 374 (2017)

As a result of the active status, you will be a able to apply for bank loans or any other state or federal financial incentives, create business partnerships by signing up with vendors, and build a strong and positive reputation that will eventually aid in the growth of the company.

A foreign business entity requires a Delaware certificate of good standing by law. According to 2 DE Code § 371 (2014 through 146th Gen Ass) for foreign corporations and 2 DE Code § 18-902 (2014 through 146th Gen Ass) for a foreign LLC, if a business entity fails to obtain the certificate of status or good standing then they will not be authorized to transact their business within this State.

How long does it take to get a certificate of good standing in Delaware?

The State of Delaware – Division of Corporations is responsible towards issuing of the Delaware certificate of good standing, which is also known as the Certificate of Status or the Tax Clearance Certificate. The normal processing time can vary from 4 days to 3 weeks depending on the whether you opt for normal processing or expedited delivery. There is an extra fee that has to be paid for “Expedited delivery” and the fee varies from $40 to $1,000 depending on the expedited time bracket.

We at IncParadise can help in expediting the process by enabling you to apply through our easy to access ONLINE

  • You will have a personalized and secure business account
  • You can view the certificate certification form or memo, fill it, edit information, save or submit along with the required fee
  • You can save time and any extra fee for expedited service
  • You will be able to view the certificate and download it right from your account


Wyoming certificate of good standing

Date: | Category: | Author: developers


If you are thinking of setting up your new business in Wyoming or are a foreign company thinking of capitalizing Wyoming market and business climate to expand your business then there are several key areas that you should focus on. One of the key areas is the need for a Wyoming certificate of good standing, which is also known as the certificate of existence. You are probably wondering why this certificate is important or how it will help your business. Let’s read on!

What is Wyoming Certificate of Good Standing?

What is the significance of the Wyoming certificate of good standing? It is basically a document, which certifies that your business entity whether a domestic or a foreign entity exists legally in the state and is in compliance with all the requirements necessary to transact business in this state.

This certificate of existence provides an accurate account of Wyoming business status thus helping companies to apply for loans, financial incentives, license, and basically, highlights the fact that the business alive and not in default or revoked. Different types of business entities can apply for this certificate in the state of Wyoming including business corporations, limited liability companies, and limited partnerships among others.

One of the important aspects of the Wyoming certificate of existence is that the certificate of existence comes with an expiration date. The expiration time varies from one state to another and normally it has to be renewed annually corresponding to the date of registration or formation of the business entity in the state.

It is also important to note that a foreign business entity including an LLC and a business corporation will be required to submit the original Wyoming certificate of good standing or existence along with the Certificate of Authority and it should not be dated more than 60 days prior to filing in state. The certificate of existence should also be authenticated by the Secretary of State or any official who has custody of corporate records in the state.

How to get a certificate of good standing in Wyoming?

A certificate of existence or good standing is required by both domestic and foreign business entities as it highlights the Wyoming business status as active and not forfeited or in default. The question is how can you apply for this certificate? Is there a process? We have created a step by step approach towards applying for the good standing certificate.

1. Type of Business

The first step is to identify what type of business you are planning to register like whether it is a profit corporation, LLC, LP, or some other form of business. This will help you to identify the right form or application based on the type of business.

2. Information

You have to provide information pursuant to pursuant to WY Stat § 17-29-208. (2015) for LLC and WY Stat § 17-16-128 (1997 through Reg Sess) for a profit corporation in your order request for a Wyoming certificate of good standing. The following information needs to be provided by a business entity applying for the certificate of existence:

  • Name of the business entity as filed in the articles or certificate of authority
  • The said business entity was duly formed under the laws of the state of Wyoming and the date of incorporation or formation
  • Confirmation of payment of all types of fees, taxes as well as penalties if any that was due to the secretary of state
  • State of formation, which in this case would be Wyoming
  • Physical address of the business entity
  • The name of the Registered agent and their address
  • Federal tax identification number

3. Order Request

In order to ensure active Wyoming business status, you can order or file the certificate of existence with the office of the Wyoming Secretary of State. It can be done in the following ways:

  • By Mail: You can request for certificate through mail. You will have to provide information including name of business entity, return address information, a daytime phone number, along with the fee of $20 payable to the “Secretary of State”. It has to be mailed to the Wyoming Secretary of State, 2020 Carey Avenue, Suite 700, Cheyenne, WY 82002-0020.
  • By Email: You can also send the request for a Wyoming certificate of good standing along with your credit card information to You will have to provide specific information on the order request including name of business entity, return address information, a daytime phone number, and credit card payment form or authorization.
  • By Fax: A request for Wyoming certificate of existence for domestic or foreign business entities can also be made through fax. You will have to fax the request along with credit card information to 307-777-5339.
  • Online: One of the fastest ways to receive a Wyoming certificate of good standing in the state is by applying Online. We at IncParadise, offer an online request or order option for businesses in the state so that it can be processed as early as possible.

Order Your Wyoming Certificate of Existence Today!

Why do I need a Certificate of Good Standing in Wyoming?

A certificate of good standing also known as the certificate of existence is one of the most important documents that business entities require in the state and you have to provide this document along with your articles or certificate of authority. The question is – Why would a business entity require a certificate of good standing at all?

There are several reasons why a Wyoming certificate of good standing is required and some of them are:

The greatest barrier that a business entity may face in the state of Wyoming is losing their active status. A business can lose its active status if it has:

  • Failed to hire a registered agent or maintain a registered office in the state pursuant to WY Stat § 17-29-705, (2015) for LLC and WY Stat § 17-16-501 (1997 through Reg Sess) for profit corporations
  • Failed to pay the annual fee accompanying the annual report as required by W.S. 17-29-210 or submit annual report license tax pursuant to W.S. 17-16-1630
  • Failed to pay penalties imposed under W.S. 17-28-109

Losing the active status means that the LLC or profit corporation has forfeited any rights or privileges it has in the state of Wyoming. In such a scenario the business entity will have to reinstate and apply for a fresh certificate after fulfilling the requirement of a registered agent and by submitting their annual report, fee, and penalties. This reinstatement process is the only way the company can have an active Wyoming business status. Losing your active business status can cause damage to the reputation of the business entity severely.

An active Wyoming business status indicates that the business entity in question has a good standing in the state and this is extremely useful for applying for loans and financial incentives as well as conducting business transactions in the state. This certificate will play a crucial role in ensuring there are no hindrances in the business operations.

A foreign business entity requires a Wyoming certificate of good standing by law. According to WY Stat § 17-16-128 (1997 through Reg Sess) for foreign corporation and WY Stat § 17-29-208. (2015) for foreign LLC, if a business entity doesn’t have the certificate of good standing then they will not be authorized to transact their business within this State.

How long does it take to get a certificate of good standing in Wyoming?

A Wyoming certificate of good standing is also known as the “Tax Status Compliance Certificate” or “Wyoming Tax Clearance Certificate”. A business entity can receive the good standing certificate only if it is not in default or suspended by the Secretary of State.

The normal processing time can vary from 2 to 7 days, and there can be additional time required for mailing the certificate. The Wyoming Secretary of State doesn’t offer expedite service but you can have it expedited by applying through our easy to access ONLINE system. If you are wondering what are the benefits then here are some of them:

  • You will have your own secure business account
  • You can view the certificate order form, fill it, edit it, manage it, and submit along with the required fee directly from your account
  • You can save time and the processing will be quick
  • You will be able to view the certificate and download it right from your account


Nevada certificate of good standing

Date: | Category: | Author: developers


If you are planning to establish a new business in the state of Nevada then there are several factors that will play a key role in ensuring that your business is able to take advantage of all the benefits and financial incentives the state has to offer. One of the key factors is good business status in the state. How can you achieve this status? This is possible through a Nevada certificate of good standing!

What is Nevada Certificate of Good Standing?

The Nevada certificate of good standing is a document that certifies that your business corporation or limited liability company exists legally and that the business entity is up to date when it comes to submitting different business documents, fees, and annual reports with the Secretary of State. This certificate is required by both domestic and foreign corporations, LLC, LLLP’s etc. In some states, it is also known as the certificate of existence or certificate of status.

It is important to understand that the certificate of good standing is not a business license but a form of implying that your Nevada business status is active and not revoked or forfeited. This certificate also comes with an expiration date and has to be renewed normally during registration of the business entity, which could be the initial date of registration or a date specified by the Secretary of State. Normally, this certificate has to be renewed annually.

It is also important to note that according to 2010 Nevada Code for foreign corporations (NRS 80.010) and foreign LLC (NRS 86.544), a Nevada certificate of good standing is required in order to transact business in the state.

How to get a certificate of good standing in nevada?

In order to ensure that a domestic or foreign corporation or LLC enjoys a good Nevada business status you will be required to apply for a certificate of good standing in the state. What is the process? How can you apply for the certificate? We have created a step by step approach towards applying for the good standing certificate.

1. Type of Business

The first step is to identify what type of business you are planning to register. For example, is it a corporation, an LLC, an LLLP, or a sole proprietorship. You will also have to specify if it is a domestic or foreign business entity. This will ensure you are able to make a request for the appropriate certificate for the specific business type.

2. Information

You have to provide information specified by the Secretary of State or Nevada Statutes in your order request for a Nevada certificate of good standing. The following information needs to be provided by a business entity applying for this certificate:

  • Name of the business entity as filed in the articles or certificate of registration
  • Date of formation or registration of the business
  • State of formation, which in this case would be Nevada
  • Physical address of the business entity
  • The name of the Registered agent and their address
  • Federal tax identification number

3. Order Request

In order to ensure a good Nevada business status, you can order or file the certificate of good standing with the office of the Nevada Secretary of State. It can be done in the following ways:

  • By Mail: You can request for a certificate through mail. You will be required to mail a letter mentioning the name of the business entity along with a fee of $50 through check, credit card authorization, or money order payable to the “Secretary of State”. It has to be mailed to the Secretary of State Barbara K. Cegavske, 202 North Carson Street, Carson City, Nevada 89701-4201.
  • By Email: You can also send the request for a certificate of good standing along with your credit card information to You will have to provide specific information on the order request including name of the business entity, credit card payment form or authorization, a daytime phone number, and return address information.
  • By Fax: A request for Nevada certificate of good standing can also be made through fax although this is applicable to expedited orders only. You will also have to fax the request along with credit card information to 775-684-5645. Note: There will be an extra fee for expedited requests.
  • Online: One of the fastest ways to receive a certificate of good standing in the state of Nevada is by applying Online. We at IncParadise, offer an online request or order option for businesses in the state so that it can be processed as early as possible.

Order Your Certificate of Good Standing Today!

Why do I need a Certificate of Good Standing in Nevada?

A Nevada certificate of good standing is an important document for most business entities registered in the state. It is issued by a state agency and in Nevada; it is issued by the Secretary of State. The importance of this document is that it certifies that a business entity is legally registered within the state of Nevada and is authorized to do business in the state. The question is – why would you require this certificate?

There are several reasons why a certificate of good standing is required and some of them are:

  • A certificate of good standing shows the Nevada business status. It simply means that if your business has submitted all documents pertaining to the business and met all annual requirements including requirements prescribed in NRS 78.152 or NRS 86.274 then the status of your business will be “active”. If you are unable to or fail to meet the requirements then the Secretary of State has the power to suspend or revoke the right to do business in the state. Such a situation can cause damage to the integrity and reputation of the business entity apart from the fact that you will have to apply for a reinstatement.
  • A Nevada certificate of good standing indicated that the business entity has a good standing in the state and this is extremely useful for conducting financial and other transactions in the state. Whether your company is planning to work with vendors or is in the process of obtaining financing, and renewing licenses or permits, the certificate will ensure there are no impediments in the business processes.
  • A foreign business entity requires a Nevada certificate of good standing by law. According to NRS 80.120 (foreign corporation) and NRS 86.5463 (foreign LLC) if a business entity doesn’t have the certificate of good standing then they will not be authorized to transact their business within this State.

How long does it take to get a certificate of good standing in Nevada?

In the state of Nevada, a certificate of good standing is also known as a “Tax Status Compliance Certificate” or “Tax Status Letter”. The Tax Compliance Certificate is issued by the Nevada Department of Taxation and once you have this letter, you can apply for a good Nevada business status certificate with the Secretary of State.

The normal processing time can vary from 10 to 15 days, and you will have to take into account additional time for mailing. You can expedite the process by applying through our easy to access ONLINE system and using it:

  • You will have a personalized secure business account
  • You can view the certificate order form, fill it, and submit along with the required fee
  • You can save time and any extra fee for expedited service
  • You will be able to view the certificate and download it right from your account


Nevada business status

Date: | Category: | Author: developers


There are many stages of a business right from the ideation process to introducing your product or services in the national or global market. You have completed the ideation process, finalized the service or product, got your marketing or branding
strategies in place and are basically ready to roll, but, wait, where do you want to set up your business?

Why Nevada a great place to start a business?

Nevada is considered as one of the Top choices for entrepreneurs to register their start-up or just about any business in. The state of Nevada with a Gross State Product of $167 billion is ranked #9 when it comes to overall Business Costs and ranked #3 for Business Growth Prospects according to Forbes. If you have been searching for a business friendly environment, a good regulatory environment, rapid economic development, quick access to transportation and abundance of economical commercial real estate then Nevada is just the right destination for your business How about Nevada?

The state of Nevada offers just the right balance of factors that are targeted at creating and maintaining good business status Nevada. Some of the factors that make Nevada one of the best choices include:

  • Several tax advantages including Zero inventory tax, No corporate income tax, No personal income tax, and No franchise tax.
  • An extremely competitive utility rate for any type of commercial operations
  • Several business incentives to choose from including tax abatement for capital investment and job creation
  • A total state product of $170 billion in 2018 and an economy that is on the rise
  • A strong and well connected transportation infrastructure

Business Status of your entity

If you are planning to register your business in the state of Nevada, one of the key to success is to ensure good business status Nevada. What is business status? In the state of Nevada, if you are planning to apply for a loan or planning to conduct business with a distributor, vendor, or partner agencies then your company needs to have a “good standing status”. Is there a way to find out if a business entity has a good standing status or not?
In the state of Nevada, any business entity including a corporation, LLC, partnership, can come face to face with a situation leading to it featuring in the “Nevada business status default” list. Now, in order to understand how your company can have a good standing business status, you have to identify the current status of your company. The different statuses include:

The Active Status

A business entity will be considered as being active if it has a good business status Nevada. This simply means that the business has not defaulted on the basis of failure to pay fee, ensure annual requirements, or submission of business documents. If all applicable fees and taxes of a business entity are paid then it will be entitled to a “Good Standing Certificate”, which will further ensure that the entity can apply for a bank account or a loan.

The Default Status

A business entity is considered to be in the Nevada business status default list if it has failed to submit their annual list or annual report along with the applicable fees by the due date pursuant to NRS 78.150 to 78.185 for business corporations and NRS 86.263 for a limited liability company. This is applicable for both domestic and foreign business entities. Any business deemed to be in default can get back to the active status if they submit the annual list or report along with fee and penalties.

Revoked Status

If your business license gets revoked by the Secretary of the state then the company will be deemed to be in the Nevada business status revoked list. The reasons for business being revoked can vary from one state to another and the statute for each state is different for different types of businesses. In the state of Nevada, if a business corporation fails to comply with the requirements prescribed in NRS 78.152 – subsection 3 then the Secretary of the state can take necessary action like suspension or revocation of the corporate charter. The statutes primarily specify that business entities in the state need to submit business documents and pay fee within their due in order to maintain good status.
Once your company is in the Nevada business status revoked, you will have to prepare and submit extensive paperwork to reinstate your business corporation, LLC, or any other type of entity. Know more about business reinstatement in Nevada!

Dissolved Status

A business entity can be dissolved or can undergo dissolution if it’s charter or articles has been revoked by the Secretary of the State or if the board of directors or any person with authority files paperwork to dissolve the company like Corporation in Nevada can be dissolved pursuant to NRS 78.580. Once a company is dissolved, its business status Nevada will not be active and it will not be able to conduct business in the state.

If your business entity is dissolved like a corporation then you can apply for reincorporation pursuant to NRS 78.725 but if it has Nevada business status revoked then what are your options?


As one of the top and most reliable registered agents in the state of Nevada, we can help you with any and all processes related to reinstatement, business formation, bringing a business to active status post default, and issuance of certificate of good standing. Let’s take a quick look into the services, we offer:

Certificate of Good Standing

This is one of the most important documents that a business entity requires in order to transact in the state. Active business status Nevada is dependent on the issuance of “Certificate of Good Standing” and you can get this document by applying to the Secretary of State. It can be ordered online, by mail, fax, and email. Once the paperwork is complete and submitted, it can take anywhere from 13-15 business days for normal processing.

Order Nevada Certificate of Good Standing


Whether you have a business corporation, an LLC, or any other type of domestic or foreign company, if the “good standing” status has been revoked then you will have to apply for reinstatement. The process is tedious as the statute requires submission of several documents including:

  • Name of the business entity
  • File number of the business entity
  • Names and titles of partners, managers, directors etc
  • Address of the business or residence of each officer, manager, or director as listed
  • Registered Agent Acceptance
  • Completed and signed Annual List along with fee and penalty

Depending on the type of business entity, the journey from Nevada business status revoked to reinstatement is quite time consuming. This is where IncParadise can assist you with ensuring you are able to submit the required documents for processing. We can file Nevada business reinstatement documents on your behalf so that it is back in good standing status.

Apply for Nevada Business Reinstatement

Additional Services

In the state of Nevada, your company license can be revoked or it may be in the Nevada business status default list, and it could have been dissolved by someone with authority. We, as one of the reputed registered agents in Nevada, will not only assist you with getting your business back in the “good standing” list but also help in filing a variety of documents like annual list. We will help you with:

  • Identifying the requirements of documents depending on the business status Nevada
  • Provide guidance for filling documents and correct them if necessary
  • Provide services pertaining to submission of the documents with the correct authority
  • Assist with filing of Nevada Annual lists or Annual Reports – More Information
  • Help calculate late fee, penalties etc., so that they can be paid along with the required documents for Reinstatement or Certificate of Good Standing

Expert professionals for all your business status Nevada Requirements

Reinstate Delaware LLC

Date: 06/25/2019 | Category: | Author: developers


What is reinstatement and how does the process work in the state of Delaware? One of the primary reasons that would require Delaware reinstatement LLC is if the limited liability company if the certificate of formation has been cancelled by the Secretary of the State. The procedure for reinstatement can vary from one state to another.

Why do I reinstate my company?

If your certificate of formation has been cancelled or the privileges of an LLC has been forfeited then Delaware reinstatement LLC is the only option but it is important to know why or what are the reasons that can lead to such a situation. The reasons may be one or all of the following:

  • If the registered agent of a limited liability company resigns then the LLC as well as the agent has to inform the secretary of the state regarding the resignation. If the said Delaware LLC fails to designate a new registered agent prior to the expiration period of 30 days from the date of the filing of resignation by the registered agent then the Secretary of State shall declare the “certificate of formation” of such an LLC as cancelled pursuant to 2 DE Code § 18-104 (d) and 2 DE Code § 18-1108 (2014 through 146th Gen Ass).
  • If a foreign or domestic limited liability company fails file the franchise tax of $300 pursuant to 2 DE Code § 18-1107 (2014 through 146th Gen Ass) by the due date of by June 1st every year, you will incur a late fee penalty of $200. If the LLC is still unable to file the franchise tax along with penalties then the certificate of formation will become void and the LLC will lose is good standing. In such a scenario, you will need to file for Delaware secretary of state reinstatement.

The important question here is whether there is a process to initiate Delaware reinstatement LLC after its certificate of formation or application for registration as a foreign limited liability has been cancelled.

How to reinstate my Delaware LLC?

How do you proceed with Delaware reinstatement LLC? The procedure for reinstatement is as follows:

  • You will have to file a “Certificate of Revival – Limited Liability Company” in accordance with 2014 Delaware Code, Chapter 18 of the Limited Liability Company Act of the State of Delaware. In order to facilitate Delaware secretary of state reinstatement, you will have to file franchise tax along with all penalties, fee, and interest accrued since the day of the cancellation of the LLC registration.
  • The certificate of formation or application for registration as a foreign limited liability can be cancelled due to failure to maintain a registered agent or hire a new agent post resignation of existing agent. In such a scenario, Delaware reinstatement is possible through submission of the Certificate of Revival along with the “Certificate of Amendment – Changing Only the Registered Office/Agent of Limited Liability Company” pursuant to Section 18-202 and 18-1105 (a) (11) of the Limited Liability Company Act of the State of Delaware. The forms have to be submitted with the office of Delaware Division of Corporations

Note: You can reinstate your LLC at any time by simply following any of the above depending on the reason for cancellation of LLC.

IncParadise as your Registered Agent can help you to file Certificate of Revival in Delaware!

Can I change my Registered Agent at the time of reinstatement?

Yes, you can change your registered agent at the time of Delaware reinstatement pursuant to 2 DE Code § 18-104 (2014 through 146th Gen Ass).

IncParadise is one of the top and most reliable registered agents in the state of Delaware and we can help you with the process of Delaware reinstatement LLC. You can check our services here.

Tax Clearance or Tax Good Standing before reinstating

The Delaware Division of Revenue (DOR) is responsible for issuing “Certificates of Tax Clearance” also known as Tax Clearance or Tax Good Standing certificate for Limited Liability Companies. This certificate has to be obtained by an LLC prior to Delaware reinstatement LLC so that the business entity enjoys a good standing in the state.

If you have already filed the Delaware Tax Status Compliance Certificate, then after filing the franchise tax along with penalties and interest, the “Certificate of Revival – Limited Liability Company” will be processed in two to three weeks. You can also opt for an expedited service.

How IncParadise helps you?

A business entity can be suspended or its right to transact in the state forfeited by the Secretary of State and this can lead to loss of clients, suspended growth, and no good standing with the state. IncParadise, as one of the top agents in Delaware can help reinstate your certificate of formation for domestic LLC and application for registration for a foreign limited liability company through proper Delaware reinstatement process, which is as follows:

  • Pending Franchise Tax: We at IncParadise, will help in identifying any pending Delaware franchise tax and ensure you are able to file franchise tax of $300 and penalties or interest.
  • Reinstatement Forms: Different types of business entities require different Delaware secretary of state reinstatement forms. We will ensure you fill the correct “Certificate of Revival – Limited Liability Company”.
  • Examine and Submit: We will ensure that the Reinstatement Form or Certificate of Revival filled by you contains correct information and is ready for submission. We will also help in submitting the form with the Delaware Division of Corporations.
  • Reinstatement: We will notify you or provide you with a file stamped copy of the Certificate of Revival -LLC.

IncParadise are experts in Delaware Reinstatement and offer our services at $89.00

+ State fees/Annual Fees!

Reinstate California LLC

Date: | Category: | Author: developers


What is reinstatement and how does the process work in the state of California? Most often than not, you will need to reinstate California LLC if the limited liability company has been administratively dissolved or a business entity license have been revoked. The procedure for reinstatement will vary from one state to another.

Why do I reinstate my company?

The importance of California reinstatement lies in the fact that the Secretary of State – Business Programs Division can find your business to be in default due to several reasons like non-submission of Statement of Information within the due date. Once a business entity goes into default, its license can be revoked and that is definitely not good for business growth.

  • Suspension: A domestic business entity in the state of California can face suspension if it fails to file a statement of information pursuant to Title 2.6 California Revised Uniform Limited Liability Company Act, section 17713.10 and Revenue and Taxation Code Sections 23301 and 23301.5. On the other hand, a foreign LLC will face forfeiture.

Due to the suspension, a domestic or foreign limited liability company will lose its powers, rights, and privileges and will not be able to defend itself if it is sued. Hence, it is important to apply for California secretary of state reinstatement as soon as possible so that your business is back in “good standing” with the state and you can start conducting your business with immediate effect.

How to reinstate my California LLC?

Is there a process by which you can reinstate California LLC? The procedure for reinstatement is as follows:

  • California SOS Reinstatement: If your limited liability company has been suspended due to non-filing of the Statement of Information then you can request a California secretary of state reinstatement by filing current Statement of Information form LLC-12 along with the outstanding fee and the Agent for Service of Process information. This form can be submitted through mail, e-filing, and in person.
  • California FTB Reinstatement: If a domestic or foreign limited liability company has been forfeited or suspended due to non-filing of franchise tax then you will be required to file FTB 3557 LLC Application for Certificate of Revivor – LLC with the Franchise Tax Board (FTB). Payment of pending franchise tax, penalties, and due interest should be made along with the application.

Note: If your limited liability company has been suspended or forfeited by both FTB and SOS then you will be required to file both Statement of Information and Application for Certificate of Revivor with either department.

IncParadise makes LLC Reinstatement with FTB or SOS in California easy for you!

Can I change my Registered Agent at the time of reinstatement?

Yes, you can change your registered agent at the time of California reinstatement pursuant to California Financial Code section 14101.6 and California LLCs Code section 202, 1502, 2105, or 2117.

IncParadise is one of the reputable and top registered agents in the state of California and we can help you reinstate California LLC with ease. You can check our services here.

Tax Clearance or Tax Good Standing before reinstating

It is important to know that several states in the USA require a business entity to acquire a Tax Clearance or Tax Good Standing certificate prior to reinstatement. The question is – do you require such a certificate to reinstate California LLC? Here’s what you should know:

  • If a domestic or foreign business entity has been suspended by California secretary of state due to failure to file statement of information then you need to ensure that form AB 2341 has been filed as it allows LLC’s to avoid the minimum annual tax or franchise tax for the current taxable year.
  • If your domestic or foreign business entity has been suspended by California Franchise Tax Board due to failure to file final annual or franchise tax return for the preceding taxable year then you will have to obtain a California Tax Clearance Certificate prior to California reinstatement.

Once you apply for a California Tax Clearance Certificate, the processing time can vary from a few weeks to almost a month. We at IncParadise can help in speeding up the process by communicating directly with the California Franchise Tax Board (FTB) on your behalf.

How IncParadise helps you?

A business that has been suspended or forfeited by the Secretary of State or the Franchise Tax Board will lose its rights to not only operate in the state of California but also will not be able to file any lawsuit or defend against a lawsuit. This is where IncParadise can help you to reinstate California LLC and regain your “good standing status”.

IncParadise will provide assistance towards California reinstatement in the following ways:

  • Pending Franchise Tax: Experts at IncParadise will identify any pending California franchise tax and ensure you are filling and filing the correct franchise tax form
  • Reinstatement Forms: Different types of business entities require different California secretary of state reinstatement forms. We will ensure you fill the correct “Application for Certificate of Revivor” and we can provide guidance on the same.
  • Examine and Submit: We will ensure that the Reinstatement Form or Certificate of Revivor filled by you contains correct information and is ready for submission. We will also submit the form with the California Secretary of State or the Franchise Tax Board.
  • Reinstatement: We will notify you or provide you with a file stamped copy of the Certificate of Revivor (Reinstatement).


+State fees/Annual Fees