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A Lead Service Answer?

Date: 04/10/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Independent contractors and self-employed business owners that work within a particular niche or market might want to consider employing a lead service. While a lead service is an investment in the terms of marketing dollars, they can generate solid, prequalified prospects that alleviates the pressure of cold calling from the business. Insurance and real estate agents may actually improve their…

The Future of Small Business

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

Recently, U.S. News & World Report held a discussion with entrepreneur and futurist Thomas Frey of the Da Vinci Institute, a business and technology think tank. U.S. News ask Frey what was changing and what start-up businesses have to watch for in the future. His response was a reference to a “confluence of influence”. Everyone is involved in the do-it-yourself-content…

Sales force management

Date: 04/09/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Ask a senior manager of an organization having a large team of sale reps about his biggest challenge – answer will probably lie in any one or all of the following areas – selection, motivation and improvement.  Selection process starting from recruitment till induction provides the blues to the management. Attracting the most suitable candidates for your product mix means snatching…

Low cost business / profession

Date: 04/07/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

If you have $20 million in your saving account, this write-up may not be of use to you. I am writing this targeting an individual who keeps on running short on money from investment point of view. I am providing a list of possible ventures one can plan in near future starting tomorrow. I have categorized these businesses / professions…

Don’t Just Make a Call; Make a Sale

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

Ever been plagued by a telemarketer? Do you know why the techniques work? It’s because when a telemarketer calls; they aren’t waiting for you to ask questions — they give you a flood of answers. It doesn’t always work, but for every call that they are successful — it makes up for the dozen it took to get there. When…

Small Business Owners Choose to Pay Down Debt

Date: | Category: Business | Author: developers

In a recently release survey of 436 small business owners sponsored by BIG Research and the Sam’s Club Small Business Index, 53% of the respondents who are expecting tax refunds plan to use that money to pay down debt. Another 30% plan on saving the money for a rainy day. Business owners are more cautious this year compared to 2005….